Monday, March 8, 2021





Freedom got spirit enjoys happy,

Service life ends, new life savvy,

Forget in joy daily appointment,

Forget to worry easy meet indecent,

No more project job schedule call,

Burn late night lamp file piles tall,

No more conference visitor hassle,

No travel, busy with many people,

Hotel entertainment invitee simple,

Midnight tour report flight book,

The next morning to meet boss hook,

Neither affords personal time relax,

Nor family time at hand bit cracks,

Nor picnic vacation home celebrate,

Working life over now invertebrate,

Every day is holiday lunch dinner,

Insouciance renewed dreams near, (1)


Got an opportunity to visit friend well,

Meet relative occasion peace dwell,

Chat with neighbor informal plenty,

Walk neighborhood at dawn sweaty,

Kids at distant place house are quiet,

Television books newspapers wait,

Gossips with wife happy moments,

Acquainted by now, retired life tests,

Old habit die hard inertial painful,

Telephone electricity water bill cool,

Ready for payment monthly routine,

Vegetable grocery gardening prime,

Still find time motionless surprise,

Insouciance makes up love precise,

Love for writing on memories music,

Correspondence on internet intrinsic,

Digital media mobile cyberspace lot,

Bountiful knowledge-bank free alert,

Remark column of news most topic,

Interaction sharing ideas talk epic,

Friends have never seen in life far off,

Digital platforms many posts stuff,

Audio-video picture text clip article,

Life churns day in day out practical,

No tension worry fear mind distress,

Insouciance, postures of life, impress, (2)


A decade after retirement see a pattern,

Change lifestyle saw past forgotten,

Life is quiet home lonely most often,

Meditate in silence n divine emotion,

Inner peace love different a universe,

Darkness within self melts of course,

Name address places familiar faces,

Erases quick temporary soul graces,

Luminescence brighten inner vision,

Lose existence calm thoughts none,

Hours after tranquil mind descend,

Insouciance play music joy intend,

Divine prayer sings life still regal,

Insouciance an age times enthrall. (3)






The genesis of history sparkles,

The world population often chuckles,

Eon of civilization fractured story,

Continental wall race ethnic glory,

Faith practice prosperity lifestyle,

Food habit costume convey smile,

Settler wonderer voyager, thriller,

Millennium old stories, simulator,

Fiction myth offshoot on empires,

Kingdom built ruined all inspires,

King Queen Hero villain army roll,

Endless topics translated n enroll,

Enrolls in drama cine art speech,

Distant land filter generation each, (1)


Childhood to a ripe age, reader many,

World people search savor uncanny,

Continental crisscross story often,

Digital, cyberspace ever in motion,

Humanity single platform devours,

You accept I differ, genesis inverse,

I accept; you differ; discussion reverse,

Friendship amity accept accordance,

Race ethnic language in discordance, (2)


Modern governance is a democracy,

King queen dictator also autocracy,

All exist world arena promote nice,

Variation of rule law act in practice,

Single leader rules nation or plural,

Multiple heads in cohesion on moral,

Serve people absolute power govern,

Peace prosperity miss, people mourn,

Which is good, which is bad, a conflict,

Never settled final, discordance enlist, (3)


Government claim promises all kept,

Promise to electorate outcry, it slept,

House of people, a citadel of governance,

Bench opposition, in bitter discordance,

Policy practice implementation vary,

People at a loss opinion almost vary,

Divergent views of benefited deprived,

Myopic view accommodative revived, (4)


People send kids to learn history,

Past events of nation n, mythology,

Polluted willfully facts as fiction,

Lies are taught learn a generation,

The culture was one wrote in accordance,

Civilization misses con discordance, (5)



The fabric of society suffers divergence,

Race religion class regions intense,

Lack bonhomie cooperation a people,

Lack cohesive communication simple,

Fracture unity dissipate accordance,

Ruins nation resurfaces discordance,

Unite O’ people play national music,

Discordance disturbs polish patriotic. (6)




Sunday, March 7, 2021





Happiness to live every moment,

Life never anchor to yesterday,

Life rejects a fantasy of the future,

Life loves today at the moment,

Pain pleasure appears, accept,

Equanimity peace life is decent,

Pleasant time love kindness all,

Care selfless service all enthrall,

Thankful to Almighty n destiny,

Gratitude gives life joys many, (1)


Happiness is the state of my mind,

Made myself happy to remind,

When a tear rolls down the cheek,

In sorrows of life, flow in the creek,

Found, lips drink all, yet smile,

Never letdown happiness in life,

So valuable n rare is happiness,

Ever realize the truth n impress,

And it’s imperfection, nobility let,

The human heart perceives this late,

Eyes don’t speak all yet transmit,

Highly transformative life permit, (2)


In course of everyday’s life span,

The ability of self to change own mind,

For the better or worse life rewind,

Changing hues of mental concepts,

Habits n perception, life intercept,

The reality, life is most wonderful,

In the world yet doer tread careful, (3)


Life witness all vanishes in time,

Yet enactment remains for me fine,

I realize the essence of human life,

Only I make it better for me bright,

The greatest wonder unfolds life,

In life knowing this, I ignore right,

And most of the time for the worse,

As a result, I suffer the action of course,

Immense torture of conscience cast,

It has a great message recalls last,

The true realization takes a lifetime,

Happiness solves all problems fine, (4)


That menaces the individual strike,

Force self to look upon life in fright,

Fraught with life bitter pain suffer,

It transforms life once again happier,

Molds meaningful, deeply significant,

Gift of Supreme to the soul ignorant,

A key to the transformed view of life,

Transformation is an experience of life,

Single key happiness unlocks smile,

Life is precious never count in a smile (5)





Beauty is an inner phenomenon

Beauty is not an object or person,

Beauty is not in eyes of the beholder,

Beauty lies in a heart to bewilder, (1)


Sunset on the horizon is mesmerizing,

See, castles of dream collapsing,

Waves surge prevail beach of life,

A sandcastle is swept, bit by bit,

Eyes lost in future builds a more,

The mind seeks hues of past enamor,

Eyes lost in look, unaware, find,

Fragile frame faces swiping wind,

Beach of life before the ocean of time,

Thrills memories, shadow castles,

Infinite joy sweeps, sails thought,

Dreamland flashes life wrought, (2)


Night after night spirit a traveler,

Meet people places, times allure,

Arresting beauty awake in a smile,

Teenage youth, adulthood in a file,

At night sleeps visit places entice,

Garden forest hill river n crevasse,

Matchless beauty charms dreams,

Speechless spirit wake up swims,

Unseen at place physical presence,

Mystical beauty time wish essence,

Nature beautiful melodious touches,

The thrill of heart skin, mind searches, (3)


In dark forest walk self in shadow,

Alone on a narrow path, no moon glow,

Fear strike senses, dreams if hunt,

Spirit sit for long eyes closed taunt,

Remember Lord once sent for life,

Have life dreams been finished right? (4)


Somewhere in whispers deep within,

“Child you forget inner beauty clean,

I reside in heart, my abode from birth,

Beauty is not an object, people but mirth,

The eye never has built your castle,

You forgot I was beholder you nestle,

Ever your spirit merges in me clean,

Beauty in inner phenomenon within,

Ocean of heavenly joy n peace drip,

Inner world no ocean of time sweep,” (5)


“Instead of castles, views are all light,

Calm in silence the journey is upright,

Alone you find the path of life bright,

Inner beauty will be with you forever,

Never self get worried about creations favor,

Beauty in heart, self searches in vain,

World, its nature mesmerizes insane,

Insane a musk deer search fragrance,

Search forest, musk inside head once,

The beauty within the human mind looks out,

Beauty is transient illusive n burnout,

True is inner beauty peace bliss love,

Soul, truth is eternal, least dissolve.” (6)




Saturday, March 6, 2021





Awake, dawn breaks beautiful,

Shake the slumber, wonderful,

Fresh air cool instill all desires,

Sunrise in bridal color inspire,

New day in life wait opportunity,

Magical thoughts cloud on duty,

New challenge unknown arrives,

A new person meets bond thrives,

New job offer prosperous future,

The new boss understands or better,

A new place to travel works invite,

New problem waits for projects bite,

Complex life, thread with knots,

A miracle unfolds, surface, if buts,

The day riddles solve symphony,

Initial apprehension accompany,

The day ends, job over, happy mind,

Family in apprehension, remind, (1)


Evening news telecast views well,

Election trigger expectant swell,

Reclined to sofa watch promises,

Win or loss of vote, luck precise,

Rallies long speech excite the public,

Melt in the air always hunt nostalgic,

Leader rises to power on destiny,

Worry apprehension accompany,

Leader worry, worry public wait,

Future open avenues of joy late,

Open job opportunity grain sold,

Happy youth farmer labors bold,

Avenues fail to open, price rises,

Apprehension happens surprises,

Picketing rally strike hunt nation,

Disturb life uncertainty in motion,

Leader appeal to people for harmony,

Shed an apprehension accompany, (2)


Quit television watch kid in the study,

Classwork examination to moody,

Thought of parent entice a result,

Child to pass out with honor most,

Aspiration weave future rosy await,

Higher study career avalanche gate,

Often smiles dream shadow failure,

Time is a key, efforts indeed assure,

Parent pray reverently wait for destiny,

Usual let apprehension accompany, (3)


Sleep yet never near rest n think,

Service life will be over a future sink,

Gratuity pension insurance saving,

Secure home, kid’s marriage ring,

Insurance cover for health adequate,

Duty for old parent expenses met,

Nightmare is raising cost n finance,

Only the job, a boat on a stormy sea,

Meager savings attract honey bee,

Steal most of savings future looms,

Apprehension accompany, blooms, (4)


Fast asleep dream watch tomorrow,

Apprehension left miss total sorrow,

Equanimity accompany life is quiet,

Swansong, life sings, gain loss duet. (5)