Wednesday, January 12, 2022




 Often contemplate life experience,

Open window, earth in eloquence,

Enchanting beauty nature attract,

Magnetic pull melts heart contact, (1)


Blink of an eye, vanishing dream,

Reality-of-realm, magically stream,

Atomic part of second change feel,

Eventful earth life experience seal, (2)


Sketches memories happen again,

Repeats breath rests never regain,

Encompass human hearts visible,

Feel love compassion care simple, (3)


Amazing-moment n emotion quit,

Mind link life, nothing if, right,

Confuses heart feel blink-of-eye,

Song of life sweet n sour if, belie, (4)


Thought immersed deeper, sense,

Lose human friend consequence,

Life experiences company longer,

Disbelieve, feel sudden departure, (5)


Eyes blinking, laugh lively shares,

Split-second sleeps surreal hires,

Ponder eyebrows glance, quickly,

Encounter splendors city luckily, (6)


Born here, grow, encounter deep,

Every home lane landmark keep,

Reflect memory precisely correct,

Blink of an eye crashes, detect, (7)


Burns skyscrapers people dying,

Flooding city life deprived crying,

Broken-hearted, inking accident,

Shatters lives devastate incident, (viii)


Family smiling wishes, yet silent,

Find child alone cry, lose parent,

Father mother loses offspring nit,

Lightening fate deprives life, quit, (9)


Remorse, of course, sad part hurt,

Hypnosis captures mind escort,

For departed, condolence prayer,

Receive news baby born life hire, (10)


Overwhelm son grandson arrive,

Tearful daughter angelic survive,

Cries of child splash media viral,

Sobbing eyelash smiles magical, (11)


Sorrows fade melts memory feel,

Giggle baby tear trickles to seal,

Split-second flood happiness nit,

Inquires curious life wink delete, (12)


Conflicts real, unreal, or surreal,

Allusions numerous heart recall,

Imagine, limb real-unreal image,

Close eyes know existing mirage, (13)


Feeling touch skin real invisible,

Blink of an eye flash unreliable,

Permanence confuses temporal,

Split-second, life blinks magical. (14)


Fragile world disintegrate well,

Wink of an eye destroyed quell,

Humanity at crossroad search,

Split-second alert life, link much. (15) 



Sunday, January 9, 2022




Melancholic, less earth dictate,

In, universe unique blue planet,

Blue-ocean matches skies neat,

Green forest, mountain explicit, (1)


Desert glacier contrast expanse,

River lake waterfall joy enhance,

Earth nature life confluence nit,

Charisma creator etch, implicit, (2)


Animal world enamor bird flies,

Oceanic world, fish paint defies,

Wonderful living world enchant,

Human splendid life, if, distant, (3)


Animal, intelligent behave, differ,

Minds think emotional prosper,

Self creates own universe earth,

Thought paradoxical etch worth, (4)


Human nature, wonderful catch,

Mesmerizes nature’s love match,

Love, care, purity, serenity, imitate,

Nature creator’s images indicate, (5)


Human-heart acquire, if, inherit,

Image-of-Lord displays, discreet,

Green forest if, peace tranquility,

Acquires mind replicate serenity, (6)


Placid lake, river, portray mirror,

Quiet mind mirrors image sheer,

Rocks hire grooving permanent,

Idol temple carving nit remnant, (7)


Human-mind memorize distinct,

Veda of past generation imprint,

Wind n water travels worldwide,

Pervade, human life match ride, (viii)


Animal, carnivorous vegetarian,

Significant liking, differ human,

Compare contemplate halt here,

O’ time explain nit erosion clear, (9)


How implicit nature erodes best,

Let earth rocky lifeless manifest,

Vanish, forest, river, lake, ocean,

Extinguish life total dried notion, (10)


Whispers time, whirlwind cause,

Torrential rain culprit net shows,

Devastate sunlight winter freeze,

Mountain huge turns sand ease, (11)


Millennia-after life disappear all,

Erosion nature causes time-call,

O’ human how similar match fit,

Erode, nature fragile gradual nit, (12)


Love, care, sympathy n kindness,

Civilization misses little witness,

Human savage lack feeling inert,

Dreams mass elimination escort, (13)


Kill, kill, only kill, whirlwind nit,

Erode quietude serenity deplete,

Heart replicates inert rock stays,

Dead-planet you look it displays, (14)


Eternity, time’s nature yet watch,

Nature, earth-and-human match,

That born-hear must die, reason,

Move hired nature cause erosion, (15)


In motion cause friction crumble,

Wind water flows, infinite simple,

Thoughts in motion, anger cause,

Crumples fragile frame time owes.  (16)


Saturday, January 8, 2022





 Overwhelm immensity life amaze

Count aspirations, limitless haze,

Lives million thrive closest strong,

Desperate dreams, excited long, (1)


Twilight invites night gleams city,

Billion colored neon n immensity,

Lighting myriad hope desire well,

Silent nights, city sleepless, quell, (2)


Humdrum, agog noisy peter out,

Sleeps baby dream night sprout,

Human life astound child, sweet,

Future generation, matter tweet, (3)


Fails heart defining pleasure all,

Seek children dissimilar, lit real,

Night ornate metro lighted, pull,

Looks child fail to conceive cool, (4)


Magic world sketches, maze nit,

Entwines human thought treat,

Inherit future generation, child,

Tomorrow’s youth, if, life shield, (5)


City, trend attracts world sheer,

Life, visit billion, enjoyable pure,

Restaurants, less sleep, life fine,

Wine dines memory weaves line, (6)


Unforgettable cuisine, delicious,

Maze intricate drive miraculous,

Shopping center mall bright nit,

Goodies tempt heart, money lit, (7)


O’ friend watch eyes in askance,

Crowded market eagerly trance,

Mazes, amazing-lanes serpentine,

Narrow gully charms lust shine, (viii)


Bar, dance parlor book store lit,

Style with dress cloth living fit,

Models invite offer drinks sweet,

Maze plunders lifelong asset nit, (9)


Casino, nightclub, theater greet,

Pleasure, seek ever human, meet,

Squander life with money craze,

Discover dear life magical maze, (10)


Flyover underground tunnel nit,

Thousand behemoth move fleet,

Maze tunnels n metro speeding,

Anthill surprises n life creeping, (11)


Early dawn O’ soul watch wake,

Alert, youth old alike get awake,

Runs, child female men, all age,

Restless city crowds speed haze, (12)


Learn, earn, lorn, yearn in horn,

Dream desire hope mazes prone,

Skyscrapers tall, sapphire effort,

Beehive human model nit escort, (13)


Lift, lifts wish sky high, in wings,

Human mind rooms maze sings,

Maze connect thousand, rooms,

Busiest weaves thought, croons, (14)


Halt, now friend stop hear craze,

Define human life magical maze.

Illusion allusion interrelated fit,

Human life spider net, maze wit. (15) 





Bewildered heart love-smitten,

Pens love life, beauty stricken,

Bewitching beauty say nature,

Infectious look rainbows color, (1)


Wave subtle pervade supreme,

Spray colors lusty life pristine,

Behold Color splashed greens,

Decoration floral hire streams, (2)


Mirroring blossoms enchanter,

Dawn twilight skies encounter,

Spreads crimson, blue n white,

Silvery colors, cover moonlight, (3)


Blue sky ocean n brown earth,

Colored animal bird, life worth,

Color enhances happiness nit,

Creator’s crisp messages exist, (4)


Cipher color combination stay,

Music decipher seven, display,

Rainbows frequency music lit,

Vision enchantingly audio nit, (5)


Seven tunes like splash, color,

Heavenly realm plays enamor,

Listen, alert, listens to nature,

Sing, gentle-breeze in, whisper, (5)


Winds play, dry leaf murmur,

Nightingale sings tune enamor,

Brook murmur play rains link,

White music silent night blink, (6)


Thunderous cloud, n raindrop,

Lightening music stages throb,

Ever O’ spirit thought morass,

Creator’s creation cure, solace, (7)


Nightmare life watches suffers,

Life tortures O’ soul less-cures,

Death destructions life blames,

Blemishes God’s wish inflames, (viii)


Accuse newborn why snatches,

Youth untimely, death catches,

Hunger, poverty, sickness, prowl,

Death stalking wait corpse owl, (9)


Blames human intelligent sigh,

Creator creates, presumes high,

Human, image-of-Lord surreal,

Discover His presence ethical, (10)


Rainbow colors spray creation,

Seven colors tunes match lorn,

Surrender dear tormented life,

Music heals cure wound knife, (11)


Plays divine music merge goal,

Emancipates realize your soul,

Life, seven tunes wavy million,

Up down emotion feeling earn, (12)_


Pain comes, pleasure stalk tune,

Laughter after cries, if, fortune,

Smile deletes scorn melodious,

Tearful face cry-smile, curious, (13)


Surrender tear-completely loves,

Life only music dear, it absolves,

Play tunes of life, merge totally,

Lord listens to heart tears tally, (14)


Colors, face emitting unearthly,

Life deciphers divine musically.

Surrender, pain pathos merges,

Effulgence deep ecstasy surges. (15)





Confide broken-hearted miracle,

Survive threatened fear tentacle,

Violent world hatred stalk guise,

Antagonize protest voice precise, (1)


Tried break chain prejudice evil,

Ancient caste curse press anvil,

Temple pond well denied notice,

Generation revolt, hate practice, (2)


Independence brought freedom,

Poorest people felt hires seldom,

Equality liberty suppressed stay,

Affluent people obtain poor obey, (3)


Classless republic birth right nit,

Constitutions guarantees defeat,

Defeats fear, hatred, prejudice all,

Education free generation recall, (4)


Food, cloth, shelter n prosperity,

New millennium, witness reality,

Age-old caste-divide dismantling,

Inter-cast marriage, socializing, (5)


Leadership, castes equal eligible,

Reformation gradual lives simple,

Reality crashing crusade corrupt,

Dividing society changing abrupt, (6)


Class, caste, faith, ethnicity, raise,

Sabotage democracy noble image,

Violence pretext saving right free,

Destruction wish bitter-fight flee, (7)


Game of throne or lust for power,

Alerted people, lives fearful cower,

Scenarios explicit if, castle-in-air,

Crumbles, daydream people hire, (7)


Corruption nepotism family root,

Great aspiration hope lost fruit,

Ghost of dream hunts palace nit,

Analyze, honest patriot effort grit, (viii)


Feel, bring year courage, strength,

Mass support increases at length,

Fight corruption, treason, betrayal,

Nation gains confidence, enthrall, (9)


Castle-in-air takes shape; certain,

New parliament real, construction,

Broken-hearted spirited true; sing,

Nation billion strong united wing, (10)


Flight daydreams of yesteryear,

Materialize youth inspire fighter,

Education reality health prosper,

Division ghost-of-past disappear, (11)


New age society meet security fit,

Protects nature forest earth exist,

Immersed, sketch summer dream,

Castle in air real, of past stream, (12)


Discover beautiful heart walking,

Magnificent-palace looks shining,

Emancipated-woman share heart,

Lead feminine spirit deep-impact (13)


O’ listener, my dream motherland,

Assemble castle in air magic wand,

Reality palace of prosperity glaze,

Miracle broken-hearted rise craze, (14)


Wish life true-equality campaign,

Republic nation, drink champagne,

Slavery division republic crushed,

Colonial rule stigma time brushed. (15)