Sunday, February 12, 2023





 Just watch the phoenix once rose,

Shinning at the zenith of the landscape,

Far above in the sky, atop a peak,

The silhouette brilliantly inspires,

High above the mundane crowd stays,

Alone, solitary figure adorned by people,

Who was he left his young wife, parents,

Left bros and sis at home with no remorse,

Empty were hands, roving across hills,

Mountain track river banks observing,

Watching the mysterious time in silence,

Solitude with little bread and water,

Roving, among greens, despise worldly life,

Detached from gold family bond friends,

Met the saint once surrendered begging,

Allow me the monkhood dying to adhere,

The enlightened sage could foresee the future,

Knew the time printed on his forehead,

The destiny of a great people billion plus,

Born only to liberate life from the morass, the mass,

The bearded youth is not for realization,

To pass the entire life searching for truth,

Destiny scripted the resurrection of people,

A sacred book, a few cottons dress his asset,

To move the length and breadth of the land,

To mingle with people, their living, stories,

Perceive through destiny's third eye,

Learn from them their voice aspirations,

Summarized into wholeness experience,

Percolate effulgence of divine energy,

To mold every issue, poverty, disease, death,

Uprooted young buds to fathom the reason,

The celibate heart impassioned to power,

Strength of grassroots, mind, humble spirit,

Destined to be a grass of twin blades,

Decision and action fight like a grass resurrect,

This phoenix today is the embodiment,

That the enlightened sage saw in a vision,

Behind him, the aura of destiny,

Time will empower his commands,

To salvage the poor mass fractured people,

Decimate animosity, hatred, and violence exist,

His voice will be a smoldering effect,

Hard sell the ancient glories of the land,

Brutally massacred by invaders, aliens,

Time swept under the grave traditions,

Hard sell the pristine culture education,

Hard sell for hygienic, healthy life, study, skills,

Hard sell for equality, liberty from poverty,

Denounces wall between society fight,

Uniting factors to address communities,

Hard sell to the world one-world,

One-earth, save nature, a schedule,

Eliminate carbon menace  to green energy,

Revival of the virtual extinction of humanity,

Plunder the heart of minions praising wildly,

The undisputed leader of the people to serve,

Assets nothing for this man's empty pockets,

Admiration over the globe is phenomenal,

Determined to rebuild ancient land effort,

Mindboggling outcome success surprising,

Opponents hard sell, attempt to stitch,

Dark deeds, condemnations to gain power,

Hard sell on sacred people's court louder,

The fact is lies can't put off the fire of truth.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Hard sell

Themes: Destiny can't be denigrated

Date: 12th February 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Saturday, February 11, 2023




That was the busiest street, lighted,

Flows of traffic, relentless, hypnotic,

Resemblance the lifestream lighted,

Matching color spectrum myriad mind,

Urban-human intoxicated, hues mingle,

Infect city noise, bustling with people,

Crowded malls, hotels, bars, restaurants,

Eateries, exotic, aromatic, magnetic pull,

The evening covering dense mist weaves,

Thickening family bond fluorescent homes,

The laughter, fun, roars of hearty invitations,

Uniting people at home from hard work,

Tired limbs demanding to relax calmly,

Quiet fountains of love spring forth,

Escaping out of windows music, gossip,

A bystander  resembles a ghost looks,

Vanished in a few seconds a few days after,

Hard to recognize the city, its beautiful street,

No trace of these crowded market buildings,

No trace of high-rise residential blocks,

No traces of narrow lanes once romantic,

Heaps of dust rubbles strewn half hazard,

Evening settles, freezing temperature, dark,

No electricity and a few are sitting huddled,

Watching the bricks and cement slabs topple,

Their families are under the ruins lying,

Never could know living or dead pray,

Wait to be rescued search continues,

Piercing darkness torchlight focused,

Sniff dogs are moving to sense life,

Pokes nose into every crevasse hole,

Paws remove dirt tried hard to detect,

Sensing barks the dog a feeble sound,

Tearing the cement slabs escapes a cry,

Judge rescue teams drilling concrete,

Removes sand and mortar from space,

Pressed in clothes a child's head,

Moving slightly in a small gap, news,

These steel nerves fight tooth and nail,

Come out a little girl alive surrounds local,

The happiness unearthly in disbelief,

The smell of life now realizing stunned onlookers,

A puppy, a few more children, dead bodies,

Scramble these daredevil men to ruins,

Sense, detect, fight to enter, mindboggling,

Time shows humans to sense the aspect,

Life, only life, is so important to rescue,

Accepts the fact survival is most urgent,

The watch tower in a distant city noted,

Ringing the second-hand alerts a sniffing army,

Every second is critical save a life,

The remnants  tomorrow may surprise,

May surprise the world community shaken,

Century's biggest disaster earthquake,

Decades will roll, forgotten, the departed,

Just a sad memory of the past, a tear, and love,

Lost parents, children, relatives in heart,

Life surprises to rebuild the city boulevard,

A new generation has never seen the holocaust,

Only heard and by reading a heart-rending story,

The second hand still ticking impassionate,

Neither in sorrow nor ecstatic but hypnotic,

The lifestreams eternal resurrect again and grows,

The fountain of life pierces a hard-rock flow,

But life notices, but an important aspect,

Today's surviving girl will be a mother,

Cooking aromatic dishes for the family,

Children are singing, making fun,

The evening approached arrived,

Here is her love, handsome husband,

Tired and relaxing at home, sipping wine,

The wine to intoxicate, second-hand chime.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Second Hand

Themes: Every second alert a life waits

Date: 11th February 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Thursday, February 9, 2023





When life is asleep comfortable and satisfied,

The country where born once believes,

Most fortunate soul, the birth sacred,

Infinitely beautiful land adds its people,

Hardworking, hardened, believe in the Almighty,

Offered everything a human needs plenty,

Joins the Asia and Europe pristine cultures,

Prosperous people most ancient enamor,

Bustling cities, family, bond very tight,

Peace and happiness ensured progress,

Beautiful boulevards, wide streets intersect,

Magnificent residential buildings, offices,

The architecture traffic busy life exists,

Undertone a great people  less anticipate,

Crowded markets, roads, houses disturbed,

Earth was moving extensively, roaring noise,

Gas lines burst open, caught fire inferno,

A pack of cards reflected, buildings tumbled,

Dust thunderous sounds death announced,

Erasing life in seconds obliterated cities,

Vanished family life in split seconds,

A man watches in horror, family crushed,

A child in the street knows lost parents,

Perished brothers and sisters, elders,

How could in second, become an orphan,

Never believed life could make sharp turns,

Lost family, children, the man, and female,

Numb and mute realizes alone in the world,

Time has snatched everything home, kids,

Male and female passed life on the soil trusted,

Grew up here, the wind, water, food plenty,

Mesmerizing moments, marriage, the birth of a child,

Prayed a lot to Almighty, thanked for land,

To him, or her, the best in the world,

Magic wand, what never asked got in life,

The land provided security, pleasure, peace,

Nature, a rare paradise, hypnotizing one,

World trotters throng every year, enjoying,

The exotic cuisine malls, hotels, lifestyle,

Aromas of life unique for land magnetic,

No more visible, it was sudden, instantly,

Changed to ruins, deathly, silence, cries,

Rubbles in heaps pile up, search people,

Listening cries of children and youth wounded,

Living, utterly living, breathing, and under,

Under concrete slabs, cement, bricks,

Each rescue every second pass noted,

Etching history, an impossible survival found,

The blackened face rescues force in sweat dust,

Tricked hot tears streaming a baby rescued,

Life unharmed under a large pillar, disbelieve,

Life, ever defeat death, rare, patronized,

Pack of cards, families fell instantly,

Homeless, lost members of family stay,

Life romantic, happy, amused, city proud,

Gloomy graveyards lined the streets sadly,

Just at this hour of the holocaust, humanity rise,

Giant aircraft of medicines and rescue teams soar,

Flight after flight mission DOST raised,

The human race is a brotherhood to help,

World over countries pouring into,

Saving crippled, wounded, and dying,

Every second is urgent for searching life,

Rescue round the clock, not help, duty,

Life toppled like a pack of cards to dust,

Survival, recovery, dutiful humans trust.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Pack of Cards

Themes: Turkey earthquake

Date: 9th February 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite