Monday, October 12, 2020



Animal nature in life is four, a prime,

Fear conjugates hunger sleep in time,

Fear encompasses from birth to death,

Loss of losing, sleep, hunger or wealth,

Primeval nemesis hunts in the guise in fear,

Human is an animal never gets secure,

Never the fear cause affliction to spirit,

Nemesis is fear of conscience discreet,

Truth perishes evil struggle in the end,

Greed, the lust for power, wealth to pretend,

Blind loot of life resources, act merciless,

Humans in ages pretend life is deathless,

Never bother sinner, torture deceit burn,

Out of blue messiah resurrect freedom,

Nemesis looks like as punisher never mourn,

A tear of females sold humiliated, in harm,

A tear of the mother, left in age by kids n warn,

A tear of wife, rude husband quit, ill-treats,

Tears of a girl child married off discreet,

The conscience of national acts as nemesis,

Relentless fight raze till criminals perish,

The conscience of humanity enwrapped crude,

Community get selfish, mean, ruthless rude,

Sectarian society in stonewall maze boil,

Forget human, people to share own soil,

The violence macabre hatred loses trust,

A nation united once disintegrate worst,

Incredible angles root in men amongst,

The infinite power of nemesis wrought,

A statue of liberty or army for freedom,

All class of divide fades harmony in norm,

Human endgame wrought in warfare,

The landscape ocean air tore in hellfire,

Lust for ruling supreme at other’s cost,

The blue planet in zenith plundered lost,

Poisoned earth river ocean air space,

Nature sees Buddha’s tear pray for grace,

The cataclysm of disease viral cleanse in death,

Typhoon, quake, cyclone, flood, forest fire,

Dwarfs in viral spread globe are

in quagmire,

The science knowledge fails to tame,

Nemesis for the curse of nature plays game,

Missiles, nuclear weapon, arms many,

Defunct to erase a microbe spares any,

Busiest human life, nations halt abrupt,

Travels business education life all halt.

Confines a year in place or home rule,

Nature transforms clean, time incredible,

Never know the fever as a tear of Buddha,

Humans devised the atom as a smile of Buddha,

Nemesis eternal act on saving earth,

The future of mankind is safe, nemesis worth.




Sunday, October 11, 2020


The advent of human species usher a newborn,
Stranger in womb ineffable a woman yearn,
Pain crushing on mortal sees inept cure,
A time over months intricate motion recur,
Ecstatic pleasure help assuage testing emotion,
At birth, shrill of baby reverberate generation,
Unknown to world family transcend goodwill,
Twinkling eyes giggle smiles erases pain anvil,
Endless prayer tear awaken mind night long,
Turn instantly to aspiration involve lifelong,
Slow in motion time notice baby learn the face,
Life tread of the path in world parent are trace,
Pyramid of hope rise dream-fountain rainbows,
The amazing future conspicuous in eyebrows,
Teen knows by heart well near n dear play,
Grows natural education service life pray,
Beacons an angel has woven intricate home,
Ineffable reveal one more step new generation,
Decade century millennium human sails across,
History legend myth catastrophe first baby prose,
Ages sink in oblivion incarnate obscure true,
Conceptualize give birth civilization accrue,
Destiny mysterious families perish for few,

Offspring exist as sole survivor time renew,
The sorrows happiness human life combine,
Tragedies break human stable climax shine,
The first cry of baby ring canvas to change,
Decades after new families do greeting exchange,
Celebrations on birth marriage imprint nostalgic,
Sickness death sadness hunt live ineffable septic,
Life cycle in blue planet clock nock phases in time,
Stranger in womb bells in temple ineffable sublime.
Witness through the prism of ecstatic joy point mirage,
A teen finds lonely earth deprivation smile envisage,
My life thy story on reel play curtains down puzzle,
Inquire my conscience incredibly ineffable sizzle!
Despicable female baby landscape crumbles in shame,
Sole teen a girl dazzle ancestral root lit pyre disdain!
Resurrection human spirit newborn ineffable inflames.




Incredible is the dip in the Ganges, a place,

Time is sacred, humanity seeks grace,

Deeds of the soul in all lives get cleansed,

Ash clad naked monks in group rinsed,

From morning, noon, dust to midnight,

The sacred river in the crowd baths delight,

A mysterious faith for century witness,

Cleansing souls transform life enriches,

Unknown in action, love, trust nourishes,

The goddess celebrated in joy and prayer,

Hundreds of animals sacrificed not rare,

The mystery is the killing of demon of lust,

People watch amazed demons bipedal roll,

The sacrifice unknown if mother tests,

Worshipers feast on meat as offer rest,

Specter of the corona the sweeping nation most,

Pedestals of mother lonely mirth is lost,

The sacredness of water, a time n places,

Offered blood of cattle, milk sweetness,

Enigma of tradition millennium practice,

Corona is time for enigma questions,


Young old well or sick visit as pilgrims,

Generations noted human deed cleanse,

Enigma of civilization puzzle on vices,

Cruelty lust greed discrimination rises,

Corrupt in guise sing Vedantic hymns,

Promises for the poor in serving selfless,

In power spirit sinks enigma surprises,

A kid of gutters, shabby dreams big,

Under street lamp a child study grew,

Saved a nation division ruled like few,

A poor child rules vast populous nation,

A literate clean, simple rules state decades,

An ordinary girl sings superb classic,  

Captured imagination of the nation as magic,

From rags to the richest man in nation,

A clerk to megastar raises commotion,

A ticket collector of train to sports star,

Enigma mesmerizes in legend near or far,



A nation dreams as in progress in track,

The poorest kid lingers in poverty stark,

Millions of sweet childhood melt in neglect,

Enigma lives in tear, illness, hunger abject,

The youth of the nation future kingmakers roar,

Moneyless jobless destitute number soars,

Highways of life, my ways in freedom tore,

Enigma lives in the minds of learned evils lore,

The picture of migrant labor never is forgotten,

Enigma looks statue of unity walls are rotten



Tradition culture faith lifestyle in time,

The destiny of spirit, men dream fine,

Corruption of mind, vices in the realm a stigma,

A pair of innocent eyes smile tears in an enigma,

Hope kids see next century life in sigma,

The life story of this generation sing enigma.

Friday, October 9, 2020



The moon shines bright at the night,

Full moon to crescent everyday sight,

The sun is pink in the morning crimson sky,

At noon white, the sun turns red in the dusk,

The sky is blue in the day in color east or west,

The night is a dark sky with stars moon is best,

The sky changes colorful clothes at the interval,

Sun or moon teases beholder circle or oval,

The blinking of stars moon play hide n seek,

Clouds sail in night luminous shadows a trick,

In the day sun plays with clouds bright or pale,

When rains come sun hide or rainbows well,

The colors of rainbows like the music of sound,

Sound vibrations in tune rainbow look round,

The flute Krishna plays, calls beloved by name,

The tune is divine music, organs drums same,

Eight root tunes of music combine as spectral,

The dancer in tune to music spectators enthrall,

Coconut leaves pattern palm leaves tall,

Tiger in stripes zebra copy watch a catcall,

The horse runs in jumps so do monkey nice,

Deer runs in hops cheetah strike suffice,

Fish swims in water stark moves steady,

Dolphin rocket to air birds to dive ready,

Hawk flies in a circle so are eagle alert,

Sea birds fly as a cloud descends in the block,

The pattern of continental migratory birds,

Penguin colony pigeons stroll in boulevards,

The color pattern of wings so as a butterfly,

Splashing color in spread nature beautify,

Amazing beauty is peacock dance in color rings,

A profusion of color spread flowers in springs,

In the breeze ripe rice fields dance in waves,

Waves in lakes, rivers, sea beach blame,

Humans mimic the creator, nature’s splendor,

Music, song, classic, dance plunder,

Dress, costumes, ornaments home,

All follow the pattern of color spread won,

Temple, church, minarets, domes copy,

Outer walls in the embroidery of stones,

Inner walls roof in a picturesque pattern,

Dancers steps to music, bodyline singing,

The ringing bells of the temple, church evening,

The songs of the boatman, folks allure,

The nightingale, cuckoo sings in summer,

Tunes mesmerize the human heart clear,

The steps pulsating so the body expressive,

Rhythm explicit or implicit capture impressive,

Color pattern in light, picture, digital cool,

So pervasive conspicuous in digital creation,

Radio waves, telecast, cyberspace in the pattern,

Heart bit, pulse, breathing in cycle waveform,

Birth to death, growth similar to transform,

Animal four limbs insect multimode crawl,

Bipedal stand vertical penguin says tall,

Birds have two wings angels have the same,

The mind has wings of fire, pattern lost in shame,

Fingerprint, retina pattern is unique,

New age write blood cell break up a pique,

The pattern is micro-cellular, script transcends,

Generation to next one character replicates,

Meditation, prayer, loving heart rhythmic a feel,

Divine creation in love, cosmic to life,

Incredible rhythm sweet to all,

The core is in goldenseal.