Monday, January 18, 2021





A sojourn of immortal soul love,

Surrender passion lust dissolve,

Selfless supreme compassion,

Healing touch tender emotion,

Serves heart care lift sufferer,

Divine is life divine love pure,

Lord lives within healing touch,

Tear glints smile heart, much, (1)


Often disturbs wounded heart,

Often wonder love pain thwarts,

Tormented by fate state of mind,

Felt emotion compassion be kind,

Tried best to reach other’s soul,

Soothes heart touch heals goal, (2)


Bewilders mind spirit soar high,

Mimics a kite free fly in the sky,

Wells up warm tear in a corner,

Eyes n heart ignite the slow burner,

Spark fulfills purpose existence,

This world to quit feels intense,

Gratitude, in love as baggage,

Heavy hand departure envisage,

Empty hand farewell, a fantasy,

Remember hearts love ecstasy, (3)


Moved, dirty face sparkle eyes,

Moved, silent looks aloof shies,

Moved, pain throb shiver cold,

Moved, tiny baby adult or old,

Moved, destiny cruel to female,

Moved, hunger fever too unwell,

Moved, lost hope destitute life,

Moved, fate butter less a knife,

Moved heart of Lord, Thy touch,

The healing touch cures as such … (4)


Human life inspire divine quest,

Serves humanity love heals best,

Dedicate life luxury family friend,

Simple life pray surrenders to bend,

Selfless soothing words, empathy,

Presence amongst ill, in sympathy,

Travel world equal tender touch,

Remember mankind recall much,

Lord waits in the smile, wider heaven,

Welcomes healing soul touch even… (5)



Lead kindly me to light O’ merciful,

Live for others serve quit meaningful,

Let my heart empathy suffering soul,

Sympathy soothing, help wonderful,

No comfort luxury friend relation,

Human unknown need, devotion,

Touch erases tear I rest in peace,

Tears enough people look me amiss, (6)








Sunday, January 17, 2021





Human pride eternal it evolves,

Heroic courage rise, fall revolves,

Aggressor aggravate average will,

Annexation adverse animosity ill,

Empire enslave endurance endless,

Enmity endanger infinite distress,

Ignite mind rise irreversible hope,

Infinite pride chauvinist develop,

Dig past citadel charisma cherish,

Destroy slavery defend fear perish,

Chains checkmated freedom fare,

Clarion call, chauvinist conspire,

Fiery speech fuel mind rampages,

Feverish effort felony flame rages,

The mind plays victim ruler monster,

A meltdown of trust dare occupier,

Neutralizes nation befitting reply,

Native cherish chauvinist, comply,

Overthrow outsider master dusted,

Patriotic chauvinist let rule busted, (1)


Chauvinist order ruler plunders loot,

Chauvinist attitude local under the boot,

Chauvinist control people awe watch,

Chauvinist race faith, cruelty match,

Chauvinist language attire n culture,

Chauvinist enforce enigma n vulture,

Chauvinist laws education owns salt,

Chauvinist witness famine locks vault,

Chauvinist strip people army power,

Chauvinist chose slaves serve n cower,

Cherish chauvinist palace fort colony,

Cancer to humanity curse rich felony,

Occupy all devil mind reign supreme,

Exploit decent human hurt extreme, (2)


Chauvinist belief in freedom birthright,

Offer own life save soil show neck tight,

Adopt violence violate rules, occupation,

Leave or let die ill fate aloof oppression,

Chauvinist envisage best land people,

Best among valor courage war simple,

Best landscape icy peak desert mingle,

Best earth beauty nature, sparkle flare,

Best rivers pure sacred billion-plus care,

Best ancient past wisdom culture dress,

Best language literature science, impress,

Believe peace progress cooperation love,

Believe friendship trade trip fear to dissolve,

Believe bonhomie freedom secure border,

Believe equality chauvinist cherish order,

Chauvinist occupier oppressor n perish

Chauvinists celebrate republic n cherish… (3)

Saturday, January 16, 2021





Nature nurture paradox color,

Snake fangs toad gloats valor,

Animal raise front foot, thrill,

Tiger hides behind a bush, kill,

Bird expand wings walk treat,

Parrot mimic voices ever meet,

Monkey show teeth wide eyes,

Cat’s tail up mustaches tease,

Animal bird paradoxical plays,

Plantlife insects equal phase,

Leafless tree fall indicates well,

Green leaf cover n color swell,

Spring brings blossoms spray,

A profusion of color bit dismay,

Thorn plant flowers decorate,

Chameleon a paradox create, (1)


Tiny a creature life turn color,

Chameleon mimics cover pure,

Gray stems gray chameleon fit,

Green leave adopts green neat,

Message metaphor adopt clean,

Accommodate display limb win,

True color, true nature in guise,

Appears a leaf or stem, precise,

Paradox never safety move only,

Changes color mimic nature silly,

Animal plant bird insect puzzle,

Nature changes, paradox sizzle,

Chameleon hit natural instinct,

The paradox for human well distinct, (2)


Human chameleon never a rare,

Alien culture color perfect share,

Paradox a pleasure mimics dress,

Talk outlook colors wish to impress,

Language festival dance n music,

Chameleon nature evolve ecstatic,

Guise in alien model life paradox,

Mother tongue, ethnic look Detox,

Adoptability without purpose well,

Fake modernity a paradox in the trail,

Chameleon least help nature much,

Chameleon human, less alien lurch,

Less for serving self or foreign great,

Perplex mind craze enamor no fate, (3)


 Chameleon a paradox copy human,

Art paint body colors dress well can,

Replicate environment best fascinate,

Public life crazes wild mimic intricate,

Art incredible true pictures hide most,

Paradox world-class creation big boast,

Chameleons color gender age race prowl,

Selfish motive trickster shrewd crawl,

Fashionable life modern tag outlook,

Reflection lifestyle local imitate hook,

Native dress music art language style,

Erases lot, lost precious paradox stays,

Chameleon human vain other life plays. (4)

Friday, January 15, 2021







Witness perceptive mind perplex,

Human spirit unites yet complex,

Courageous let compromise unite,

Selfish motive enrich isolate fight, (1)


Bridge born to unite people sweet,

Bring easy travel means more wit,

Day n night bear burden loads all,

Span over water, connect hills tall,

Concrete built a strong run for a mile,

Iron bridge for century-long, smile,

Pontoon float, to river banks ferry,

Hanging bridge wooden, iron carry,

Connects a gorge lot remote place,

Travel people in comfort time grace, (2)


Resemble human spirit bridges mind,

Deep ravines chasm thoughts rewind,

Thoughts have hanging bridge support,

Complex life divergent makes rapport,

Land bifurcated river separate people,

Bridge over river save time join simple,

Pontoon bridge ferry low cost quick,

Resembles messenger proposal exotic,

Concrete bridge or iron, steel stronger,

Take the burden of load all-weather,

Symbolizes treaty, accord, agreement,

Last for decade century unites decent,

Unite nations, people continent apart,

Bridge of heart n mind conflict depart,

The bridge symbolizes will peace progress,

Bridge equals bridging heart, impress, (3)


Bemoans bridge units mind no reward,

Sadden bridge ensure freedom forward,

Mere communication tag hurt a bridge,

Opportunity blossom better life at ease,

A bridge between trust hearts meets pure,

A million lives prosper export travel sooner,

Bridge a piece of paper, words cement,

Last longer bonhomie thicker element,

Bridge bemoans selfish greedy anger,

Torn in pieces words erased sufferer,

Hurt a bridge recall, love friendliness,

Tearing paper time let unity distress,

Angry River Bridge, violence tore apart,

Unites people, explosion greets cart!

Questions humanity unity qualify life,

A bitter mind, love bridging, love knife, (4)


Bridge bemoans, O’ human, be alert,

Concrete, brick, gravel build in an effort,

Novel Act Bridge unify wall well divide,

Adore wall shelters good, anger ride,

Wall in coat symbolizes dividing people,

Brick, cement wall colors mind simple,

Bridge, concrete, paper disappear soon,

Wall, brick word text mirrors the moon.

Love building bridge hate erecting walls,

Peace cooperation progress life enthralls. (5)










Thursday, January 14, 2021





Immaculate affluent life relish,

Perfect mind vision work finish,

Excellent knowledge nourishes,

Expertise a generation lavishes,

Wise, courage hope confluence,

A life immerge affluent influence,

A crumbling feather inks stories,

Reputation reach zenith, glories,

Incredible a realm day and night,

Distance between opaque n sights,

Duality rules darkness and light,

Life enjoys luxury horrific fright,

Mimics story of life surging wave,

The climax to zenith tragedy yet save,

Mind on wings flight continental,

Fame glamour wealth pours regal,

Wings of fire burn fate fractures,

Crumbling feather force insecure (1)


Time never a friend or foe, frigid,

Fame fortune money leaves rigid,

Feathers are fate, fortune n fame,

Crumbling feather wishes a name,

The name remains namesake legend,

People harp on story life descend,

Restitution remote recluses wait,

Destiny, crumbling feather quiet,

Mighty bird covers Continent Ocean,

Strength of mind mighty bird glisten,

Feathers glitter under the sun, guide,

Brighter than hope courage decide,

Courage affix feather control mind,

Mind estimate direction path blind,

Mind continental bird navigate life,

Unpredictable destiny violent strife,

Lightening thunder cyclone weather,

Morn fiery bird n crumbling feather,

Torn splendid voyage oceanic flight,

Remote Island Pacific resemble sight,

Crumbling feather collected inks,

A mesmerizing trait of human winks,

Pinnacle to peanut, pigeon hole,

Pens crumbling feather life role, (2)



Power corrupts absolute power blind,

Affluence influence ego, greedily find,

Anger jealousy lust luxury, corrode,

Feathers ignite fire brightest erode,

Flight high altitude, mountain peak,

Bottomless ocean continental creak,

Over people multitude life city rustic, (4)


Misses real survival lessons intrinsic,

Power to serve poor powerless soul,

Affluence influence share care goal,

Anger melts at forgiveness and love,

Ego perishes, humbleness dissolve,

Detached mind dispel jealousy lust,

Simple human noble luxuries frost,

Frostbite, the truth transient world,

Crumbling feather rooted mind gold,

Giant banyan toppled, windblown,

Little grass simple well path shown,

Grass symbolize humble spirit clean,

Feather crumble, feathery pen wean,

Recluses’ fallen bird awakened pens,

Ink bottle, feather pen, a story in the lens, (5)