Wednesday, October 21, 2020



The beguiling mind is a beehive,

It entraps life, wise survives,

The mind is blind ruler, body obeys,

Limbs act to wishes life misses,

Ever mind is clean, pure, divine,

The essence of the illusive realm decline,

Tame a beguiling mind, is a mirage,

Patience, practice is lifelong courage,

Bondage of life is in birth and death,

Liberation is guarded by mind in-depth,

Mind beguiled divine, after golden deer,

Wife got kidnapped, beguiled by fake seer,

A king’s life in truth mind was in service,

The weakest moment mind beguiled for dice,

King lost his kingdom and his wife,

Eon messages of lives in ruin clear,

Mind ruins human life beguiling steer,

A power can travel in the realm in no time,

The mind finds itself to imagine fine,

Can penetrate the wall, rise on hill,

Can dive depth of the ocean, dreams to kill,

Beguiling mind deceit spirit as ego,

The mind has charms of temptation, desire,

Greed, anger, lust, hatred, evil inspires,

A captured thought as clouds cover,

Soul and conscience feel insecure,

Life ignores wisdom inner dictates,

Humanity serves minds, it indicates,

Love, compassion, care, sharing in life,

Mind in selfish urge, it acts as a knife,


In modern time, men are wise pretends well,

Genuine, decent, honest mask mind dwells,

Dice survives till modern addicts swarm,

Lottery, chit fund, share, few pockets warm,

All are slaves of the mind allure overnight rich,

A time come soul ruins beguiling ditch,

Never humanity learn from beggar,

Often a slave of the mind loses cry in hunger,

Mind beguiling fox human to drink or drug,

Keep a slave in hallucination, a wooden log,

The selfish bent of mind children quit parent,

Shelter home, peddler old rot decent,

Fair prices, discount, prizes beguile cool,

Teen young, old get trapped like a fool,

A slave of mind rise in power leads,

A cruel fate for people beguiling bleeds,


Nature beguile creatures to trap n kill,

A flower traps insects, scents to thrill,

A musk deer seeks fragrance in the forest,

The scent of musk beguiles, in its head, rest,

Flies beguiled by light jump to fire,

Traps for rat, animals hunger desire,

Man sets a trap to catch rat a puzzle,

Tries to catch beguiling mind, fizzles,

Soul n mind both live in self in life,

The soul is deathless, mind perishes right,

Soul whispers through conscience pure,

Beguiling mind intoxicate heart, allures,

Self ceases credence acts as sick, no cure,

Detox beguiling mind fails by vain procedure,

Cleanse in sacred water, pure, divine nature,

Bathing in the Ganga, worshiping idol,

The same mind smiles within soul in torture,

The only way to serve needy selfless n share,

Live life simple in love and heart to care,

Love silence, solitude, focus consciousness,

Detach from desires, practice faithfulness,

Surrender every action in mind to divine,

A lifetime purifies the mind simple serene,

Beguiling mind obstructs thousandfold,

Inner trust in the creator holds the fort,

Mortal frame bleeds writhes in pain,

Entrapment of mind, effort in vain,

Enslaved to conscience, mind transforms,

The secret of realm beguiles own reform.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020



A surging wave crashes in beach,

In white froths melts slow each,

Renaissance of wave swells in ego,

High on ocean’s chest in pride goes,

Ego crashes in the ocean and merge,

Renaissance in waves in time surge,

It changes the fangs of waves to froth,

In beach messages renaissance worth,


Nine yards of cloths women’s vanity,

Myth speaks mind in lust pull insanity,

Rural to urban female love in all age,

Modesty a heart of love care in the message,

Centuries a civilization worn in color,

Design, art, paint in nine-yard splendor,

Renaissance transforms cloths to life,

Dancers costume queens dress strikes,

Female farmer simple, a widow in whites,

Divine mother adorn embroideries right,

In war, epidemic, earth, quake, cyclone,

Wounded life in the care of nurse in an apron,

Renaissance in apron medicos save,

Humble spirit serves sharing in waves,


Ancient culture, dance, music enthralls,

Renaissance in modern time sweeps all,

Human is creative as surging waves move,

Transformation natural, intricate art wove,

Opera to cinema changes digital movies,

Renaissance is expressive mind future wise,

Centuries ago habitat of people in silence,

Pedestrians few in the path, solitude is the essence,

The night gets longer, darkness in-home, street,

Temple bell, prayer in distant music greets,

Age of speed, light, vehicles in traffic,

The noise of sound, light, smoke, water toxic,

Ultra-modern time pollutes renaissance

A microbe virulent erases in assistance,

Confined to shelters life gasp for air,

Silence prevails in the mask traffic rare,

More a crowd predator captures quick,

Renaissance rotten culture infect sick,

Joy happiness love past of yesteryear,

Questions renaissance humanity clear,

Watch O’ heartless skies clean are blue,

Forests are so green lakes placid woos,

Bird fish animal trolls free in nature,

Renaissance cleanses nature n cure,


Soul in void lured for crystal palace,

Entered delusive realm in disgrace,

No exit from prison of lost freedom,

No identity, feeling, memories none.

No birth-death, eternal floats free,

Everything is erased in earth a tree,

Seed foliage to human life in root,

Face cycles of ego death tree uproot,

The pain of rebirth crows of greed,

Lust, desire, heart cries, anger feed,

Mind casts memories sweet or sour,

Weaves dreamy night, slavery to power,

Soul enwrapped in thoughts as cloud,

Renaissance seeks to escape divine aloud,

Detachment practices control breathe,

Attaches divine surrender in life wealth,

Emancipation arouse inner awareness,

Blazing light within clears darkness,

The prison, a human body is mortal,

Renaissance resurrect lifts soul brutal,

Soul escapes voiding free in liberation,

Renaissance frees, the ultimate weapon.

Monday, October 19, 2020



Curious, I stand before the mirror,

My replica looks to me same clear,

Intense thought on my replica close,

Same look, exact image unreal it owes,

I smile at my replica, it acted same,

My happiness is in me, replica in the frame,

It can multiply in the mirror, virtual name,

Mind casts replicas most, imagine truly,

In dreams saw kin, friend, and known,

Replica plays night long smile or frown,

The places, my home, incidents replay,

In thought memories screen dream display,


A phenomenon in life saw fruits flowers,

All are a replica of size taste small n color,

Leaves are replica so are birds, animal,

Fish, insect, creature replicate normal,

The human face is unique, replica are rare,

Twins are lookalike yet life never shares.

Human replicates limbs differ in nature,

Replica looks same different in manner,

A hand is loving care help erases pain,

Replica commits agonies steady insane,

A foot moves to learning or temple abode,

A replica travels in life nomads in the globe,

A flower goes as an ornament of a female,

Replica goes to an idol in fragrance prevails,

Leave grazes an animal same one an offer,

A fruit feeds a bat, rest go to great supper,

Phenomenon is lookalike nature projects,

Destiny tells replica, one is love or reject,


The metaphor of replica to the human heart finds,

A female and earthen pot, replica in kind,

An earthen pot has water quench thirst,

Delicate pot fractures as female heart,

Once broken losses essence in impact,

Female heart a pot of love womb of a child,

Lifelong bears all, in cracks crushed mild,


Replica a model learner’s paradise to study,

Millions of creations feature lifeless body,

Consumer products are replica for use,

Replica catches imagination, models in news,

Car, bike, transport, domestic furniture,

Replica a model of new age and future,

Books are a replica of millions pass hands,

Source of knowledge replica a magic wand,

Idols are worshipped in festival profuse,

Replica get worshipped, immersion use,


The essence of the replica in world of delusion,

Elusive mind get trapped replica won,

Life passes in lookalikes pleasant time,

Unique human life is in darkness fine,

Detachment, replica melts divine dawn

Awareness leads the soul in path of realization,

A realized spirit see the replica is a mirage,

The creator is magic look everywhere reflects.

Souls quit, the human body is replica melts.,


Sunday, October 18, 2020


 Shaken conscience on a canvas,

A canvas of humanity in morass,

As if life halt sudden in nice roll,

Incidents erase ambition or goal,

Uncertain future hopes in haze,

Incredible spirits change in craze,

Destitute, migrant, refugee looks,

A paper boat in a swirl pool in hook,

A shelter from open skies harsh,

Life aspires to grow, birds in marsh,

The accident is sudden, lucky saves life,

Limbs broken, repairs surgeon’s knife,

Kid squeeze out old parent to road,

Homeless, sick, hungry life erodes,

Compassion is alive in mind inroads,

Hopeless teary lives in abandon sail,

Thrives is pain life in summer or hail,

Rehab harbors old in shelters well,

Curse on a people homes get dust,

War, pandemic, earthquakes crush,

Refugee in life, old to babies roam,

Love n care peruses in rehab warm,

Migrant, destitute projects sight hurt,

Works for home, families smiles most,

Splendid rehab reconstitutes future,

Teens rot aimless learns work culture,

Infirm, disable, indisposed in all age,

Rehab is a grace, mends life, courage,

Remote tribal face languish in the forest,

Far of human care, health, home to rest,

Education cloths working life dream,

Safe a people modern lifestyle clean,

Disease, nutrition food water hunts,

Rehab hugs pristine tribe on all fronts.


Modern time sees, group family fades,

Family in cell fractures in a crude tirade,

Man n wife is in my way to high way,

Voiceless kids in shock ruin in byway,

Grows life as moron dreams intoxication,

Nothing real is sweet, oasis delirium,

Rehab is a divine lap adopts in fondness,

Food cloths study to foster parentage,

Rehab sees twin leaves grows to tree,

In time pollinate flowers to fruits in glee,

Despair in human life tragedies of people,

Innumerable crevices life stream simple,

Stream of life cool shade rehab nourish,

Humanity in trail, test, incredibly flourish,


Jet set space-age digital platform crushing,

Human resources squeezed the heart is panting,

Mind in swirling motion of hope, design,

The species fast deciles to mere a machine,

No love, care, sharing in life turn as a rock,

Cruel mind in greed desire angers to shock,

The inner soul cries for freedom, wings in the clip,

Death with at distress to depressions slip,

With four walls mind perishes in solitude,

A dark state in mind, horrors in multitude,

Rehab is the purest divine power soul get rest,

Mind metaphors in purity, soars to crest,

The heart is in peace, serene state pleasant,

Eyes glisten in surrender, all sins recant,

Smiles in prayer to lord hymns to nature,

Paradigm shift to conscience calm n clever,

Abode of Himalayas pull people at large,

Tranquil landscape, river, icy slopes shelter,

Rehab is the ultimate arms of mankind steer,

Runs searching musk scent, 

In the head of the deer!

Saturday, October 17, 2020



Far off civilization in lap nature thrive,

Ancient human colony a life of tribe,

Jet age, space age, high-tech is hype,

Abominable age of human recluse type,

Impregnable dense forest nature strikes,

Simple life of human naturally thrives,

Fierce tiger elephant predator prowl,

Snakes insects dangerous trap soul,

Wise forest life tribal fight hard secure,

Recluse from urban life protects nature,

Their cloths ornaments, unique is food,

Hunting animals, cultivating rice, wood,

Honey forest food water sustains plenty,

Mosquitoes breed fast tribal kids scanty,

Recluse from education nourished food,

Good cloths hygiene health none or crude,

Conscience of human questions outlook,

Highways megapolis education in book,

Constitution fails from recluse decades,

Development halts sharing in barricade,

Happiest are tribal face in dance nightlong,

Fever death birth marriage is nature song,

Unique marvel human life far from complex,

Recluse from urban life, serene to simplex,

Hospital, school, college, road, clinic houses,

Recluse from service to people wall to access,


Come O’ soul look modern mind in action,

Recluse from city to remotest out station,

Fascinates busy life solitude nature love,

Silence in mind silent landscape above,

Exhausted in crude complex life swirls,

Personal life, happiness, freedom wills,

Conjugal love seeks oasis in hot sand,

Modern life is a desert of crusher land,

All infrastructures of health education,

Assets, travel endless, works elimination,

Flesh bones love personal dream crushes,

Fake modernity pretensions quick misses,

Illusive is dual life of temptation or lust,

Recluse from truthful life humanity most,

Family fractured to cell for selfish aim,

Me, my wife, my kid matters like my name,

Parents recluse from rest rot in sad lonely,

Society ever mind utter neglect or be kind,

Classless a life boasts poor recluse in hut,

Affluence by side celebrates, poverty is hurt,


 Time has come, no travels and interaction,

 Infected feverish perishes recluse in action,

Mask is symbol of time avoid strangers firm,

Confined life fearful mind trust recluse arm,

Treating centers recluse from negative in fever,

A lone death struggle of life in bed recluse fear,

Nature questions conscience mankind,

Recluse from truth detachment rewind,

Corona if cleanses nature clean a torrent,

Transform lifestyle in nature recluse decent.


Objective of human spirit not as animal,

Food, drink, sleep, unite in shelter primeval,

Emancipation recalls soul to seek the goal,

Recluse in solitude in nature inner spirit call,

Mind is silent in thought, eyes, ears close,

Fragile is a frame, sit still awareness arose,

Recluse lifelong in quest, sojourn objective,

Realization unfolds, lasts, recluse is subjective.