Friday, December 22, 2023






Stupendous effort, human labor,

Nameless, countless, ageless, fear,

Got nothing paid little perished,

Stories lost monument finished, (1)


Matchless art and craft miracle,

Granite marble rock art sparkle,

Glass gold silver jewel jaded ink,

Colorful pictures messages wink, (2)


Civilization glory built huge cost,

Years a million labored lives lost,

Elephant horse cartwheel roads,

Muddy knee-deep water accords, (3)


The land and people built regal,

Monuments, palace, fortress, wall,

Monstrosity sequel culture, write,

Visited palaces, forts, lived, place excite, (4)


Centuries stood perfectly silent,

Past land lives believed present,

Whispers executive work crafts,

Idols, temples, and rock work, in fact, (5)


Weigh new-age view of the future,

Why do humans feel in danger fear,

Think in extinct holocaust yell,

Doomsday link nuke blackmail, (6)


Our forefathers built died sadly,

To civilization generation madly,

Build roads, fast trains, buses, planes,

Skyscraper megapolis in veins, (7)


No connection with past justice,

Prejudiced education life notice,

Tag ignoble ignorant illiterate,

I felt crying forefathers liberate, (viii)


There was freedom, no wall stay,

Artisan musician painter display,

Poets, writers, sages, wizards exist,

Golden age coins were gold list, (9)


Page currency machine transfer,

Lo, civilized people getting poor,

No food, no clothes, no roof, or job,

Life sob street sight sob if rob, (10)


Rob our culture concrete jungle,

Vanish forest fertile land tumble,

Air polluted water polluted taint,

Land polluted scar no ointment, (11)


We dream holocaust, ruins, skulls,

But places forts will stay stroll,

It was a sad feeling evening in grace,

I sadly viewed the Mysore-Palace, (12)


The king was respected in the past,

We are a democratic time cast,

Lost a scenic beauty wall built,

We fight among us casts, guilt, (13)


Modernity education is false,

Hides hypocrisy, divides, repulse,

More hatred enemy breeds pride,

No more build palace forts slide, (14)


Discern division, unity, diversity,

Land once stood to discern veracity,

Old is gold learn generation pray,

Wisdom from past glory dismay. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Discern

Themes: Analyze our past and why we built castles

Written: 22nd December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 


Thursday, December 21, 2023





Resonate name and fame, surprised,

Man of outstanding courage, prized,

Root was rustic, innocent life, life-driven,

Poverty, illiteracy, hard-working liven, (1)


Given poultry payment families suffer,

Downtown, a slum shanty in hunger,

His life anonymous face coolie dark,

Carrying bags in road traffic mark, (2)


One of the thousand laborers living,

Scantly paid, festive moods singing,

Surprised, moneyless, lacks future,

Can't say if he dreamed gold usher, (3)


Happy each day early dawn moves,

His trolley hard work coins grooves,

Fate comes to reveal in front suddenly,

Saved a human wounded lo fatally, (4)


Severe accident he was dying cried,

The trolley owner transported decided,

Nearby best hospital knew the victim,

Informed his family of action esteem, (5)


Sooner, the victim treated survived,

The trolley owner rewarded arrived,

Refused to take money with his life,

Elaborated his village life city strife, (6)


Few accolades and money mean nothing,

His life survived, family everything,

He was a poor man who got praised,

All were in tears, thanked him, greeted, (7)


The industrialist asks for his wishes,

No gratitude he got his life relishes,

Wanted for the gift of life, unforgettable,

A property he wanted transferable, (viii)


Free with maintenance support nit,

The trolley driver replied, definite,

Visits from the village love nature a lot,

City life in slum poverty hard effort, (9)


Suffering his wife, unhappy children,

Sold his house in the village, smitten,

The wealthy man, the family head, relied,

Disclosed his hideout, flees replied, (10)


That saves from business pressure,

Commitments meetings, he assures,

Hideout a savior for his life he built,

His family to visit recluse time greet, (11)


Requested to be a caretaker, lifetime,

His savior, the fitting job, a gift define,

The abode in the nature let him stay,

With his wife as a caretaker far away, (12)


The man promised to bear the cost, sock,

For the children, their study, no joke,

The trolley man was in tears, he believed,

Accepted a proposal happy, relieved, (13)


This will happen in his life realities,

Not a dream never dared to abilities,

Sacred, fortune fate, may vanish, a lie,

But God graces, who saves life defy, (14)


He became the caretaker of a hideout,

His slum with news families shout,

Jubilation migrates to nature couple.   

Their children stay in a hostel school. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra 

 title of Poem: Hideout ( Fiction)

Themes: The Lord helps those who save lives

Written: 21st December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Wednesday, December 20, 2023






The Lord becomes soft-hearted,

Created women eons attracted,

The chasm between cruelty felt,

Female heart compassion melts, (1)


Infinite love unites the world, exists,

Kindness, punishment resists,

Forgiveness, soft-hearted, serve,

Feminine hearts, humans love, (2)


Compare the rose reality thorn,

Not for woman, friend mourns,

Serve mother, sister, better half,

Surrender their lives on behalf, (3)


Know hunger fasting prayer lit,

Prayer for brother husband fit,

Son, the soul of a mother prays,

A glorious future scarcely stays, (4)


Daughter her gold secrecies lit,

Mother the lighthouse delight,

Husband broken-hearted lean

Faced troubles support to win, (5)


Sighed, looking at the chaotic mind,

How nefarious, vicious, unkind,

Capture girl children animals,

Human desires lust criminals, (6)


Have you seen Iron bars, eyes,

Dungeon lives behind, life fries,

The night a monster days a father,

A wife, mother, sister, daughter, (7)


Prays on flesh at night cruelty,

Summed up human travesty,

No compromise links millions,

Kidnapped captured sold eons, (viii)


Dancing a female rhythmic fit,

Stepping dress duets limb wit,

The wave limbs exhibit signs,

Electric the dance soul wings, (9)


Are they of flesh and bone nit,

Mesmerizing beauty step quit,

Long black hair length knees,

Silk dresses ornaments frees, (10)



Curvaceous heap anklet ring,

Musical sound unearthly sing

Temple premises purified life,

The dance of females no strife, (11)


Not a less of lust pious prays,

Girls unmarried single stay,

Wedded once the temple deity,

Dancing before the Lord pity, (12)


Art culture customs in distinct,

Local dance music is not extinct,

Thousand years alive divinity,

Female exists attractive beauty, (13)


Reject the human mind, chaotic life,

Beastly life sugar-coated thief,

Chaos mind male heart impure,

Why surrender to lusts harbor, (14)


Detachment life attached sister,

A silk thread guarantees secure,

Chaos, a human mind virtuous,

Female welfare grows prosperous. ( 15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Chaos

Themes: Adulthood is chaotic and sadly ruined

Written: 20th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite  




Tuesday, December 19, 2023





Human life ancient victorious,

Sagacious, legacy tumultuous,

Encountered countless dangers,

Survival stories, link strangers, (1)


Crossed turbulent sea river fit,

Crossed mountain cliffs defeat,

Dense forest desert glacier feat,

Human life stories books greet, (2)


An admirer of childhood addicts,

Humans endeavor bold predict,

Parental property, my firm land,

Haired farmer landless demand, (3)


Half the produced he share year,

Rest is mine paddy costs I bear,

Loving person and four children,

His wife lives with a son, grandchildren, (4)


Thatched cottage mud house nit

Polished cow dung colored right,

Adjacent to my land at the border,

Backyard his garden bit wider, (5)


The lands belong to me, given,

The sight fruit garden lit driven,

Everything he produces potato,

Onion, leaf for curry or tomato, (6)


Jack fruit mango cocoanut fence,

Behind a garden delightful, I sense,

Hard work, age seventy, healthy,

Neither saw a doctor nor wealthy, (7)


Scarcely faced sickness medicine,

Seven decades, his life fit, serene,

Three O' clocks in winter freezing,

Cold paralyzes the spine, his working, (viii)


Pedals wooden slab lifting water,

From nearby pond to field harder,

Once, I visited early morning frost,

His effort presence lonely a ghost, (9)


No benefit or monetary gain in his life,

Under the sun, plowing, less strife,

The whole day, from four O clock like, 

Cultivation for a generation it strike, (10)


Strike to my heart where am I live,

Qualified highest degree sick thrive,

List of medicines diagnosis warn,

Regulation diet restfulness scan. (11)


In the evening, he takes a bath, meal fried rice,

Visit the temple to chant a practice,

Sleeps after dinner at eight instant,

A bed with cocoanut rope reliant, (12)


Perfect his sleep, gets up in time,

Following his children learn fine,

Happiness and peace warmth lit,

Simplicity, serenity, divinity, visit, (13)


On the ground, taking food, rice, spices,

Onion chilly garlic potato relishes,

Heath is their wealth, happy work,

Invincible call him uncle my remark, (14)


Life passes cannot match discipline,

The objective of his life feeds me to define,

Decided to hand over the land mine,

He served fewer questions a lifetime. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of poem: Invincible

Themes: Unparallel work ethics of peasant

Written: 19th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite