Friday, February 12, 2021





Anew Countryside;

Rise O’ people, a new dawn brake,

Centuries of darkness fade, wake,

Quit the slumber, land afresh free,

Tricolor flies high blossoms a tree,

A fresh wind of aspiration immense,

The fragrance of breeze hopes intense,

A youth stands feature of the nation,

New millennium generation motion,

Tomorrow teen will accept a baton,

Runs forward renews vigor, lesson,

Disunity ignoramus inertia poverty,

Fragments ancient land, a new unity,

Renews vigor cohesion of heart act,

Disappears mistrust sharing enact,

Sharing of pain, pleasure depravity,

Sharing affluence, rich, poor amity,

Amity of faith fountain of practice,

Rainbows, friendly cultures entice,

Renews vigor of mind peaceful love,

Progress renews vigor dark dissolve,

Dark is past of nation chain unlock,

Lock, weak poverty ignorance block,

Ignorant lack health education skill,

Renew vigor land, agog teenage drill, (1)


Anew Present;

Immunity switch yoga international,

Spread worldwide renews vigor total,

Post corona humanity seek fit n fine,

Fine in shape mind heart pure shine,

Heart search pristine nature, nurture,

Fresh air blue water quiet anew vigor,

Complex modern busy life apprehend,

Tension worry fear destroy life no end,

Preserve nature reserve immune body,

Progress, wait definitely next kid study,

Renews vigor new technology prevail,

Mobile internet digital network all sail,

Emission of wisdom skill experience,

Transmits at lightning speed essence,

Youth dreams future bright, innovate,

Breakthroughs solve n communicate,

New Year renews vigor technology all,

Confident plausible direction enthrall, (2)


Anew World-order;

One world one mankind myopic lips,

Speak nice act vice promise due, slips,

Faction equals population once linger,

Hatred anger, lies, terror threat trigger,

World unity a pace of paper, hypocrisy,

Superpower bend rules bolds, lunacy,

Corona taught a massive mission to unite,

Pandemic crush powerful small tight,

Vaccination help cure sick friendly tie,

United world never before powerful die,

Renaissance reason resurrect an order,

Paradigm shift new world orients ardor, (3)


Anew human outlook;

Immunity fine shape education skills,

Less politics new proactive fox kneels,

Impatient wait patient benefit awards,

Peace progress freedom secure rewards,

Free thought travel commerce network,

Freedom new vigor duplicity melt hark. (4)

Thursday, February 11, 2021




Momentous a time lost memory,

Born on the Earthlight mercury,

Strange faces noise happy smile,

Cry aloud an unknown realm rile,

The beginning of the journey unravels,

Unthinkable encounter let travel,

Second from birth sequence long,

Moth year decades elusive among,

Among near n dear strange spirit,

The objective of arrival past all delete,

New day start life a blank paper,

Write self every moment n more,

Book of life exotic unparallel edge,

The last page, book open blank page,

Self is lost in thought lot to write,

A vestige of journey mirror life tight,

A screen of vision roll, cast enamor,

Unearthly experiences slow cover,

Ecstasy laughter cries n emotion,

Thrilling heart skin tingle motion,

Final hour self thinks to write full,

Miss objective vestige journey cool, (1)


The essence of human life glows fizzles,

Taken aback conscience now sizzles,

Lament heart reluctant to leave soon,

Mansion jewelry costume love a boon,

Lifelong effort golden deer in the capture,

Handsome it happen, dream rapture,

Time to leave wife dearest soul mate,

Love will bid farewell front door gate,

Time will see kid tearful face remorse,

Friend relatives leave quiet off course,

Bid farewell at a cremation ground all,

Mortal remains to burn to ashes fireball,

Awaken wisdom self meant limb well,

Precious body adored fragrant, quell,

Presumed self as handsome apparel,

Enormous name fame ego face prevail,

Trust by heart life manifests dominant,

Burns fire, face, name fame lo obliterate,

Mortal born everything on soil merge,

Soul timeless vestige of journey surge,

Shadows melt permanent vices close,

Virtues cover a coat shine soul arose, (2)


Final destination abode void unknown,

The last page never narrate the journey reborn,

A cycle of life creator offers new book love,

Love infinite divine entice sins to absolve,

As self, sows, so it reaps evil noble deed,

Sin sinks life sorrowful virtuous indeed,

Virtuous lead life of path to realizing well,

Freedom from cycle of birth-death dwell,

A vestige of journey capitulate no sojourn,

A new book never open sinful write mourn,

A vestige of journey last page reviews fate,

Opportunity offer rinses sin, oblivion wait. (3)


Wednesday, February 10, 2021





Amazes human character besiege,

Aspires heart perfections bewitch,

Desires endless entices a thought,

Enjoy sensual pleasures wrought,

Time wait for ceaseless work alert,

Short human life, lurks a fraught,

Troubles drive human effort futile,

Procrastination behind, in a smile,

Consoles disturbed mind pretense,

Sleep well O’ spirit fresh immense,

Enough time opportunity acquire,

Complete jobs comfortable inspire,

Tiredness limbs error-prone, rest,

Calm mind creative best manifest,

Obey mind leisure conscience rue,

Procrastination ruins result due,

Results human life, inefficient tag,

Procrastination bless rich turns rag, (1)


Perplex human procrastination act,

A negative attitude prompts to react,

Never delay allowing mind lazy asleep,

Evil tendency procrastinate, creep,

Clueless captive mind cap ruinous,

Lion’s courage dominate, victorious,

Jewel of human nature determine,

Time guides life work finishes fine,

Father of notation Bapu, loincloth,

Spine straight long stick clock both,

Stick resembles determined mind,

Time alert, incomplete works find,

Mahatma taught nonviolence peace,

Killed procrastination freedom kiss,

The spine of nation peasant time-bound,

Undeterred rain cold summer found,

Leisure least procrastination shivers,

Busy hand feed a billion-plus, favors,

A nation feverish for procrastination,

Youth old kid adhere comfort motion,

Leader labor citizen doctor research,

Procrastinator devastates death lurch,

Poverty hunger sick life, mind,  weak,

Spread uncertain future bold speak,

A lion in nation orated clarion call,

Want freedoms to give me blood you all,

Tingled every pore of skin fiery speech,

A million procrastinators rose to breach,

Shed inertia inflamed mind big uproar,

Colonialist surrender nation left clear, (2)


Last but never least milestone arrives,

Born on soil death must the goal vibes,

Impermanence rule eternal love share,

Peaceful mind caring heart anger rare,

Friendship humanity one family bond,

Future generation of mankind refund,

Procrastination of intent intense melt,

Violent world mistrust mind ruins felt,

Procrastination action pose crossroad,

Walk O’ Human race now or never nod,

The opportunity once, better late than never,

The turtle wins the race deer procrastinator. (3) 







Tuesday, February 9, 2021





Fabulous rural landscape bountiful,

Rustic life waits for future blossom cool,

Nation broke the chain of aliens govern,

A new dawn of prosperity miss mourn,

Write saga of sorrows sunken spirit,

Ill afford to luxury intimacy, delight,

Vagaries of fate destitute mind rove,

Immense pains of past scar dissolve,

Born after deep desire parent poorer,

Dreamt enough rosy future n secure,

Divine grace a child, paradise fetch,

Frivolous fantasy mother hopes etch,

Underprivileged needy life accrue lot,

Hope is golden deer, hide n seek to avert,

 Couple cajoles child, education clear,

Fortune helps fate scholarship occur,

Student life aspirations infinite move,

Intoxicate lust for wealth fame, wove,

Deprivation discriminates confidence,

Modern life competitive indifference,

Crumples slow frivolous fantasy soon,

Unemployment hunt cruel wage boon,

Brick kiln rock crusher laborers hub,

Degree certificates mock, heartthrob,

Sport education awards once ecstasy,

Contemplate laborer frivolous fantasy,

None erases tear parent crumbles life,

Survival for fittest reject butter-knife,

Parent migrant hard life, animal pity,

Youth wanderer stays frivolous vanity,

Recondition wiser, youth reconstitute,

Frivolous fantasy fades, work restitute (1)


Republic day National Independence,

Freedom a birthright democracy lens,

Peaceful free from colonialist plunder,

Progress of nation health happy poor,

The roof upon head  summer rain cold,

Kid grow healthy food dress trill bold,

Education job family generation wink,

Seven decades frivolous fantasy sink,

Tag migrant insult concept sovereign,

Victims of frivolous fantasy left again,

Jobless useless degree awards honor,

Birthright of equal opportunity roar,

Lament motherland motherhood cry,

Anarchist ruins, rule inert anger fry,

Population growth races, cross limit,

Settlers’ weight heavy, natives orbit,

Corona specter close hopes rejuvenate,

Citizenship ambiguous rolls intricate,

Industry start running chimney smoke,

Jobless search in quagmire job revokes,

School colleges open paradigm course,

A year loser student frivolous remorse,

Celebrate patriotic heart ruler ecstasy,

Aspire nation, erase frivolous fantasy. (2)

Monday, February 8, 2021





Human nature incredible variation,

Innocence compassion, cooperation,

Soul trust complete exploitation lot,

Immense love on stranger least alert,

Fiend human nature guise awesome,

Fleece poor innocent extract ransom,

Fiend gentle look smiling demeanor,

Soft-spoken steals heart maneuver,

Sin willful endless obscure presence,

Departs, fading mist, ruin all intense,

No crime trail, list cruel deeds fleece,

Fleece wealth happiness shelter, miss, (1)


Desire expand immense meet space,

The grace of divine pious life peace trace,

Simple detached heart curbs hunger,

Wealth asset glamour quit, live longer,

Fleece negative thought feels like a fiend,

Hatred jealousy anger lust greed, end,

Inflame sensuous mind heart skin lot,

Limbs restless stressful, quench alert,

Slippery life simplicity adulterate slow,

An evil mind dark fiend fleece purity blow,

Eternal bitter fight silent war ravages,

Heart the battlefield ruins life amazes,

Mind master of spirit strong room open,

Unlock determination rejection motion,

Erase evil fiend fleece abrupt perishes,

Noble fiend start fleecing jewel blesses, (2)


Decant nectar of human natures dual,

A drop, poisons evil character enthrall,

Abstract unseen unearthly attitude all,

Nectar or poison potion matter enthrall,

Touch of gold jewel money touch tingle,

Evil fiend love fleecing pretense, mingle,

Never narrate fiction fairy tale happen,

A vast expanse of realm often life sickens,

Drive mind paralyzed speechless soul,

Overnight rich ambition fleecing, goal,

Fleece meager hard earn seek fortune,

Lottery self-existence blind invest is hewn,

Infinite ways of money machine n bet,

Affluent famous fiend fleece power wet,

Fiend greed fleece fortune bets mortal,

Watch alert soul life ruins lose brutally,

Fleece fiend character real benevolence,

Fleece fiend jealous ignites malevolence, (3)


A cycle of birth n death life circles trend,

At a point circumference start and end,

Mortal is money name fame body perish,

Mind exist spirit dwell natures nourish,

The evil thought misery pain torment ever,

Noble natures peace bless etches pure,

Fleece fiend within gate open road twin,

Life between two horns, dilemmas win. (4)

Sunday, February 7, 2021






Ever happen soulful near the beach,

Open sky meets earth horizon bewitch,

Blue ocean expanse kiss horizon arc,

Speechless at beach thoughts sharp,

Vast marine life beneath waves dwell,

High on sky birds circle, breeze swell,

Look pensive focus self exists marvel,

Never alone, a billion humans unravel,

Each life, itself a universe procreate,

Born on planet depart, time intimate,

Focus own species vastness mankind,

Happens every moment, eventful find,

Infinite space universe equal incident,

Quiescence cripples thoughtless intent,

Pointed query seeks creator’s intention,

Time eternal universe lifecycle creation, (1)


Imposes bigger, mind itself a universe,

Trillion thoughts, flown, quiet reverse,

Teenage life spans old age mind think,

Awaken thought live, dream yet wink,

Mind question millions self seek well,

Right solution deep within sleep dwell,

Inquisitive mind probe answers solve,

Creator creations opaque infinite love,

Unanswered unknown undefined stay,

Infinite unborn eternal timeless sway,

Overpowering presence permeate life,

Percept star, planet earth acts, strike,

Unsolved lifelong quest within the focus,

Never can guess a birth be conscious, (2)


Lord even conspicuous focus my soul,

Unseen within soul query about a goal,

Purpose of journey real home details,

Self, aware of soul effulgence prevails,

Ignore pain sorrow pleasure love care,

Watches alert event of a life time, share,

Know departure time quit shelter long,

Earthborn let merges sing swan song,

Unable to solve mystery n the creation,

Alien in transient realm mystic a home, (3)


Revert back to the beach loses mind,

Glories of paradise the creation find,

Ethereal quiescence profound alone,

Felt presence of divine manifestation,

Plead aloud, hello’ the world, answer,

The sea breeze blowing nearby a whisper,

Whisper is heard n mind, in silence,

The mind tells listen, Creation immense,

Sky meets the ocean, a horizons bend

There is no beginning creation no end,

Knew soul sojourn realize, creation,

Reflection of almighty life in motion,

The home is  void an ocean of soul,

Realized returns soul merges, a goal. (4)