Wednesday, July 5, 2023





Exuberance once inflamed the mind,

Devout heart faithful to effort instill,

Born with nothing to boast, proclaim,

Deprivation is invisible, chained tightly,

Hunger, the pang of indescribable hurt,

Roamed through streets with alacrity,

Help O neighborhood help to survive,

Get a morsel of food, can take a breath,

Help me to study at a university, established,

Forget an anonymous birth, sad teenage,

Look, O human, the seed grows a growth,

Few years after hundred feet high luxuriant,

Pregnant with such dreams expectant,

To toil hard on rocky and barren land,

Convinced to harvest and cultivate struggle,

Reject impossibility devoted, really,

A miraculous story of a life through help,

Achieved success, name, and fame,

Rewarded people funded benevolently,

Cured devastated heart to stability,

Stood firmly with men and women in life,

Provided me, a shelter, food, cloth, money,

Selfless their assistance remembered,

At odd hours provided a helping hand,

Saw their children get married and settled,

Used my power position in return,

Felt capable able to pay back,

Debts of their sacrifice for me indebted,

Tearfully provided assets, goods, gadgets,

Savor their grateful eyes happily,

Story not here ended life changed,

Irk of fate turned luck and success,

Left my better half suddenly with kids,

She provided no reason out of the blue,

Missed my home and found a ghost house,

Hunted countless luxuries asset,

What for, for whom, inkling heart,

Not able to weep tears failed miserably,

Silence gripped long lonely hours,

Fear outside world, noise, busiest,

Preferred loneliness dark chamber,

Fail to analyze past, present, and future,

Why did it happen she blocked me,

Thousand earnest pleadings fell flat,

Children choose mother separated,

Angry to think of a past downtrodden,

An illegitimate child orphan once confided,

A Boomerang strike hit me grounded,

She accused me of hiding facts cheating,

Ask my conscience the womb invited,

Never knew a mother would reject a newborn,

Someone kind-hearted took to lap,

Grew up in a poor cottage, but divine heart,

Accepted as my parents, adorned, worshiped,

My family rejected my parents as outsiders,

Decided never to squander my property,

To live to find reclusion and accept lonely life,

A birth not cursed life was precious,

So many people showed kindness,

Never to defeat my fate that posed,

Twilight years longing for happiness, peace,

The setting sun sinking beyond,

Spreading long shadows loves twinkle,

Loved adopted parents loved hearts,

Funded me wholeheartedly, I studied well,

Thanked Lord, successful, rich, and famous,

Touched my skin, on scrutiny, wrinkled,

Rejected an orphan illegitimate crippled!


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Crippled

Themes: People respected family rejected

Written: 4th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Tuesday, July 4, 2023





Watch speechless daughter hurt,

Denied jewelry, left her dishes,

She is without food the entire day,

Went to her bedroom to sleep,

Her mother informed reasons,

Shortage of money cost of gold,

Her mom conveyed to save costs duly,

Assured to purchase the ornament,

Adamant and inconsolable, she wept,

Expressed her request is belittled,

Claimed to be an unfortunate girl here,

Lack sympathy and love feel pittance,

Noticed her symptoms, inconsiderate,

Lacking understanding, irritated,

Her desire, passion, motivated madly,

Forgot middle-class father and job,

Meager income loan for a house,

Loan for vehicle paying installments,

Her mom, a housewife, tolerates,

Fewer complaints about her clothes, cosmetics,

Those ornaments her father gifted her,

At the time of marriage, old jewelry,

Decades of marriage didn't purchase,

A few shoes clothe her with little savings,

Works day and night cooks no servant,

She sweeps her home cleans plates,

Clean clothes of son and daughter,

Clean clothes of the house, including ours,

Iron the dress of children silently,

Her mini temple at home worships,

Pray for the children and her husband a lot,

No askance to the Lord or grace her,

Thoughtful, moving emotions touched,

Consoled the daughter, told her everything,

She understood and had dinner reluctantly,

Still, she was dreaming and passionate,

Days passed into weeks, and surprised,

She suppressed her anger, silent,

Her friend visiting us changed the episode,

She narrated her parents are no more,

She a little brother got orphaned,

It was a car accident that shattered lives,

Her uncle has given shelter, assistance,

For college education just managed,

She wanted higher study lack of funds,

Searching for a petty job to sustain,

My wife listened to her story intently,

Confided to her to provide the fund required,

The girl was surprised and started crying,

Hugged her tightly, disbelieved,

This statement surprised me too,

She told the girl I shall spend my savings,

Her daughter was at a loss frowning soon,

You have money for her, not for me,

How could you deny the jewelry,

Giving consent to provide funds to her friend,

Stern was a reply from my wife calmly,

She is without parents worth helping,

Being my daughter, you never feel lucky,

Let her feel the help of a mother, fortunate,

Be happy with your destiny, buy yourself,

I felt tears inkling fought hard to check,

A vain smile but failed to hide solace,

My daughter was changed from that day,

Asked her mother what to expect from her,

Curt and crisp reply softly she exchanged,

Tenderness, a dear child, feel my presence,

Thank the Lord you are not orphan lucky,

Less you require shelter from your uncle,

Tenderness, mom explained, my kid realized.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Tenderness

Themes: A child missed realizing soft feelings

Written: 4th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Monday, July 3, 2023






A beast of the modern world, a tag,

 A human ever uses his heart surface,

Scarcely have noticed life with heart,

Urban creatures, whose mind control,

What not passion achieved endlessly,

What not passion devastated dreams,

The concrete towers, roads serpentine,

Mind-boggling showrooms exhibit,

Selling passions prosecute debts,

Flies attracted to light burn as a result,

Borrow and buy, throw the used process,

Dawn infects mind new model rose,

Multitudes of slender female electric,

Their smile, cleavage and long legs invite,

Buy this product, think, enjoy the company,

Working a million savings to mitigate,

Thousand share market avenues wait,

Churns money spinning machine,

A dollar to million next dawn reality,

Chase the catchy products link status,

Woo ah... alas epitomized fame spirally,

Bursts bubble by evening and turn lunatic,

Vagaries of fate hand of these beasts,

Crawling all over the megapolis owed,

Look at hundreds of floors high rise,

Rise in the night sky illuminated,

Behind windows, men are working,

Sun never set in their life light is on,

To earn, to yarn, to learn, expertise,

Getting rich is the obsession objective,

Astonish, the creature faded soon,

Aging disturbing devastates a living,

Yes, that is the time life discovers,

Crept into mind stays in bed long,

Treatment little body responds socked,

The probing self has found a soul clean.

Mute silence is an aspect of life staying,

Life passed yet never encountered,

Realizing the beast changing into a human,

Everything he finds automatic a fact,

Spirits less required dress, automobile,

Little dreamed of wealth, gadgets,

Silently watched the lottery of money,

Borrowing and paying debt long list,

Running after angelic faces fragrant,

Remote extreme remote beyond catch,

The tension, fear, anger, and greed played,

Showed the gateway to hell invitingly,

The spirit was blinking, knew tomorrow,

Knows to escape from a dungeon soon,

The bed tells O human, life is precious,

You squandered this life ever thought,

Serve people help others suffering,

The objective for life, Lord inhabit nicely,

Find the smiles of slum children,

Their innocent smiles lack necessity,

How many goods have you thrown,

A percent could have built some life,

The peace and happiness out of the world,

Your goodies can never provide them,

Relax, take up your mind, fight, life recovers,

Dedicate rest of life purpose manners,

Elixir of life drinks spirit, soul ecstatic,

Follows your soul committed esoteric. 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Esoteric

Themes: Rarely understand the objective of life

Written: 2nd July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, July 2, 2023






Intimacy once happened life, intrinsic,

Stimulated energy opulent happiness,

Forgotten feet upon ground ai the air,

Jumping spirit yet shouted at nothing,

Vacantly voiced overjoyed heart freely,

Worth living an insignificant life, lucky,

Every second preoccupied mind sense,

Let not the relationship melt into the air,

Clasped her hand, promised everything,

Middle-class youth educated dreamed,

Dare to dream angelic face disbelieved,

Study success and career enabled today,

Changed unpolished dirt clothes a few,

Dress immaculately, polished differently,

The unruffled dark oily hair, shy face,

Fumbled speaking confidently, remember,

How time-motivated metamorphoses,

Fluency in his utterance, suave and gentle,

Sparkles in his dark eyes were his past,

Still glinting with smiles attractive,

The voice, soft and soothing, introduced,

Talking to his girlfriend confidently,

Secured life plum post salary solvent,

Enough to trap the heart of a young female,

The introduction then discussions,

The thickening friendship's gradual bond,

Engrossed in a talk at restaurants, parks,

The pair in love are seen over the city,

At odd hours on the lonely riverfront,

The girl with an appeasing dress, fragrant,

Trying her best to match the youth,

She gets acquainted with him, informed,

His name village parents status well,

Conveyed her details equally by now,

The bridge has been erected, fascinating,

Growing strong by meeting every odd hour,

A call is ringing at odd hours continuous,

Calls lasting for hours seem never-end,

Growing intimacy families aware of,

The pair now visiting places enjoying,

The bridge is emboldened by trust,

Well understanding each other, nature,

Aware of habits, passion, each harbor,

It has been weeks past a few months,

All of a sudden surprised young man,

His girlfriend proposed marriage soon,

He was happy and agreed to marry,

Alas, the climax collapsed before it started,

The female got foreign service prestigious,

Her family blocked decided to date, time,

Her father got adamant and canceled,

The future of the daughter is visible,

Should not surrender her life, a housewife,

Future prosperity both guaranteed,

Missing girlfriend these days, sadly,

The youth contacted her and said goodbye,

Astonished and she disbelieved,

She is rejected by him, happy,

Socked to see the broken bridge,

Collapsed from both sides, lost pillars,

She came to know about his migration,

Foreign job classy life than family life,

Equally strolled her long future,

He wished her excellent career status,

Speechless, the female in a sock,

Started probing the broken bridge,

Equally aspirant selfish heart spare,

Contemplating her soul and how to share!


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Broken Bridge

Themes: Equally aspirant a couple separated

Written: 2nd July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite