Tuesday, November 24, 2020





Life has seen wanderer in night,

Hopes got lost, silhouette sight,

The flair of dress, charismatic look,

Missed, a time, tragic past hook,

Aspirations without a fence in the pull,

Curios mind ran, crestfallen full,

College day’s friend mixed for fun,

Studies, classes shared fairly own,

Canteen gossips sipping tea a time,

Visit the bazaar in the group, enjoy fine,

The exam was endless passed a success,

Dreams of young mind hope to express,

Far off cities, people place unknown,

Immersed in thought career awesome,

Mind built a castle in the air a rosy future,

Beauty as a friend, the fun of life partner,

Amazing sweet home small charmed,

From hostel bed to assets crammed,

Gadgets once glued in city showroom,

Pictured all for home nice n bedroom,

Final year engineering with the certificate,

Excellent result than expectation met,

Attractive car, wife, imagination breed,

Never stop from kids, family well indeed,

Picked backpack with books, certificate,

Farewell, sweet hostel, friend intimate,

Years visited offices for a job in hope,

Utter was sock fortune ignore elope,

Hunted looks of poor family anger,

The path did miss a life future secure,

Dark a small room sheltered fare,

Small bed few plates’ cloths in care,

Moneyless fail to visit call centers,

Debt-ridden life years behind a door,

Castle in air collapsed, dreams fade,

Sweet home, wife, kid, silhouette invade,

Shrink to see pictures imagined nice,

Silent tears, lonely, hopes prejudice,


Late-night took to prowl in lanes near,

Homes are in silhouette, window lighter,

Witness shadows of joyful life wonder,

Where error did commit a pure blunder,

Destiny ever control good result, tilt,

Career, few minutes interview ever built,

Sat crestfallen in mind, heart sank,

Near a lamppost, long night tears drank,

Shivered in a fear silhouette of man,

Approaching enquired lot n warn,

Invited his home, offered tea hot,

Listened to cool sad stories never hurt,

Allowed to sleep on a bench till dawn,

Found a letter of job, address drawn,


Time rolled faster decade after discover,

Sweet home, a job, family indeed appear,

Bought my car with wife from a nearby city,

The night was too late near home, the road empty,

In a jerking car stopped on break, stood still,

The wife was angry concerned, waited at will,

Dark silhouette a young fellow near halt,

Faltering most, narrated his life no trust,

Well educated, fluent, matching the same s

Invited to own house that night never burry,

Drove my car home, disobey tears to lip,

A screen of own silhouette, tears did lick.


Life stories did know pink not for all,

Future in silhouette few rosy, rest null.   



Monday, November 23, 2020




A life docile, peaceful, loving nature,

Little devours other, gentle endure,

Dwells nice in a herd in the pack in the night,

No claws to kill, avoid meek in the fight,

Green pasture serene nice sunshine,

Grazes in fields, cool shade rests fine,

Behold shepherd with stick indicates,

Little animal s follows the path it dictates,

The path from high ground, meadows green,

Runs through riverbank village is seen,

Gentle life passes the night in silence dark,

Happy to soothing tune listen close rank,

Picture of the shepherd, sheep, goat, cattle,

Life to watch alert sickness death rattle,

Peaceful a life in the lap of nature near the brook,

Quenches thirsty animals with water hook,


The picture changes as meaningful vogue,

Lord Jesus was a shepherd pacified rogue,

His voice, care, consolations attracted soul,

Healing of hurt, wounded heart, readily fall,

Followers of nature, gentle, love in pure trust,

Like shepherd once guided, the right path most,

A forest of wolves tiger lion hunt prey fast,

Shepherd guides alert, secure till safe last,

The cruel violent mind often hunts, predates,

Hatred, greed, lust, anger, jealousy indicate,

Ordinary spirit powerless, meek as sheep,

Avoids fight succumbs to injury worship,

Darkness is ignorance spread first in life,

Evil rules humanity ever dare to knife,

The shepherd by the spark of light, wisdom,

Showed a beacon of truth for freedom,

Agonies, worries, fear, slavery to erase,

Intrust suffering souls followed message,

The shepherd is an immortal guide spirit,

Dispel evil thoughts, purest life discreet,


Change the picture to ancient myth,

A cowboy tendered cattle with hype,

A flute, its tune magical effect attract,

Living being, plant, nature, did impact,

Smiles spread gently excite cool breeze,

Waves in the river did listen, water was placid,

Creepers blossom flowers fragrance well,

Bare was the beauty, vanity, ego rare dwell,

Incredible tune when human ear listen,

The amazing flute was calling in love glisten,

It took away cover for self, ego, pride,

Replicate pure nature surrender ride,

Seemingly he shepherds guided pure soul,

Evil mind, attitudes cleansed as a goal,

The shepherd drove the chariot in battle,

The battle continues within heart do rattle,

Fight of evil pretension and pure thought,

The shepherd is conscience never hurt,

Only tender purity to secure n safe in end,

The pure mind becomes king trust transcend.    



The picture change to decades back,

Freedom missing, slavery glories lack,

Fear, timid surrender to alien master,

The shepherd with two cloths musters,

A long stick walked to the beach for salt,

Memorized humanity behind to revolt,

He burned foreign cloths defiant open,

The nation was burning in cloth motion,

Shepherd spun from cotton cloth wheel,

Ocean of white, khadi wear, slavery heal,

Shepherd was music in evening prayer,

Ruler surrender, quit, a smile inspire,

The world looks in disbelief shepherd ignite,

One call resound continent colony bright,


Freedom, bondage gone, chains snap,

Shepherd in canvas eon darkness trap,

Symbol of purity, wisdom, look peaceful,

A tender herd of humans, hypnotize cool.



Sunday, November 22, 2020




Indians roam merrily, visit all shrine,

Monumental creations to pray divine,

Length and breadth, submerged in time,

Mountain top, at height flutter flag fine,

Saints, peers, fakirs, freedom fighters,

Eminent, writer, poet, visionary, thinker,

Social reformer, national leader no more,

Read most of the shrines on mortal remains,

Immortal works for the nation, impact immense,

Century’s people from slumber got awake,

Sheer presence, doctrine, messages break,

Ignorance, blind custom, social vice, faith,

Millennium darkness, lighten poverty shake,

Hunger, illness, social practice demonic,

Beacon of light on truth cleansed, magnetic,

Yesteryear’s human in cloth, barefoot, hut,

Bullock cart was travel, palm leaf taught,

Oil lamp in the night to the lantern, bare feet,

Defecation open, disease erases neat,

School kids few, study on the moral lesion,

Vedantic, mythology, language awesome,

Current human incomparable, assets,

Gadgets like magic, futuristic aspects,

Gratitude is missing for citizen, respect,

Taj marvels, the shrine of a queen final rest,

Foreign rulers graves, palaces in splendor,

Shrines in crowd sing nation’s surrender,


Greats changed the face of the nation most modern,

Their abode of final rest as shrines reborn,

Call for national honor to amazing shrines,

Tribute to the statue of unity, the memorial shines,

The gratitude of the nation, shrines of spirits past,

Not for rulers, conquerors, invaders last,

Netaji’s shrine of the birthplace, many more,

Citizen of the future, today’s child learn, favor,

Sacred bank of river Sabarmati, the abode,

Greatest shrine of the nation, ashrama record,

Shrine in honor of the father of the nation, relics,

Bhajans, messages of Bapu, symbol pricks,

Millions throng to shrines of divine abode,

Pray in trust, practice faith, local n abroad,

Sabarmati waits for a great crowd, learn to practice,

Peace, love, serving humanity, erase injustice,

Non-violence, fasting for rightful freedom,

Freedom from overseas products awesome,

Sabarmati ashram, the shrine of Charkha,

A million women use solar power Charkha,

A message of Bapu on self-dependence,

Khadi is messages of time, prime credence,

Thousands of temples, a national architecture,

Shrines only sing golden past, never recover,

Shrine at the bank of Sabarmati inspire,

Do or die for nation’s cloth, salt require.


Saturday, November 21, 2020




Destiny, opportunity in life differ

Height of person, size of all fingers,

Skin, complexion, hair, brown, black,

Fair skin, golden hair, green eyes stark,

Disparity distances people in just, look,

Envy stalks admiring mind, well hook,

Wise, ignorant, rich or poor suffers a lot,

Envy captures the imagination, irks to boast,

A phenomenon common in life is caustic,

Tortures heart with pain, life is tragic,


Envy entraps the weakest mind for all,

Male or female, all ages, big or small,

The reaction in mind tear, lips pressed,

Eyes glance evade, silent depressed.

Self-effort, vision, practice, life alter,

Poorest can be richest, proud leader,

Flair, imagination with girl ordinary,

Captures a nation, success exemplary,

Envy fails the human mind dreaming big,

Often impracticable to equate, only dig,


Equating immature young, visionary, age,

Equating a disciple to teacher envisages,

Equating a renowned poet with singer,

Equating a painter with a famous writer,

Equating a musician with a voice in fame,

Equating a scientist, doctor, life in, game,

Naïve to envy as others cater in life expert,

People will laugh at foolishness, wise alert,

Village pig wades in dirt and family cow,

Cuckoo in branches sings, never a crow,

Boast to fight with elephant showing chest,

Eyeball to match lion’s eyes, fright is best,

Destiny separates life as with unique gift,

Pretentious in boasting, envy ruins swiftness,


A poor girl missing ankle chain envy hook,

Never realizes a girl without a leg with the look,

One burn with envy fails to behold beauty,

Never imagine a blind only hear, little thirsty,

 Onlooker thirst with envy, the lifestyle of wealthy,

 Fail to imagine their worries service worthy,

A tribal in serene nature lacks all gadgets,

Onlooker check smiles can never percept,

Schoolkid envy, the new boot of class friend,

Rare to imagine a child without leg stands,

The parent  envy of a brilliant neighbor kid,

Orphan and an adopt, unlucky succeed,

Green-eyed woman look fabulous baggage,

Middle-aged female dressed in her passage,

Envy with goods, husband brings awesome,

Little she knows, a widow with kids home.

Envy inhabits natural in mind n savor,

Nature balances conspicuous, do a favor. 

Friday, November 20, 2020




Neither anyone stay here long,

Nor present on stage, for the song,

The world is a colorful stage down earth,

All will finish their own acts, worth,

Time will erase the drama of life, mirth,

Earth spines fast rounds the sun,

A year passes soon, drama in motion,

A witness is a sun and moon, wind,

Rain, winter, summer, spring kind,

The actor is a child, male, female, old,

Character, climax, tragedy gold,

Replicate real-life, turbulent placid,

Reflection on actor sweet or acid,

Spectators moved in tear, ecstasy,

Turn of story sudden, hook fantasy,

Immature, innocent, mature, wise,

Long-suffering, scintillates paradise,

Make or break a home story details,

Hero, villain, female comedy prevails,

Human mind tense, pain within, love,

Friend, relative, family amuse n solve,

Theater, drama, dance sequence, reel,

Spread messages of virtue, pretense evil,

Decades hunt in memories lane a story,

Actor immortal in heart, imprint history,

Dreary sand desert hot, cool oasis lure,

Troubles in life, the shadow, theater cure,


Theater message subtle, reel life n real,

The actor laughs on stage, in life pain recalls,

The affluent, noble, comedian, kind depict,

Personal life opposite poor, hunger inflict,

Villain, a cruel killer, cheat, plunderer,

Character impact mind most of the viewer,

A face to people hateful in mind to look,

Real-life character a jewel, caringly hook,

Name in a drama, film, dance inflame,

The curtain goes down with a character name,

Actor name glitter in box office, glamour,

Pseudo name amazing one world clamor,

Silver screen paint, costume or theater,

Vanishes soon, real name at home shear,

Theater metaphor cycle of birth and death,

Real name dies actor name last as wealth,

Spirit in several births several names exist,

World a stage to act as a father, brother, son,

Female a daughter, mother, wife, sister won,

Face hangs in a frame on the wall always in love,

Nameless a soul returns to void self dissolve.