Monday, August 7, 2023





Thoughts myriad sweep provoke,

Floored an unruly heart, life to revoke,

Witness mind plays naughty link,

Blows the candle lighted rethink, (1)


Ushers darkness imagination lit,

Freedoms follow dreaming delight,

Fascinate object allures intoxicate,

Whispers emotions communicate, (2)


Aspiration endless suffocate wild,

Reminds memory, illusions mild,

Blue planet crimson skies invite,

Asset grab quickly lifelong excite, (3)


Study more burns midnight lamp,

Career prostrates before revamp,

Like doctors, serve people, a surgeon,

Save life runs knife is a profession, (4)


Amused grateful eyes speechless,

Hands folded tears, lives impress,

Revamp the idea, life of an engineer,

T square drawing board act peer, (5)


The pencil-drawn picture of a tower,

Tomorrow to stands sky scrapper,

A million lives work here day-night,

Unknown the engineer drew right, (6)


Stood the towering glory of decades,

He built bridges, dam barricades,

Immortal the pencil paper divider,

Engineer life imaginative provider, (7)


Cancel spirit decide to be a pleader,

Fight in court bend laws bewilder,

Win culprit owes innocent crowd,

Lo black gown devil's wizard loud, (viii)


Scratch everything allures a pilot,

Learn flying planes, the world is pivot,

Watch the ocean and continent below,

Gadgets of colored lights in a hallow,(9)


Guide the plane carry passengers,

Night sky star-studded with dangers,

Safely pilot to a destination in time,

Fulfillment of dream, life is divine, (10)


Students and the teacher interacted,

Passed students the school indicated,

A thousand avenues hope to awaken,

Hugged all tearfully my children, (11)


Not student loved from my heart,

Build spirits burn candle impact,

Face my country, youth depending,

Askance deep hurt chain breaking, (12)


Lead the sacred land in front, hail,

Clean life uncorrupt dare to assail,

There my children bring prosperity,

Usher the golden era skills reality, (13)


Stood silently, students leave school,

Compulsion human heart time fool,

Who struggles, grabs opportunities,

Time acts as luck, fate possibilities, (14)


A mere teacher I looked, my palm,

Compulsion, tendered buds, calm,

Life single, mine no family, chosen,

Lighted candles, many lives frozen. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Compulsion

Themes: Hankering future to realize

Written: 8th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Sunday, August 6, 2023





The spark touched every fiber,

Limbs vibrated, ecstatic emotion,

The lust in me hidden shied prettily,

Costly dress color patterns trend,

Polished shoes, wristwatch gifted,

A guitar music accessories bought,

Today years of practice are fruitful,

Joined the bar to sing and dance,

Experiencing uncalled-for doubt,

Hunted of dislikes disgust inklings,

To miss clapping praise distancing,

Prayed the unseen God, stolen eyes,

Chosen favorite owner of a parlor,

Famous city center crowded evening,

Renowned eminent citizens ringing,

The prime place to drink and dance,

Share emotions, thoughts, wishes,

Comradely vibe infectious, I heard,

Once liked the music and song,

The news will spread like wildfire,

An unrecognizable inconspicuous life,

Will occupy the heartthrob of the city,

Inspire the children, youth, adults,

Men and women, the fan base widens,

A mediocre faces change, enviable,

Inevitable popularity threaded neatly,

Thanks to the creator in me, playing,

Lost eyesight but mind illumines,

Watch lights wavy, musical tunes,

Gifted the invisible inspiration,

Abundant inspiration sways heart,

Play dear fingers slender swiftly,

Bring up life on sterile guitar wires,

Spread the frequencies melodious,

Sync the footsteps, limbs oscillate,

Smile O, soul, not cursed watch,

Let be magnetic onlookers glued,

The charmer you can be famous,

City, the milling crowds throng happy,

Surely to notice the warmth smiles,

But the applause and excitements inflame,

Overwhelm your existence worshipped,

Guaranteed your memories to stay,

The car horn stopped the thought,

In sequence, rewind, soaked passion,

Bite the lips smitten moved quickly,

Lead the stage of the bar noisy packed,

A young girl in the town plays guitar,

Splendid music, step dance tunes,

Exhilarate the melodious song,

Assured to thrill everybody, announced,

Unable to see the crowd staring,

Assured the clapping Lord be with me,

After silent prayer, she started playing,

Changed a melancholic tune voice,

The rhythms slowly oscillate well,

Stopped suddenly, the sound to silence,

Simple dancing swayed the frame tenderly,

Smiling the calm face impressionable,

Start sings loudly, vibrates surround,

The guitar got live instantly matched,

The thud stepping melodious touched,

Awestruck, the audience is now silent,

Rapt attention to the song to whispering,

Every fiber of listeners vibrates in sync,

Moments to hours of play halt abruptly,

She was bowing to the public, a sight,

Stood in respect, public clapping,

For minutes, it continues rousing,

That day was a sequence, stupendous,

The city was aware of a star, conscious. 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Sequence

Themes: A blind girl the enigma to the public

Written: 6th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Saturday, August 5, 2023






We met, considered a relationship,

After a few years of intimacy, love,

Surprised our heart found love,

Crossed the barrier of class status,

From ordinary life root deprived,

Socially outcast link untouchable,

The community lived a world apart,

Far from a glittering world position,

Fame and fortune fated drunken,

The immensity of rich life proud shield,

Street bifurcate the slum and city,

The community we lived, worked only,

Menial jobs pittance life earned,

Enough for food, shelter, and clothes,

The boundary we knew dare not to cross,

Gold dissociates human life distinctly,

Remember, my study acknowledges,

Equal distribution of talent impartial,

Lord bestows on both sides of the street,

From slum, I reached university to gold,

There we crossed the wall and got friendly,

Intimacy lured us into matrimony,

We saw the violent protest threat,

Impossible to accept a youth low caste,

Social boycotts threatened families,

Faded soon, our bond, intimate love,

The fond buried in your heart,

Forced to marry a young man, rich,

Inherit position status, upper class,

Aristocracy exists not, ego barricade,

Received your invitation contemplate,

Watch my degree honor gold recognition,

Diluted before gold, not with ribbons,

But the weight of gold demarcates sadly,

Probed, what lacked, in my heart,

Colored skin, skin deep, blood same,

Birth, we didn't choose the mother's womb,

Equally divine glorious motherhood,

Anger visited, doused the flame in tears,

Still to move ahead in life stare future,

Love denied but rejection that hurt,

The dark patch of slum dweller too,

Quiet and silent looked at me vacant,

A chapter life turned shredded past,

Arrogance I have seen enough insulting,

A hatred that surprised me unprovoked,

Speechless, shocked, notice humans,

Called civilized polished decent gestures,

Radiate cruel eyes savage cowered,

Knew life is precious to keep distant,

Beyond any change sacrificed daughter,

They live to cherish pseudo-class,

Knew pyres are burning, fire engulfs,

Turn to ash human body unbiased,

Untouchable, I cried fire burns too,

Kindly allow cremation but classless,

The haut, ego, and arrogance disappear,

The black skin menial works cleared,

Ash on the same cremation ground,

Mingles homogeneously life ignores,

Knock at the door stood a postman,

Overseas invitations offer higher study,

Left my past life a love song ecstatic,

Left my country with a heavy heart,

Left my tag untouchable on the flight,

Watch the sky far above the ground,

Relinquish attachment tender heart,

Education lit minds escort impact!


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Relinquish

Themes: Handed over sin to society resigned

Written: 5th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Friday, August 4, 2023





Stopped walking, stood still now,

Crowded street, a busy city a sight,

Mid of the road, a cow collapsed,

Old enough foams of the mouth,

Lay crippled, traffic moves to the side,

Not a shred of remorse busy life,

Must be thinking, such incidents,

Frequent disturbs the flow sadly,

Under the bright sun, her looks,

Still her eyeballs, but life waiting

Skeletal sunken skins panting,

Lost energy, failed to stand attempt,

Raise the head, rest on the ground,

The scene struck me like a bolt,

Death of an animal nearer revolting,

Watched for a few moments the rush,

Living in another world partitioned,

Life expects to live for decades,

Future spirit to shape admirable,

Dreams blinded soul life is running,

Irresistible aspirations clouded neatly,

Lust for gold power position luxury,

Lovelorn cosmetic living a treasury,

Physical pleasure climax orgy vivid,

Roaming over the globe to explore,

Build dream castles plenty dismantle,

Mind made a life restless dissatisfied,

Move to achieve more work day and night,

Greed whispers there is no tomorrow,

Today and now, at this instant,

Don't look at the side that is happening,

I looked at the world, animal instinct,

They dine, drink, sleep, conjugate,

Fearful of losing amassed wealth,

Fearful, losing power, status, fame,

Fearful that family stays intact and happy,

Felt tears crushing my heart and knew,

The cow once gave liters of milk,

How many children got fed, nourished,

Must be driving their car, hoodwink,

Dark corner greedy eyes in focus,

Thinking of the skin flesh to fleece,

A cow can recover lack of food weak,

Her time to serve the people finished,

No milk fit for the slaughterhouse,

Could not stand further moved soon,

Called the nursery for cattle, in service,

Collecting street cows treating well,

Philanthropic attempt, shelter home,

Rejecting the world, elderly couples,

The burden on society age crippled many,

Children vanished like a morning mist,

Foolishly those couples prayed a lot,

Wished children grew educated,

Shouldered the burden of expenses for kids,

Grew, young spread their wings far off,

Nesting jovially, with family, busy life,

Forgotten the parental home deserted,

Parents, like the old cow, sought help,

A shelter home takes care of them,

The cattle nursery or shelter home,

Meets the mantle of humanity,

Outside the periphery of the glittery world,

Stays compassion the mantle emerald.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Mantle

Themes: Compassion takes the mantle

Written: 4th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite