Friday, October 16, 2020



Miraculous realm, life runs endless,

Golden deer runs divine lose mistress,

Early morning train whistles loud,

Human life runs for works in crowd,

The bus is blaring horn school kids run,

Heavy baggage behind mothers warn,

Cowherds to field bell ring at dawn,

Boatman waits for people to sing quick run,

Vegetable vendors are cycling in speed,

Family men wait for vegetables fresh in greed,

Morning sunrises fast birds are few,

Feeding marshy land birds crowd anew,

The pursuit of life for living study in school,

Marketing of crops bullock cart is full,

Human life runs for food work means,

Pursuit extends to fun family till sleep,

Asset cloth utensil book furniture at the home,

Family life runs relentless turns travel some,



The pursuit of human life is never simple,

Complex world life struggles until wrinkle,

Higher education in life minions of scope,

Art, literature, music, song, life misses hope,

Science, treating human, building life,

Intense research, result, success or knife,

A run for the goal of life human look ripe age,

Unlucky misses a family friend places n craze,

This pursuit, sacrifice of personal life,

Discoveries changes times’ future strikes,


Incredible loner’s bachelor life till the end,

Politics, ascetic path, traveler trek ascend,

Lifelong a pursuit, leader monk eminent,

Accrue knowledge of humanity decent,

A world with a bounty of nature travel feed,

Visionary minds are great writers indeed,

The pursuit of the goal of life never solitude hunt,

Family is adopted world humanity in front,

Leader’s pursuit of life to serve people,

Divine quest in life lonely path is simple,

Divine quest is not lifelong bachelor trek,

Married life human pursuit realized make,

A detachment of lust temptation thought,

No mean fight married life wage war lot,

The pursuit of emancipation in home in faith,

Faith, prayer, surrender, practice in a breath,



The human spirit in pursuit of the run as a goal,

Runs courage in life football hockey goal,

Some run for a wicket, tons of run in cricket,

The pursuit of life in-game honor award intricate.

Courage mounts the highest peak all age,

Without legs or hands, blind teens craze,

Few swim ocean sail globe in a boat dare,

The pursuit of braves in socks mind not rare,

Human in pursuit of the spacewalk live year,

Men, women live alone orbit the earth clears,


A nation in pursuit of gender equality steps,

Army, air force, navy, commando’s intake,

Gender equality in service leadership best,

Equality in pursuit of education health,

Equality of freedom bondage, tribal wealth,

Freedom of thought expression and fact,

The pursuit of relentless effort is eternal, intact.

The pursuit of women in bondage unravel,

Gone are women in veil pursuits dwell.


Pursuit is divine power in poisoned earth,

Life survive overcomes pursuit in path,

War on weather elements in severe crisis,

Confined spirit aligned with nature n peace,

Test of extinction human race blows,

The pursuit of a clever mind, warriors owes. 




Thursday, October 15, 2020



Stars trek to horizon, dusk to dawn,

Starry night beautiful, at dawn none,

Star cast in sky in the evening once again,

Full moon reappears, crescent to regain,

Sun sinks in west, realm dark and sad,

At dawn sun wink, pink bird chirps glad,

Spring got teary farewell, dry winter pale,

Tree shed leaves, summer winds wail,

Spring commence again, breeze blow cool,

Crimson flowers ornate, bare branch bloom,

Placid, river so blue, calm morning turn to gold,

Summer changed to the bed of sands, a season old,

Rain fills river full dirty and swift torrent,

Rains quit, river turn blue, stream so decent,

Spectator enjoys sea beach waves kiss feet,

Evening in full moon surging tide greets,

Morning beach turn calm surfs woe sweet,

Men leave home early catch morning train,

Evening all return home completely drain,

The realm moves yesterday, today in motion,

Nature, human waits for tomorrow’s restitution,


Humanity knows a rule as the savior of past,

Restitution so kind happy moments last,

Regain once human life pink in health,

The freshness of mind, peace is wealth,

Childhood is carefree freedom of heart,

No tension, worries, dreamy night is art,

Student life start, colored bubbles burst,

Midnight lamp burns comfort sleep is lost,

Family life sweep life in hot dreary sands,

Works year round tension worries stand,

Often a soul aspires dearly crazy teenage,

Retied life, kids afar, life oasis, melt mirage,

No call for duty, no work visitor, time cool,

Meditation, pilgrimage, divine life wonderful,

Morning walk, beach time, park a pleasure,

Life is never lazy, long aspirations treasure,

In childhood use to give tea to grandmother,

Her smiles, love, care, affections bother,

In ripe age childhood weak rest in bed,

Grandkid let morning tea memory tread,

Life is a cycle in age slow transform,

Life is miracle restitution reckons,


Konark temple exotic rock art in ruins,

Ravages in centuries rain temples twin,

Ancient idols, inscriptions in rock,

Extinction of animal bird like a shock,

Toxic dust ridden air polluted water,

Destitute the plight in war famine fever,

Ruins of cities lost families in the war,

Lost treasures colonial plunder far,

Invader’s conversion cleansing faith,

Obliteration of ancient civilization,

Nothing perished rot in ruination,

Yesterday thought all in oblivion,

Today human mind in the renovation,

Tomorrow will smile at restitution,   

 Speechless humanity, happy times,

At crossroad of incredible time;

Yesterday losses, today misses,

Restitution replaces, tomorrow kisses.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020



Incredible smiles of baby catch attention,

Eyes glint shiny amazes divine protection,

Innocence, pure a presence fizzle tension,

Attributes mature of a baby are absent,

Human mind erases despicable to decent,

Time passes slow, the mind grows fast in the year,

Hunger fun fear infest, in pain cry near,

Toddler walks, recognizes known faces,

Accustomed to call names talk in traces,

Anyone despicable is a jewel in teenage,

Innocence, love, fun, smiles life essays,

Decades pass mind mature knows clear,

Good deeds, wrong things feeling endure,

Every action creates thought etches within,

Memories grow in time good deeds shine,

Bad deeds escapades flutter thrilling heart,

Feelings are abstract guide mind intact,

Love, care, serving all, helping others grow,

Kindness, humble nature, soft-spoken show,

A person gains praise, people tell attitudes,

The same person can turn despicable in change,

Environment, friend, parent, media pollutes,

Society, community infects, decency dilutes,

Poverty, hunger, sickness, broken homes lurk,

Richest, powerful, caste, blind faith often work,

A despicable leaves in every section in guise,

Evil feelings erase nobleness natures likewise,

Poisoned mind with attitudes negative precise,

Hatred, greed, cruelty, lust, intolerance plenty,

Anger unlimited plunders heartless property,

Destroys mindless in lust, vanity of female folk,

A people in pain with conscience cower in shock,

Despicable nature often gets brutal unprovoked,

A society least forgive retaliation stern revoked,

The name identity gets a black painted image,

People tag as a symbol of a despicable in the linkage,


The soul is never in sin, unaware of black deeds,

The purest one is an attribute less, feelings cast or creeds,

Never humanity isolates the dark feelings as root,

Dignified, respectable, powerful shrinks it to boot,

Passionately harbor these attributes commit a crime,

Escapes by wealth, power, turns facts to favor prime,

Eons mind of humanity harbor good and evil,

Noble suppress evil, despicable surrenders to the devil,

Soul departs clean spotless deeds follow with the mind,

The mind is in scripted with attributes subtle to unwind,

Next life soul free of face, memories, despicable state,

Unwind dark deeds, attributes take root hell-bent,

Infinite miseries pain soul get for human nature,

Ever humanity tramples within the despicable feature.




Despicable decimate in childhood disciplines,

Prayer, meditation, love, simple life serene,

Nature in silence seclusion divine life humble,

Caring others sharing happiness life is noble,

Inner dark despicable temptations crumble,

Mind get firm in rail rolls mighty detached,


society in the path to gurukul, kids attached,

Gurukul is an ancient abode of knowledge,

Humanity gains divine natures in phase,

So powerful instinct of the evil attitude within,

Weak moments in mind captures clean,

The fight of noble and despicable nature,

Endless one only annihilation is a cure,


God forgives souls not despicable nature,

Often incarnate to erase peaceful secure,

Human life is amazing, evil feelings clean

A king Asoka, despicable to acts of the divine,

God allows spirits to mend their ways,

God punishes unforgivable spirits to hell,

Traitors of people’s trust, treason to the soil,

Predators on teen, female, old people toil,

Stalkers for evil motive playas idol crush,

Arsonist in rampage people suffer worse,

System of rule discipline a beast crumple,

Protest recalls aggression assault simple,

Silence to macabre deeds wait in patience,

Despicable in time perishes smiles innocence.


Tuesday, October 13, 2020



Ego capture mind;

Incredible ego is a tall mountain peak,

Enables ego minimize low, a grass leaf,

Ego creeps in to mind, a kid sense him,

Face, dress, names recognize self keen,

Ego is harmless, essence humanity grow,

Color, complexion, studies, health glow,

A ladder to raise high in age, ego swells,

Mind gets a mate cements as oneself,

Conscience puzzles mind or self to help,

Attributes to ego is chained in interlink,

My parents home cast status does wink,

Middle age human accustomed to identity,

Name, education, clan, address visibility,

Career, occupation, degree reputations,

Sport, literature, art, music admirations,

Most crucial juncture ego crosses life,

Captured as captive mind in chain tight,

Intoxicated mind in pride as kingmaker,

A life from blade of grass to glass tower,

World notice in owe praises shower,

Speech visit help concern is top news,

Amazing a people listen to heart ruse,

Four walls of concrete a loner of the palace,

Friend, society, community traces,

Help, donate and contribute to all shelter,

Heart is captive of own fame seeks savior,

Freedom as a human lament private life,

Media is a hawk in guise stalk with knife,

Knife is lens world watch amused in time,

Expectation gets dry hounding a pastime,


Conscience clears in affliction;

Raise the curtain of mystic life curios,

Conscience prick leaves all spurious,

O’ soul you are passing by track transient,

Never your credit, success but divine grace,

You're good deeds reaping dividend fine,

Once finished you can find alone in time,

Friends people applaud fade in mist,

Media will conclude your memory in gist,

Sure you shall depart the realm alone,

Your home, courtyard pet dog looks on,

Family kin will be at the front door in tear,

Friends son will lit pyre stand in prayer,

You came empty will return like that,

Even your mortal remains in ass detach,

O’ soul, your face world only knows love,

Quit for good, face inclines to go above,

Only deeds will go with you like mate,

Good deeds give peace bad one torment,

Heartfelt the infinite pain agony cry out,

Ego replies caustic remark mind in doubt,


Affliction liberates to freedom;

Self accuses conscience bitter imagination,

Point to conscience rude, indecent affliction,

Conscience gets hurt, tells truth in end,

O’ mind shed identify “I” point delusion,

Ego is ‘I’ the culprit, the heart is in affliction.

Conscience rescues mind, listen to wisdom,

A captive of ego, break the chain to freedom.