Saturday, October 24, 2020



Hostile earth in the coldness of death,

Cracks, limitless length no breadth,

The depth is unknown n dark bottom,

Life fell, never escapes, death welcomes,

A crater of horror, time seems still,

Eon, time fell in crevasse, recover uphill,

Pushed to the brink of oblivion, a human deed,

Civilization at zenith collapses quickly indeed,

Nature pushed time in crevasse, a design,

Erased entire living forms, never resign,

Time is deathless see drifting crater wide,

Ages pass in turbulence life again ignites,

Million years time roll human breaths first,

Evolutes in phases, civilization to last,

Human most intricate creation, the best,

Evil entraps wisdom crumples till infest,

Time imprisoned in crevasse, nature rules,

Humans turn into an animal, simple life cools,

The ingenuity of mind saves time with progress,

Repeated instances etched distress,

Current time human soar at the peak of power,

History waits for inpatient to repeat in an hour,

Sixty minutes a species obliterate globe,

Time will find in crevasse, no one to sob,

Human mind darkness n intelligence tool,

Capable to vaporize architect marvels cool,

Million will perish in minutes no offense,

Time will move swiftly to neutralize defense,

Crevasse waits human conscience entrap,

The powerful advanced people inwrap,

Evil acts of disease, fever spreads poor,

Enact ethnic cleansing, a conscience to crater,


A nation with a billion poor in morals,

The spread of virus sick, people in harass,

A people with blind hatred to humanity,

Witness dance of death daily insanity,

Conscience in crevasse raises conflict,

The threat of war, pushing pandemic dare,

Invasion, holocaust, peace in a quagmire,

Crevasse drifts continent wide in time,

Humanity in crevasse evil prowls fine,

Soil, salt, shelter, food, root calls clear,

Hatred pushes to crevasse, treason leer,

Festive season cries to lonely sight,

Temples are in lock crevasses delight,

The happiness of the journey to life rues lock,

A caring heart in ruins, selfish shocks,


A time humanity befriended nature,

Simple life, reason alive, love nurture,

Caring humanity sharing others pain,

Surrendering to almighty wisdom regain,

Realizes the objective of human life rare,

Unique creation than an animal bare,

Focus within, civilization pristine glory,

Essence threw to crevasse creator worry,

Time watches cool, last minute of human,

Globe in crevasse unknown depth, began.

Friday, October 23, 2020


Cloud burst and thunder cools heart,

In dark lightening pleasant in spark,

Soul soaked in rain, dark cloud entices,

Mind desires to sit alone, views relishes,

Life alerts time home is far, late I misses,

Work, my office in chain warns of duties,

Decoys are horns of dilemma do tease,

Eagerly awaits rest, sweet home recalls,

Pray to find me in bus quick wheel rolls,

The evening is quiet time merges in leisure,

The telephone rings incessant poor as looser,

Decoy in evening prayers in silence,

Pleasant voice buying spree urges,

What a time, it has come in life to tempt,

Everything like cheap with prize attempt,

Deceptions in sweet recorded voice sing,

In late-night soul asleep wakes to rings,

In the dawn, heart in affluence of new vigor,

Unknown call decoys calm mind allures,

Funny offers of a good job journey in luxury,

Intoxicate visits foreign ashore a treasury,

Treasury of time in nature price with an offer,

Switch of mobile in disgust, mad till supper,

Time changes to pandemic messages warn,

Confine to home, discourages visit learn,

Mask is the face of the present time, at distance,

Freedom of life by decoy irks tolerance,

A year on verge of closing fever spreads,

Sickness, often death, hospital full beds,

Sweet dream, morning walk in park rare,

No more pleasant life for elders least share,

A decoy rules life business online,

School, court, offices, market busy line,

Temples closed to the public, festival on guard,

Decoys prowl frantic, moving crowd retards,

Convoy a decoy, targets are plenty alike,

Deceptive an age right focus ever hide,

A microbe follows decoy virulent tricks,

Veils are in the decoy, products for sale,

Insane is the human mind in decoy inhales,


Thursday, October 22, 2020




The truth of universal motherhood explicit,

Ocean, skies, earth reflects her discreet,

Her womb is ocean life began its journey,

Her creation is creatures, animals many,

Bird, aquatic life sings her glories are free,

Lush green forest, waterfalls, ravines n tree,

All whisper credence to her creation magic,

Mother erases in times credence to tragic,

Her heart is divine love creation grows new,

Death is a cleansing process, in birth renew,

Eon saw species prowl on earth, joyful grew,

Mother changes all, new lives roam the earth,

Evolution gives credence to finer life worth,



Her dedication, intricate is a human being,

Intelligent, the mind understands everything,

Mother empower the human mind with both,

One is a delusion in dark attitude relish,

Entraps soul to the prison of the earth in blemish,

Torture, hurdles in life awakens mortal,

Escapes beguiling mind detaches total,

Mother smiles, she plays a child wins,

Her blessings gods aspire, a child shines,

Credence of Mothers act to the net as fish,

A child hides under feet, net ever miss,

Enlighten one knows surrender saves,

Elusive realm, others are swept in waves,

Credence confuses the mind, life is naïve,

Greed, lust, temptation, anger her bait,

Swarming children in hook, till exit wait,

The dark mind is opaque Mother plays fine,

Invisible, silent, Her creation refines,

Resurrections of Her presence clean,

Dark minds perish, humanity celebrates,

Lights in lamps, hymns in prayer indicate,

Credence to her arrival removes ignorance,

 In sufferings, fear, empowers endurance,

Prays tortured soul, may Mother lead right,

Credence turns to creed, inner desires fight.  


Credence to puzzled mind mother is left alone,

Lifelong a soul grows in her sweet home,

Mother languishes in shelter sick n sorrow,

Fear, the human mind learns mothers tomorrows,

Credence to celebrate Mother prayer fine,

Animals love mothers vegetarian or canine,

Divine Mother to mother’s spirit bless same,

A dark mind pretends love credence a name.



Wednesday, October 21, 2020



The beguiling mind is a beehive,

It entraps life, wise survives,

The mind is blind ruler, body obeys,

Limbs act to wishes life misses,

Ever mind is clean, pure, divine,

The essence of the illusive realm decline,

Tame a beguiling mind, is a mirage,

Patience, practice is lifelong courage,

Bondage of life is in birth and death,

Liberation is guarded by mind in-depth,

Mind beguiled divine, after golden deer,

Wife got kidnapped, beguiled by fake seer,

A king’s life in truth mind was in service,

The weakest moment mind beguiled for dice,

King lost his kingdom and his wife,

Eon messages of lives in ruin clear,

Mind ruins human life beguiling steer,

A power can travel in the realm in no time,

The mind finds itself to imagine fine,

Can penetrate the wall, rise on hill,

Can dive depth of the ocean, dreams to kill,

Beguiling mind deceit spirit as ego,

The mind has charms of temptation, desire,

Greed, anger, lust, hatred, evil inspires,

A captured thought as clouds cover,

Soul and conscience feel insecure,

Life ignores wisdom inner dictates,

Humanity serves minds, it indicates,

Love, compassion, care, sharing in life,

Mind in selfish urge, it acts as a knife,


In modern time, men are wise pretends well,

Genuine, decent, honest mask mind dwells,

Dice survives till modern addicts swarm,

Lottery, chit fund, share, few pockets warm,

All are slaves of the mind allure overnight rich,

A time come soul ruins beguiling ditch,

Never humanity learn from beggar,

Often a slave of the mind loses cry in hunger,

Mind beguiling fox human to drink or drug,

Keep a slave in hallucination, a wooden log,

The selfish bent of mind children quit parent,

Shelter home, peddler old rot decent,

Fair prices, discount, prizes beguile cool,

Teen young, old get trapped like a fool,

A slave of mind rise in power leads,

A cruel fate for people beguiling bleeds,


Nature beguile creatures to trap n kill,

A flower traps insects, scents to thrill,

A musk deer seeks fragrance in the forest,

The scent of musk beguiles, in its head, rest,

Flies beguiled by light jump to fire,

Traps for rat, animals hunger desire,

Man sets a trap to catch rat a puzzle,

Tries to catch beguiling mind, fizzles,

Soul n mind both live in self in life,

The soul is deathless, mind perishes right,

Soul whispers through conscience pure,

Beguiling mind intoxicate heart, allures,

Self ceases credence acts as sick, no cure,

Detox beguiling mind fails by vain procedure,

Cleanse in sacred water, pure, divine nature,

Bathing in the Ganga, worshiping idol,

The same mind smiles within soul in torture,

The only way to serve needy selfless n share,

Live life simple in love and heart to care,

Love silence, solitude, focus consciousness,

Detach from desires, practice faithfulness,

Surrender every action in mind to divine,

A lifetime purifies the mind simple serene,

Beguiling mind obstructs thousandfold,

Inner trust in the creator holds the fort,

Mortal frame bleeds writhes in pain,

Entrapment of mind, effort in vain,

Enslaved to conscience, mind transforms,

The secret of realm beguiles own reform.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020



A surging wave crashes in beach,

In white froths melts slow each,

Renaissance of wave swells in ego,

High on ocean’s chest in pride goes,

Ego crashes in the ocean and merge,

Renaissance in waves in time surge,

It changes the fangs of waves to froth,

In beach messages renaissance worth,


Nine yards of cloths women’s vanity,

Myth speaks mind in lust pull insanity,

Rural to urban female love in all age,

Modesty a heart of love care in the message,

Centuries a civilization worn in color,

Design, art, paint in nine-yard splendor,

Renaissance transforms cloths to life,

Dancers costume queens dress strikes,

Female farmer simple, a widow in whites,

Divine mother adorn embroideries right,

In war, epidemic, earth, quake, cyclone,

Wounded life in the care of nurse in an apron,

Renaissance in apron medicos save,

Humble spirit serves sharing in waves,


Ancient culture, dance, music enthralls,

Renaissance in modern time sweeps all,

Human is creative as surging waves move,

Transformation natural, intricate art wove,

Opera to cinema changes digital movies,

Renaissance is expressive mind future wise,

Centuries ago habitat of people in silence,

Pedestrians few in the path, solitude is the essence,

The night gets longer, darkness in-home, street,

Temple bell, prayer in distant music greets,

Age of speed, light, vehicles in traffic,

The noise of sound, light, smoke, water toxic,

Ultra-modern time pollutes renaissance

A microbe virulent erases in assistance,

Confined to shelters life gasp for air,

Silence prevails in the mask traffic rare,

More a crowd predator captures quick,

Renaissance rotten culture infect sick,

Joy happiness love past of yesteryear,

Questions renaissance humanity clear,

Watch O’ heartless skies clean are blue,

Forests are so green lakes placid woos,

Bird fish animal trolls free in nature,

Renaissance cleanses nature n cure,


Soul in void lured for crystal palace,

Entered delusive realm in disgrace,

No exit from prison of lost freedom,

No identity, feeling, memories none.

No birth-death, eternal floats free,

Everything is erased in earth a tree,

Seed foliage to human life in root,

Face cycles of ego death tree uproot,

The pain of rebirth crows of greed,

Lust, desire, heart cries, anger feed,

Mind casts memories sweet or sour,

Weaves dreamy night, slavery to power,

Soul enwrapped in thoughts as cloud,

Renaissance seeks to escape divine aloud,

Detachment practices control breathe,

Attaches divine surrender in life wealth,

Emancipation arouse inner awareness,

Blazing light within clears darkness,

The prison, a human body is mortal,

Renaissance resurrect lifts soul brutal,

Soul escapes voiding free in liberation,

Renaissance frees, the ultimate weapon.