Monday, March 22, 2021





Timeless abode in nature’s lap,

Human live nice verdure wrap,

Tribal community ancient race,

Life with freedom survive grace,

Independent life knows a world,

The world is villages secure reward,

Language spoken n symbolizes,

Enough to communicate, says,

Civilization sees list enormous,

Fearful tribal mind ignoramus, (1)


Time-tested educated inspects,

Different civilization an interest,

University research knowledge,

The dimension of lifestyle envisage,

Inventory of inventions, vision,

The digital world interact a reason,

Megapolis, transport, business,

World of nations exist, impress,

Tribal at crossroad alert curios,

Little realizes inquire ignoramus (2)


Obscure village huts mud path,

Village spun cloth verdant mirth,

Nature feed well Silent Mountain,

Brook river waterfall n fountain,

Disappear to the big concrete tower,

The noise of highway traffic n cower,

People in dres' attire speak well,

Joyful, fun, hustle, hassle dwell,

Taken aback, at a loss, lustrous,

Culture shock inquire ignoramus, (3)


Wealth, asset, gadget, money lot,

Work-study event game last vote,

Election, leader, law, constitution,

Birthright to prosper in a motion,

Tribal resemble placid lake static,

Constitutional right tribal ecstatic,

Electoral battle tribe ceremonious,

Paradigm shift inquire ignoramus (4)


Ego anger greed lust cruel savage,

Modern life incorporate in a voyage,

Rebuilt modern life in ruinations,

The bitter fight for power plunders on,

Aggression, peace treaty disguise,

Boasts knowledgeable do precise,

Depict miles of savage tribe most,

Illiterate of science literature, rot,

Lack of civility ignorant of the universe,

Born in the forest live to die of course,

Laments civilized world n copious,

Ask on corona inquire ignoramus, (5)


Tribal kid school-educated vex,

Gun missile rocket nuclear Rex,

Proud civilization obliterates all,

Nature misses earth pollute tall,

Mankind design to cleanse race,

Book knowledge of love or grace,

Kind, friendly, care, help remote,

A reluctant generation or promote,

Sad, nature bred tribal nervous,

In sanctuary inquire ignoramus. (6)


Sunday, March 21, 2021





Contemplate human nature,

Born like crystal glints pure,

Humans part of earth beings,

Naked animal fish bird sings,

Blue sky, ocean, lake or river,

Green forest meadows allure,

Nature without a veil, project,

Pretense deceptions do reject,

Reject guise impurity or lies,

Human, nature pure precise, (1)


Ship iron built crosses, ocean,

Prevent water to enter, reason,

Start iron corrodes, ships sink

Human-mind pollute life blink,

Intelligence, memory, thought,

Mind manipulate all, wrought,

O’ Lion’s heart, cover body vanity?

Mind deceives first eon dignity,

A dress, costume, ornaments,

Mind disguise beautifully vents,

Softens talk, smile, loving eyes,

Anger within, appall your lies, (2)


The look demeanor suave lure,

All that glitter aren’t gold pure,

Love friendliness sharing heart,

Often soaked with motive a fact,

Selfless portrayal cons a selfish,

Exploitation deception nets fish,

Mind got blind seek greed, lust,

Jealousy, anger, cruelty almost,

Your nature corrodes life sinks,

Perplex, mind betrays, yet winks    

Troubles of life sink placid moan,

Inner pain, hurt, fear, tension,

Anxiety misery clueless worries,

Still pretends n appall your lies, (3)


Proclaim, you love your world,

The world is family friend gold,

Ever include parent, kid, blood,

Express their love warmth bold,

What lips utter sweet feels cold,

Tip of iceberg n harmless mold,

Heart concedes flatters, praise,

Batter deals of, give n take haze,

O’ Lion’s heart, inhuman in a deal,

Parent left, family, friend kneel,

I, me, mine means a real throb,

Heart conceals total nature rub,

Human nature is pure n precise,

Culprit mind act appall your lies, (4)


Control mind tie with heart well,

Hearts, driven by conscience swell,

Conscience derails temptation fuel,

Righteous lifestyle lifetime effort tell,

Train alert disciplines, mind to size,

Lion’s heart, no more appall your lies (5)

Saturday, March 20, 2021





When the human mind raises a war,

Love, brotherhood, mercy debar,

Anger, ego, greed, cruelty declare,

Lusts for wealth n build empire,

Wonderful city in raze n despair,

Civilization at zenith sinks total,

Amazing miracle, it forgets mortal,

Eon human mind search eternity,

Amidst ruins time query stupidity,

Supremacy rule race, clan, color skin,

Love discrimination brutal mean,

Apocalyptic horror draws canvas,

Heal's an apostle of peace in a morass,

Preach love care for precious life,

Hands mean to serve to reject knife,

Merciful mind, heart compassion,

The selfless dedication of life passion,

Usher human hope help confides,

Gentle touch erases evil love rides, (1)


Ancient past, kingdoms in an invasion,

Famine, hunger, slavery a common,

Civilization in ruins cities obliterate,

Apostle of peace rose to promulgate,

Taught detachment n non-violence,

Preached truth compassion intense,

Kingdoms in oppressions got peace,

Lord Buddha brought peace n bliss,

Kalinga war littered lot with corpses,

River red in blood, afloat dead horses,

Atop Dhauli hill, King Asoka witness,

Buddhist monk console king depress,

King Asoka renounced all conquest, 

Apostle of peace indoctrinated best, (2)


The nation was in utter darkness peril,

Colonial ruler cruel plunder at will,

Famine, hunger, sickness visit often,

Fear, pain, torture, future uncertain,

People in slavery were unhappy tense,

Freedom of opinion complains offense,

Peace, love, friendship, kindness lost,

Caste, creed, race, language wall most,

Subjugated to alien rule n spineless,

Apostles of peace appeared, impress,

Avatar of non-violence, truth protest,

Demanded freedom of nation severest,

Peaceful protest, fasting, mass rejection,

Apostle of peace peacefully got freedom,

Centuries of darkness melt happier,

The nation is in peace n, ever secure, (3)


Mankind saw the birth of the Red Cross in war,

Selfless volunteer treat wounded care,

Where humanity is lost n death play,

Human kills or cripples human in gay,

Mercy compassion love is forgotten,

Violent battle erase life heart bottom,

Red Cross brings life to a dying, wish,

Proclaims Red Cross apostle of peace (4)





Friday, March 19, 2021





Once born on soil life sustain,

Future is opaque hope detain,

A curious mind thought to retain,

Love, serve, bonhomie remain,

Food, shelter, cloth meet again,

Pain, sorrow, illness yet drain,

Care share, let earth maintain,

Luxury comfort fun is a fountain,

Weather changes seasons train,

The living being grown soil enamor,

Acknowledges it, the benefactor, (1)


Humanity understands nature,

Fertile land, green forest water,

River, lake, pond, well-nourished,

Golden field grain crop flourish,

Vegetable oilseed cotton procure,

Medicine fruit flower leaf occurs,

Soil contribute bountiful earth,

Season's queue bring life mirth,

Summer season grain ripe most,

Fruit succulent sweet, joys host,

Rain brings wind cool wets soil,

Farmers begin cultivation n toil,

Brimful water satiate life, plant,

Energy, vigor afresh it supplants,

Spring brings life to propagate joy,

Blossom fragrance air bee enjoy,

Fair-weather pleasant enthrall,

Mating season, nature all regal,

Winter season life rest welcome,

A homebound living being, shown,

The fall, a sign of new leave spring,

The benefactor acts, master ring, (2)


Expand vision to deep space look,

Look at the planet moon, stars hook,

Desolation inhospitable is lifeless,

Unique is the blue planet impress,

Human knowledge is life in a void,

Paradise in-universe little to avoid,

Human civilization once rose, fell,

Mankind revives better again well,

The human mind, violent raises a fight,

War visited with death peace sight,

Mother earth offers lap heals past,

Erase morbid scars, recovers fast,

Erase pain sorrows rebuild anew,

The new generation move ahead to view,

Nature remake repair of weather,

Bountiful earth nourishes secure,

Icy clad peak emerald island call,

Equatorial forests evergreen roll,

Desert plain highland hill ranges,

Mesmerizing beauty all changes,

Crystal clear water fresh air tell,

Life on earth survive to expand well,

Blue Planet is the love of the creator,

Man calls mother, the benefactor. (3)



Thursday, March 18, 2021





Whimsical mind eager perform,

Reserved manners hide reform,

Invites people near aloud cajole,

Mute spectator, presence whole,

Crowd gathering attracts quickly,

Newsmaker get famous simply,

Gossip, rumor spectator spread,

Matter of income, butter, bread,

Name, fame raises people blind,

Trusts a performer, never mind,

Non-stop oratory skill fabricate,

Excite, incite talk communicate

Orator with huge crowd clamor,

Ornament need is the claqueur, (1)


Canvass ever least understand,

Right or wrong louder demand,

The message is huge public protest,

Blind public life betray interest,

Whimsical mind turn anarchist,

Impossible demands risk insist,

Listen; calm, O’ reader, stories,

Violence, life in trouble worries,

Mass protest procession drama,

Candle poster rallies panorama,

Music to opposes, tragic to rule,

Freedom of voice exercises cool,

Community society group invest,

Public look the claqueur interest, (2)


When election in the process gather,

City, village procession claqueur,

Banner placard louder applause,

Speaker canvass claqueur pause,

A canvass of public life ever cheer,

Conquest to power corridor near,

A dream never newer ever a game,

Costly exercise rule change again (3)


Democracy for people rule select,

Claqueur make or break, detect,

Hijack political life complex view,

Race religion language favor due,

Leader lacks experience wisdom,

Immaterial to rule limits seldom,

Constitution for equal right birth,

Mass support electoral win worth,

Mass modulate mostly to a noise,

Claqueur meant hero zero, voyage, (4)


Nation, agree or discards a fact,

Public ruling oppositions intact,

The election process never murkier,

Claqueur canvasser yet happier,

The beauty of democracy fire fumes,

Within a month majority resumes. (5)


Wednesday, March 17, 2021





Life never means leisure idle,

Work uplifts life inertia riddle,

School, college studies needle,

Examination results in the middle,

Food shelter needs job bridle,

Luxuries comfort need fiddle,

Award rewards in knowledge,

At least life opts seeks privilege,

College degree, bachelor title,

Claim proudly passes n smile,

Apply n apply no reply, a job,

Fruitless to plead one in sobs,

Harsh a life family hurt many,

Money is sweeter than honey,

Discover a vendor’s life sweet,

Carry goods to villages, meet,

Meet people bargain at cheap,

Simple folk buy benefits reap,

Vendor’s life a meager income,

Confess canvasser works won,

Election time candidate offers,

Distribute voter list vouchers,

Voucher lists candidate party,

Canvassing vending is beauty,

Life acquired villager address,

Name age family member yes,

Welcome election good income,

Confess a canvasser handsome, (1)


The story does not end shortly here,

Rose from grassroots in a year,

A familiar face in a rural region,

People trust mix in years own,

Political life influential benefit,

Convey people information wit,

Bring rural people information,

Canvasser’s life bridle wisdom,

Electoral success or defeat lace,

Confess a canvasser win a race,

Victory bring power to a leader,

Canvasser life meant a lot secure,

Political ladder step luck n fate,

Destiny work, friendly helps vet,

Gossip-rumor create-negate mix,

Local leadership mass base fix,

Less education career, life open,

Grow canvasser leader newborn,

People’s love faith life turns pink,

Confess a canvasser betrayal sink. (2)