Tuesday, November 10, 2020




Milieu, in an ocean of life, amazes,

Million pull chariot milieu essays,

Millennium cultural milieu attracts,

Miles chariot three, move n impacts,


Irresistible Holi soul plays in colors,

Inks milieu passion of life, ardours

Impressive song, dance, sweets time,

Impact memories milieu explicit fine,


Limitless; the flow of soul, a dip in the river,

Locate a bath, offer water to an ancestor,

Liberty to life in bondage milieu recall,

Love of penance, an opportunity rarely fall,


Intimate, milieu unites family ay home,

Interacts family bond Dussehra welcome,

Infects festive season, milieu buys open,

Ignites mind of celebration, milieu often,


Enforces a month sacred, vegetarian life,

Ensures morning bath in mass, milieu like,

Enjoys Morning Prayer worship feverish

Enraptures widowhood as devout wish,


Utter enlighten the mind in the festival of light,

Unique, a celebration of night cracker delight,

Unlocks heart in love friendship n gifts,

Unravels glittering gold milieu tilt swift, 


Milieu, in fright, warm cloth in winter,

Freezing night wind, street life shivers,

Desolate street after evening eerie silent,

Milieu celebrate New Year midnight scent,


Milieu cultural, a nation host round year,

Milieu, in costume, tradition, in faith prayer,

Milieu social transforms life, reform best,

Milieu blind faith, worsen life alienation test,

Milieu womanhood, child marriage erases,

Milieu uplifts female education privileges,

Milieu widow life, curse faith sacrileges,

Milieu mirrors a face, human savages.


Monday, November 9, 2020




Sit alone in solitude an age, recluse,

Reminiscence entraps mind infuse,

Bygone childhood, adolescence thrill,

Naïve smile, face dragonfly to kneel,

Fragrance, the beauty of lotus in the pond,

Catching in mud teenage respond,

Autumn wind cool, blossom n green,

Melodious bird chirping smiles win,

Budding heart soft in the love of fun,

Rapturous smile naïve infect reckon,

Ripe age see kids smile naïve enjoy,

Keep looking, innocent face girl or boy,

Remember mother’s smile naïve often,

On return from school, plates play on,

Grandmother’s smile naïve her story,

Cry in fear or laugh night were sleeper,

Teacher’s smile naïve at a good result,

Never forgot stern warning fear most,

Friends miss in life their smile lost,


Adolescence when kiss mysteries most,

Thrill, frill n smile naïve behind stalk,

Run in fright often, her laughter sulk,

A friend was new, their catcall to jump,

Hearty smile naïve to rush the book to dump,

Game gossip afternoon coaching time,

Smiling heart naïve memory tear clean,

College parting time with result n bag,

Naïve tears goodbye to campus did tag,

Smiles infectious of class mated naïve,

Miss all in ripe age reminiscence save,


Golden youth long-vanished smile naïve,

Silent is life solitude hunt memory wave,

Remember marriage a time in a smile,

Smile of love naïve innocent docile,

A touch triggers surprise, awful to risk,

Smiles naïve often offer sweet crisp,

Family life with baby call frequent,

Fun-filled life, picnic, rich food scent,



Smile naïve together fade fast in time,

Fail to revive, resurrection writing line,

A time in sickness soft caress heal,

Decades pass smooth touches steal,

Life for a couple pleasant evening tea,

Rare reminiscence smile naïve free,

Prayer, meditation, silence rule life,

Festive time, lamps, feast, joy strike,

Do smile happy each other at home,

Recall past, a time smile naïve awesome.




Sunday, November 8, 2020




The confluence of desire, faith flows,

Pretension in life overwhelm, owes,

Impact my life swept in pretension,

Misses reality, time blown illusion,

Ripe age in silence sit, contemplate,

In prevention finds not me, duplicate,

Intention good enough by inspiration,

A young heart changed molten, as soften,


Married to love, felt long intimacy,

Windfall to a home, soul in ecstasy,

Gift surprises dress, favorite magic,

In pretension to please, time lunatic,

Occasion caught wife, tear sob silent,

In fever her delicate frame resilient,

Her smile, hug in warmth, clasp tight,

Inpretensions her love makes delight,

Learned her pain, miseries within late,

Male heart chokes, lack strength yet,

Pretension, the angel of love, caress soft,

At a ripe age in tear realize her trust,

Witnessed in life family brute often,

The pretension to ignore no commotion,

Angry at home, look away from her,

With the pretension to ignore, she's insecure,

A man’s conjugal life sweet n sour,

Pretension cements bond, trust savor,


Amazing realm nature in pretension,

Crane stands like a rock, alert to motion,

Crane’s pretension mislead fish under,

Peacocks for mating call tail in splendor,

Birds fly in the sky as arrow looms bigger,

Fish swims in number huge to secure,

Pretension is part of life nature is real,

It exists in the hope to achieve in time unreal,

Pretension in notice ruler’s promise,

Shelter, food, clothing gifts till demise,

Never happen in life as a mirage in hand,

Rulers pretension is the same a quicksand,

Modern life free good in pretension sweet,

Cheap home, travel, assets eye can meet,

News in pretension thrill mind as fact,

Purpose to raise dust, a boon impact,


Retract swooping mind back to home,

Incredible pretension serves in illusion,

Life in marriage laughs gossip plenty,

Pretension hides tear, agony a beauty.

Decades pass hand in hand to share,

Never bond breaks pretension shake,

Shocks time, erodes conjugal life much,

Pretension no more, deceptions lurch,

My way or highway bond crumbles,

Womanhood nostalgic anger crumples.

Look wife in serene presence near warm

Yesteryears time together in tear swarm

Saturday, November 7, 2020




Motherhood is a woman transcendental love,

Melodious voice recalls pain misery dissolve,

Mysterious her prayer transcends peace,

Matron in life dictates mind adopts advice,


Abject in respect for grandmother, matron,

Absolute happiness in her lap, stories often,

Acute pain in missing her teenage nostalgic,

Amazing her voice, tear never obey overseas,


Tear never saw in her nearest to her recline,

Tranquil mind in hear beads utter divine,

Trusted her in life till ripe age, prayers well,

Traverse in silence within, memories swell


Regal a matron in hospital, alert, serves sick,

Rescues from family life, matron cares magic,

Refuses age, tiring body, nightlong in a chair,

Relaxes in, home, the patient gets well smile fair,


Overwhelm matron; kids in school do listen,

Overtime her life in school in class, eyes glisten,

Often mind search in life headmistress misses,

Occurs to heart, her lessons for success kisses,


New-age women in age lead people with vision,

Nice talks for progress, skill, life to realization,

Nectar drops of the grandmother in life a grace,

Never feel in school, hospital, as her presence,


Matron like family head, her lifelong service,

Matron in, hospital care, never like a novice,

Matron in school builds human life, lesson,

Matron leads people pure, with a clear vision,

Matron is seen by all, as motherhood same,


Adore in heart mankind; ma means matron,

Accept key of the family to the creator of a nation,

Admirable, the human mind, praise underneath,

Adrift, the populace does sink; desert her to filth.









Friday, November 6, 2020




A cub mews tigress roars laud,

Skill to hunt prey jumps proud,

Cub rolls on the ground mimic hunt,

Mother is mentor cub fang grunts,

In life cub grows, a menacing beast,

Skills in hunting to capture n feast,

Fox, dog, jackal, hawk, owl, snake,

Frog to lion carnivorous prey in the trek,

Animal learn capturing prey in skill,

Mentors are in pack train fast to kill,

Saving life in grassland life run quick,

Water body’s croc traps skill aquatic,

Visualize in sky, ground, water is a test,

Survive or feeding skill enables best,

Mentor quick attempt helps n watch,

Ablest survives naïve mimic a catch,

Nature is a mentor tiny bird build nest,

Beehive, ant moles, squirrel hibernate,

Executive, intricate craft nature impart,

Nature is a mentor to live, survival intact,


Mentor in human life so many in faces,

Skillset simple to complex in time asses,

A baby learns from the mother as a mentor,

Knows to walk, talk read acquires better,

A child swims, run, fight, play, sing or art,

Mentors coach best, youth excels in track,

Car, bus-truck train on land, the plane in the sky,

Ship boat on water, driving, piloting to sail,

Going to space, mountain trek, in orbit dwell,

Mentor with skillset, practice, test crucial,

Matter of moving or living, in failure critical,

New age human seek a mentor to progress,

Lack of mentor skill set is national distress,


Nostalgic feelings cast incredible mentor,

Ironsmith, goldsmith, filigree, sculpture,

Plumber, carpenter, Painter, dancer, farmer,

Incredible human ingenuity skills forever,

Cradle of civilization mentor built skill,

Pyramid, century-old temple idols thrill,

No more mentor is seen extinct in the path,

Skills lost, search in vain, a time’s wrath,

Mentors incarnate to build a ship or plane,

Build rocket, weapons, Cyberspace tame,

Computer, mobile, information age rules,

A mentor is a technocrat, doctor, with amazing tools,



Corona sweeps with a mortal blow to life,

Sick dies breathless, virus dares knife,

The ancient culture of land yogic life fitness,

Immunize health counter corona erases,

Yoga to stay long as a savior of human life,

Yoga teacher now faces of mentor thrives,

The skillset of the practice of yoga acts miracle,

Cures diseases ensure health is admirable.

Thursday, November 5, 2020



Eon hunger of mind insatiable dwell,

Living being flies runs, swims n trail,

The pull for life instincts survive only,

Food is not only hunger, desire  truly,

Desire infinite in mind prowl to quench,

Prevention through bait entrap to fetch,

Plant, animal, creatures found in a trap,

Bird, aquatic life get caught, a bait caps,

Carrion smell mile away, bait tricks quick,

Mind blinds alertness rare is inquisitive,

Elephant falls to pit, the tiger in cage roar,

Bird for grain in net, bait hook fish to sore,

Flower, leaf with sweet smell liquid bait,

Insects trapped by plant, deception trek,

In life bait deceives mind captures quick,

In cage or death living being ends tragic,


Human do face bait entices offer in a trick,

Concession in the price for good hides a risk,

Saving of money, assets growing more,

People seek advice invest bait do allure,

Promises, data are deception, bait to loot,

Broken home, life shattered, lust is the root,

Clarion on the job, overseas life, travel in hoot,

Bait fails alert mind notice cheats lurk,

Overnight young life loses all future sunk,

Ruler lays bait people elects in plain trust,

Commodities free gift bait, future is lost,

Promotion in career bait, surrender reason,

Rejection of compromise tagged as treason,

Faceless sweet voice lure intimacy message,

Spies hunt secrets, bait blackmail cleavage,

Bait is female lure rules bend save crime,

Wine, riches, asset bait ensure compromise,

Corrupt mind breeds bait undercover ruin,

Anarchy spread pretension plenty are twin,

The essence of humanity righteous path adhere,

Gait is quicksand in temptation acts eraser,

A righteous life is a test of a path of thorn,

Corrupt escapes with booty taunt a lorn, 

Bait act of evil for the detached spirit with a goal,

Emancipation a penance guides a soul,

Society get cleansed progress manifest,

Character ensure peace awareness crest,

Where bait promotes violence n arson,

A corrupt mind ignores willfully reason,

The character of a nation digs a grave for bait,

Credence to culture civilizes life in traits.

The human instrument is intelligent, wisest,

Modern times bait survives nicely infest,

War is not people nor with other nation,

War is with mind clean life n corruption