Saturday, November 28, 2020




Grew in a temple town for pilgrims,

Use to merge from nation prayer extreme,

The deity in the temple round eyes, no ear, palm,

No feet, round belly, red lips look calm,

As the child saw many cry loud, tear on a roll,

Few laugh whisper, if thanksgiving calls,

Visitors few focus temple carvings exotic,

Many are busy savoring sweet ecstatic,

Buy idols, beads, fancy items busy most,

Group squat in the courtyard, in gossip, lost,

There is a temple of a goddess, other, god,

Light oil lamps earthen, readily try to nod,

Few ordinary pilgrims sing a loud prayer,

Often dance in rhythm onlooker share,

Saw old people, women sit quietly in the corner,

Reading sacred books, eyes closed prayer,

Beads silent roll long, curious seek ever,

Few hoist flags in the temple, pay for the charge,

Thousands oiled wick burns seeker large,

Childhood left, in the imprint on memories,

Temple visits in innocent belief, glories,

Festivals year-round celebration drag,

The millions throng, crowd marches with the flag,

Grew young, then adult Worshipped pure,

Never could know Lord listen, help assure,

Saw many a time lonely, before round eyes,

Learned visualizes our pain, desires in rising,

Ever insatiable greed, healings are met quick,

Trust n faith conviction, prayer does magic,

Ripe age learned the essence of divine grace,

Seekers ever surrender, practice, in bless,

Legs, palms are invisible, deaf to listen,

Purity, righteous life, rejections listen,

Round eyes, all-knowing of deeds instant,

Whenever we commit, he sees from distant,

As we sow, so we reap, good or evil mind,

Prayers, visits, frequent presence fails to remind,

A plentitude of beggars, ill terminal, blind,

Deaf, partially able, mute, restitute find,

Cheats, thief, criminals, killers mix well,

River of the soul in the main road in the festival swell,

Perplex cool mind, Lord just looks silent,

Witness misdeeds, subtle never prevent,

Never seen cure beggary, hunger, sick,

Limbs ever grew, disables right quick,

Woes of women abundant, ill-treated,

Molested in public, cruelly rejected,

Orphans host of them to beg converge,

Ever ocean of compassion did submerge,

Ever plight of destitute, women ill fate,

Infinite love, His grace, erases reflect,

Ever His kindness saved victims stable,

Ever His wish heals sick, defects able,

Ever Lord punish cheat, criminal, fraud,

Ever Cruel, pretentious mind faces odd,

O’ Lord in life, wicked tremble to death,

How come they visit temple donate wealth,

Gold, money, jewels heap as gift shower,

Ever they dread your mace to slaughter,

A time your gift amazes human mind,

Weapon to obiter human race clean blind,

More virulent organic weapon mind create,

Spread like mind faster, invisible predate,

Silent tears warm roll, alone wet lips sip,

Bewildered insight, this mind do worship,

Life near the end, could not fathom your rule,

So much violence, arson, cruel death cool,

Insight dictates my heart O’ all mighty,

Ever peaceful, happy my nation beauty,

Ever women feel secure, kid’s future,

Ever innocent, poor, destitute shelter,

Ever hunger dissolves, wellness growth,

Ever O’ almighty as warrior preserve worth,

Ever Lord decimate evil eternal definite,

Ever you clear my bewildered insight?



Friday, November 27, 2020




At the tender age of school encountered first,

Beauty is sweet to look at, enamor heart,

Lifelong time rolled slow, rare did fast,

Bewitching beauty hooked little to last,

The beauty of the female face never felt special,

Slip out of school, nearby beach enthrall,

Blue sea, surging wave incessant roar,

Golden sand dazzles cleanest to loiter,

Use to sit long hours watches birds,

Flying high in blue skies never tired,

Fishermen sailing boat, mind afloat,

Distant coastal forest swings aloft,

The solitude, bright sunshine etch,

Bewitching beauty in childhood stretch,

Grew younger passion for nature, beauty,

Heart missed often bewitched slips duty,

Vast waters placid coastal lake allure,

Boat sails, wind gentle, birds much more,

The temple on a rock, in deity folklore,

The crowd love a trip, beautiful lake sure,

Lost many a time in Greens, mountain,

On many occasions heartthrob lo fountain,

Waterfalls several rocks in color gleam,

Rainbows in summer cool spirit clean,

Brooks in deep forest colorful tiny bird,

Creeping soft crawling at bank, lizard,

Tiny fish in number steal look so long,

Rays of setting sun, forest in dusk song,

A trip by boat sailing in a river in life,

Village folk, goods from cities, smiles,

Goat, cycle, school kids, their laughter,

Bewitched in the beauty of innocence assure,

At night a journey by boat once in a full moon,

Overwhelmed on her charms, river own,

In silvery waters, alone with few silent,

Boat mans village song touching decent,

In tour on duty traveled interior most,

Rural landscape imprinted spirit lost,

Green rice fields, swings enchant,

Bells of bullock cart attract, distant,

Cowherds, dust cloud, herdsman tall,

His long stick turban, loud call recall,

At a young age lost in beauty n charms,

Village girl, colorful cloth, smile warm,

Kids playing in village road, cycle tire,

Run along in groups dances inspire,

Evening time village in darkness sleep,

Few oil wicks burn bright, village deity,

Old man with Bhagavat bright lamp,

His narration, listen silent local rapt,

In, car while return saw kids crowd,

Curios eyes, noise, giggle lot proud,

 Left the village, dolls with the pitcher on the head,

Little child clinging cloth bare tread,

Glances as spark curious smiles,

Bathing ghat in pond prick miles,

Paradise on earth is my state love,

Bewitching her beauty tear dissolve,


In, flight to big metros visit frequent,

Gleaming glass towers, flyovers went,

Luminescent cars speeding ahead,

Homes in concrete kissing sky red,

Huge parks, working place dazzle,

Huge colleges, hospitals, transit sizzle,

Million in the stream of life, evening light,

Shames dark night, music, club bright,

Saw beggars in the street, handsome men,

Youth with an attractive look, kids reign,

Scintillating in beautiful young women,

Colored designed dress, silk woven,

Few in ornaments, gold, jewels shine,

Admiring eyes, lips, smile crisp line,

Owed paradise on the moon, felt distant,

Forgotten in age busy life reluctant,

Fading quick milling crowd, night sky,

A damsel in slumber lighted with a sigh,


Ripe age, mind traverse memory lane,

Natural beauty my state, village women,

Purity, smiles, silence, solitude lure,

The smell of earth, mountain green allure,

Fortunate in the lap of bewitching beauty,

Sing her splendor, on earth executive.    




Thursday, November 26, 2020




Behold enchanting beauty of nature,

Bountiful earth, food, water, air pure,

Ever visit rural scenery, serenity share,

Halt near ripe paddy field golden fair,

Human hunger minute, nature meet,

Harvest season intoxicate smiles greet,

Rice, wheat feeds billion, abundance earth,

Invaluable her gift, life grows in mirth,

Lost in thought of golden earth, blue skies,

Cloud of gay birds on wings happiness rise,

Plentitude for life on wings to feed, nest,

Huge shallow water bodies aquatic best,

Traveled once in thick forest overwhelm,

Vast kingdom of a creature, animal realm,

Endless huge trees shelter in solitude,

Nature provides food, mating plentitude,

No askance of desires, forest offer life,

Purest fresh air, clear water flows right,

Profuse in flowers colorful with fragrance,

Ripe fruits saucy, meadows in elegance,

A paradise for own mind infects beatitude,

Eternal happiness all seasons in plentitude,

Sweet homes of mankind door windows,

Furniture, floor, carvings nice multitude,

Woods from the jungle, feed paper or books,

Population exploits endless forest cover,

A plentitude of animal life fails to recover,

Sat once in beach blue ocean impress,

Huge marine life meets hunger express,

Pregnant with treasure, human plunder,

Reserve saline water from thirsty clever,

Huge clouds raise pure not salt, water,

Great winds cool earth carries farther,

Feed, in plentitude, river, lakes n pool,

Preserve underground water wonderful,

Puzzled at plentitude for human on earth,

Hunger, thirst, homeless, nature’s wrath,

Bountiful her hands to share and care,

No more happy, loving, empty, feed rare,

Mother earth bleeds poison, ignore thirst,

Flood furry, hostile climate, cyclones worst,

Devastation, plenitude as an answer to greed,

Nature’s cruel gesture, virulent virus breed,

A summarized consequence of mindless lust,

Humanity has forgotten, share plentitude lost,

Forgotten blue ocean, green forest, earth,

Forgotten blue skies, noisy birds in mirth,

Forgotten simple life, need scanty, savior,

Love of earth, nature, creature, safe secure,

Pregnant with jewel, gold, mineral radiate,

The animal mind of human savage will obliterate,


Awake, the future generation, the inheritor,

A path to plentitude is needed we discover,

Symbols remind human mind turned blind,

Throw gold to sky returns quick clear remind,

The river is serene till flows between banks,

Wave in beach surges ahead goes back,

Tree near pond never sucks water dry,

A river flows to the ocean slow never feels shy,

Insect live for a day vanishes quickly,

Multiply uncontrolled, locust savagely

The discipline of nature, growth within, limit,

A human can survive, the revival of nature, sweet,

A cow gives milk, milk flood in revolution,

Water harvest preserves underground innovation,

Plant a tree, cartload of fruit gift in return,

Rebuilding forest cover saves generation,

O’ human, express gratitude thanksgiving,

Nature bountiful, earth plentitude is reviving.


Wednesday, November 25, 2020



In teenage got friendship with wick,

Present teen rare use never to like,

Centuries ago Lantern, oil lamp, light,

Night, life opaque dark, lamps delight,

Kerosene lamp, lantern clean glass,

Wick long remove carbon burn class,

Temples of our time oil lamp earthen,

Gentle glow in Sanctorum Idol brighten,

In darkness divine lighted silent pure,

Blinding light present decoration sure,

Evening prayers, hundreds of lamp,

Courtyard of temple nice smell trap,

Wick has gone extinct, purity doubt,

Glamour ornaments dazzle proud,

Simple thread round or flat as a wick,

Capture mind, our time, so nostalgic,

We grew in lamp saw electricity came,

Dark our roads, lamp post, wick flame,

Festival night, homes nice in lamp, light,

Rows of earthen lamps in dark a sight,

Wick is missing, save candles in color,

Neon bulbs, bright light, Diwali fever,

Look pensive our yesteryears are only past,

Heart earns if wick burns bright last,

Glamour erased serenity of decent time,

Noisy bazaar, wide roads mansion shine,

Our generation has not forgotten wick,

Dussehra time oil lamps burn for a week,

Nine days oil lamp burns, wishes seek,

Wick glows near Mother, Prayers meek,


Behold O’ soul wick sucks oil nice slow,

Oil burns reach flame wick’s love glow,

Symbol of transformation, oil gives light,

As a child never knew dedication so bright,

Nightlong wick burned, we excel in study,

Transformation of innocence to the wise body,

Time rolled to modern, bright light music,

Television, mobile, internet, age is magic,

Nothing exists in our teenage silent night,

Wick burned in silence concentration right,

Magic a hand in fiction touches rock to gold,

Wick symbolizes essence, oil seeks to hold,


Searched long world service of wick similar,

Helps burning, turn black, flame spectacular,

Air, in the breath, serves like wick burns to energy,

Returns out as carbon, incredible is synergy.

Like a bright lamp, life glows to perform nice,

Curios mind seeks the book, wick to learn, precise.