Sunday, October 8, 2023





She was a most beautiful woman,

Her studies, she was a scholar,

Such attractive she charmed all,

Matching her personality, polite,

Decency, her invitation, radiate,

Mediocre family life, ambitious,

Her focus was clear, framed, firm,

Allured social status serving, needy,

Emphasized her career as a teacher,

To educate downtrodden children,

Deprived from school, illiterate,

She wanted children to be educated,

Particular girl child her attention,

She was traveling through villages,

Rustic lives, so alluring, vibrant,

Simple folk knows no manipulation,

Innocent speaking truth shy,

To her rural children, a symbol of God,

Sparkle their eyes and hair auburn,

Dirty torn frocks girls are so alluring,

She taught them cleanness, hygiene,

Children crowded around her, hug,

Their love, attention, undiluted,

Villagers respect her as a Goddess,

She passed a decade after university,

Simple was her life single, funded,

She was the news electric innovative,

Arranged trainers, skill-based,

Village women learned languages,

Write read capability she passed on,

Her constant effort, women learned,

Village industry females mastered,

Magnet, but among rural folks,

Worship protects her in the village,

Offer food, clothes, a variety of fruits,

Gratitude lace with eyes admired,

The story ended, and suddenly,

She was forced to marry, intimated,

The family got the bridegroom educated,

Working as an overseas technocrat,

Her initial protest father fainted,

Mother was fasting, falling sick,

Reluctantly surrendered, she agreed,

Her second chapter abroad,

Husband drinks party life scarred,

She was beaten, humiliated, hurt,

The treatment grew hasher beastly,

Her hubby got angry, to protests,

She visits with female friends,

Her life now alone in her home,

Unable to challenge alien land,

Unknown people she never dared,

Failed to disclose her agonies,

Rudderless was her life ill-fated,

Failed to oppose or change him,

She was just a female idol brutalized,

Watched one day a leaf on a stream,

After the rain, it was floating aimless,

Lifted the leaf found dried resemble,

Her ambitions, love, and service evaporated,

She packed her bag, money saved,

She took a flight to her country and waved,

Dried leaf on water or life rudderless,

Vanished gradually, impressed villagers,


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Rudderless

Themes: Life rudderless like a leaf in the stream

Written: 8th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Saturday, October 7, 2023






Saga of our lives imbibe sorrows,

Grew with father hire tomorrows,

Three brothers and two sisters, our lives,

Lack mother left quickly believes, (1)


Picture of their mother garlanded,

Wall frame with flower demanded,

Recollect mother, feeling alone here,

Father never weep but sad, in tear, (2)


His silent somber face beguile tell,

He is missing more than us in detail,

He cooks our food, wash our cloth,

His cares and father mother both, (3)


Prepare our bed, teach at night,

Leave us at school, at home write,

Our father, a writer, books, famous,

His income from books is onerous, (4)


He struggled hard in life, fighting,

Told stories at night, a few singing,

Glued to his teachings, character,

Father builds in us honesty better, (5)


His loss, our mother, he thrived,

We grew up supported joy revived,

The siblings achieved success, hail,

We integrated, our father lives nail, (6)


Still, mother preoccupies our lives,

Pray Lord together, our father believes,

The habit of prayer, loving parents,

We children unite, undercurrents, (7)


Destiny diversifies lives predestined,

Spread over state time questioned,

Not possible to help meet together,

Father in his home writes, weaker, (viii)


link assistance money health care,

We five rotation-wise attend, share,

His demise horrible time shattered,

We no more need to visit scattered, (9)


Decade passes, our story mingles,

Couples at a distance, plight singles,

Wall frame of father and mother fit,

Children to later age worship meet,(10)


The story of our family terminated here,

Progeny splintered across the globe in fear,

Split families spectacles innocuous,

Our offspring separated, delirious, (11)


Complexity urban lives dissociated,

Forgotten grand children root fated,

Spread out over the world distance,

It is hard to see uncle, aunty instance, (12)


Their grandparent's times, memories,

Lost permanently in hearts, stories,

Immersion of parents' picture deed,

Offer food water bathed life indeed, (13)


Knowing our lives, at a tender age need,

Kids thousand miles away to heed,

Impossible for modern lives to attend,

Busy lives acceptable kids pretend, (14)


The story of three generations is uncanny, 

Filtering out root, in vain, progeny, 

Our progeny numerous time dates,

Past memories, a family predates, (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Progeny

Themes: Widening generations miss the link

Written: 7th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Friday, October 6, 2023





Sprouts hope, strong impact,

Shattered spirit dares contact,

Anger raging within, mind acts,

Resemble clouds dark attracts, (1)


Drained of energy, inspire, fight,

Look at clouds lost water sight,

Covers western skies darkness,

Eastern sky yet bright impress, (2)


White clouds, like cottons, float,

Rainbows great arc emotion lot,

Discovers human life rainbows,

Subtle colorful lives, face glows, (3)


Seven colors, physical, transmit,

Astonish eyesight amused emit,

Happiness evident, eyes glinting,

Rainbows, inner vision depicting, (4)


Anger raises thunders lightning,

Behaviors of human words sting,

Realization dawns on repent heart,

Lost anger as if water mass art, (5)


Realized soul rising sun bright,

Color spectrum spectral excite,

Searched faces overjoyed often,

Radiate pink color heart soften, (6)


Mildly laughing, shyly smiling,

Sparkling white teeth and lips sing,

Eyes lowered messages cipher,

Rainbow, not phenomenon her, (7)


Her wheat-colored skin glazes,

Red lips softly, message crazes,

Listen invitingly to halting letters,

Rainbow human heart flutters, (viii)


Love life fails to define a big arc,

How similar to rainbow to mark,

Dispels anger raincloud plenty,

Create a sunshine rainbow pretty, (9)


Wanderer in life discover many,

Rainbow among poor uncanny,

Tearful stumble at sight watch,

Street children smiling I catch, (10)


More majestic rainbows, eyes,

Bright, dark, shining, precise,

Unaware of poverty in discreet,

They play happily, games greet, (11)


A stark contrast to reality colors,

Spectral color kids smile hours,

Presume today at the sight lost,

Watch, rainbows beautiful host, (12)


Natural phenomenon lo found,

When a human gets happy, sound,

When young men softly propose,

Nod his love accepts rainbows, (13)


Marked blushing effect radiant,

Colors spectral radiate verdant,

Surmise climatic feature lures,

Reflect love animal characters, (14)


Licks mother her calf intensity etch,

Rainbows are visible, love lives stretch, 

Conclude animal plants or fish,

Include human rainbow wish. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Rainbow

Themes: Detected rainbows in living beings

Written: 6th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Thursday, October 5, 2023





Disbelieved phenomenon visible,

Soothing life experience tentacle,

The coolness of shades under a tree,

Blistering hot sunlight burns free, (1)


Wake up, alarm bell rings, dawn,

Time stealthily reaches dusk frown,

Mid-day white clouds sail gently,

Shadows play gaily, star nightly, (2)


The rising sun, sinking in the west, lit,

Looted lighted panorama, delete,

Spreads darkness, world change,

Agile, energetic, sleep life strange, (3)


The enormous, vibrant activities,

Silence changes ethereal realities,

River flows, banks on both sides,

Without two shores, never exists, (4)


Fascinates wave rising, fang tall,

Crashes at the shore sights call,

Tidal waves rise higher, entering,

Fading full moon, tides receding, (5)


Throw a ball higher, rise altitude,

Lo gravity pulls drop an attitude,

How similar human life replicates,

Get rich flourishing fate truncate, (6)


Rich to rag play fate mischievous,

The root is poverty, fame mysterious,

Night, how similar to grief, sorrow,

Human life experience to borrow, (7)


Begs for food cloth shelter thrive,

Time changes suddenly describe,

Affluent life to lead, feel proud lot,

Age advances, disadvantage alert, (viii)


Look at nature mountains higher,

The river flows, at places deeper,

The height and depth are mysterious,

Time writes history depicts serious, (9)


Climax great civilization, oblivion,

Height is visible, depth evolution,

Perplexed mind confused reason,

Length to breadth duality union, (10)


Cycles of the river move to an ocean,

Clouds feed river tributary lesson,

Where there is a beginning, end,

Signify duality message transcend, (11)


Impossible to correlate life, death,

That born, must die, time breadth,

Besides firm rule spellbound life,

Cry a baby, born just, pyre strife, (12)


Like dawn and dusk, and resemble,

A day begins, a day end, ensemble,

A crowded bus train flight started,

Destination other ends escorted, (13)


Pain, pleasure, love, hatred, remix,

Struggle leisure, humans prefix,

Climax and tragedy story weave,

Human life dual, destiny believe, (14)


Melodious song ah passionately,

Melancholy entwines lives sadly,

Material, abstract, real or unreality,

Dual illusory worlds, assiduity. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Dual

Themes: Dual worldly phenomenon

Written: 5th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite