Sunday, February 25, 2024






How illusory the sunset evokes,

Trickster the mind react mocks,

Immersed in thought contempt,

Ran after golden deer attempts, (1)


Caught a few lost soon to shatter,

Fewer could catch, sad matter,

Nutshell possession, omission,

Overwhelmed life, an ambition, (2)


Less could think heart fulfilled,

Satiated gratuitous lo revealed,

It was a game right along veiled,

Human life nightmare unveiled, (3)


In pain, suffering, sadness to pray,

Hilarious mind jovial lives stay,

Forget the soil a birth grow up,

Water the mother's milk a drop, (4)


Impossible to live, inhospitable,

Great rivers millennia a parable,

Civilization grew at river banks,

Fertile soil golden crops blanks, (5)


A single grain without life fades,

Suffered land famine invades,

No more the sight realized sure,

Costlier than gold corn or water, (6)


Survived decades look at the land,

Sunset and sunrise magic wand,

Changed seasons cyclic married,

Wife then children loves carried, (7)


What I got as a human heavenly,

Heaven lacks pain, pleasure only,

Sweet and sour life smile tear,

Duality world exhibits appear, (viii)


Faced lost close ones, cried long,

Arrival of a child reminisce, song,

The country has given a shelter live,

Secure my home paradise believe, (9)


Love and caring wife, fun with kids,

Book of the life ordinary Lord heads,

Every day of my life, my country,

Events memorable record entry, (10)


Gratitude is feeling like a failure here,

The festival ceremony kin tear,

Everything I got inviolable faith,

Lived on the soil will die wealth, (11)


Merged my physical existence,

Mingle last breath with no resistance,

Where live freedom, equality a lot,

Stays liberty the last wish revolt. (12)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: The Last Wish

Themes: Desire to be born on the land

Written: 25th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Monday, February 19, 2024





Soul fascinated, lifelong amused,

Life experiences pain confused,

Joyous moments forget the past,

Impassionate stays soul to last, (1)


Future a new sunrise aspire a lot,

Human life intricate result effort,

A mango seed tree grows exhibit,

Only mango the tree provide wit, (2)


Human knows the wrong deed seed,

The tree grows fruit poison read,

Read thousands of books to escape,

Human life stays happy shape, (3)


Visits pilgrim monasteries a lot,

Meet sages ascetic lives to escort,

Rebel today, one of them confesses,

Want to live to love a world impress, (4)


It is my world, a cocoon paradise,

Discovered what is love precise,

A healing touch cry for the sufferer,

The emotion the human heart offers, (5)


When there is death, misery, tears,

Extinguished the candle, disappear,

The disappeared is only my soul,

Sharing other's pain visits my goal, (6)


I reject the detached state addict,

Lustful physical pleasure depicts,

The poisonous fruit blisters skin,

The soul stays, life struggles keen, (7)


Escape humans no root help other,

Behold a tree uprooted disappear,

A hundred miles away, a seed grows,

Sprouts twin leaves the tree bows, (viii)


Served during lifetime start again,

I returned from the hermit to gain,

Fewer heart flutters, wings spread,

Calm mind, quiet life desire thread, (9)


A hundred thoughts plan courage,

Soul at social service with an entourage,

Sympathy care for others happily,

Dreams for another life incredibly, (10)


The soul of my life, an uprooted tree,

Grow at different times, place free,

Magnificent will be the tree tall,

Live hundred years flowers call, (11)


Sweet fruits invited birds to nest,

Singing the song of my life, chirping,

Back home from the hermitage phase,

Twilight years thoughts entourage. (12)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Entourage

Themes: Stream of thoughts on human life

Written: 19th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Sunday, February 18, 2024





Mind human allows freedom, free,

Friendly influencer branches tree,

A thousand channels thought flow,

Steal lifetime human loses a glow, (1)


Tell soul when hunger pacified,

Desires mind procreate classified,

The human life short thirsts stay,

Impossible to satisfy growing dismay, (2)


He was a suffered soul lust ruled,

Lost hopes for a future, cheated, fooled,

The day came in his life discovered the fact,

Bestial was mind destroyed in fact, (3)


Distanced family, friends, society,

Roamed like a beggar in the city,

Realized his own deeds, results exist,

Far from fragrant garden life resists, (4)


Fear the angle look down upon him,

Sorrows, repentance, anger, swims,

Cursed his mind, now silent know,

Moneyless unable to amuse show, (5)


Saw the poor youth on the footpath,

Unshaven torn clothes, fate's wrath,

He was educated as a graduate addict,

Lost girlfriends, disaster depicts, (6)


Seen infected with incurable disease,

Hated turned untouchable ease,

Sad, someday he was at hermitage.

Abode of Himalayas, the dues paid, ( 7)


Fit for rehabilitation healing mind,

His brutal denial to thirsty mind,

Celibacy detachment meditation,

Preferred silence concentration, (viii)


Still, he was unhappy, clueless life,

Brought to a shelter home thrive,

Started serving elderly ladies begin,

His kind-hearted effort, love, care, win, (9)


On death lit the pyres, shaven head,

Rituals for the departed living thread,

Sober, silent, stood at a crematorium,

Bestial mind honored moratorium, (10)


Human life the youth understood,

He realized singing hymns in mood,

Serving ladies feeding crippled ones,

Life found to be bestial helps a man. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Bestial

Themes: Cruel mind 

Written: 18th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Friday, February 16, 2024





Overwhelmed, outspoken spirit,

Silent forever sadness discreet,

Shield, in a chamber of heart stay,

Looked every dawn change pray, (1)


Nothing happened, I got convinced,

Event of life pass relinquished,

Wait morning, afternoon, dusk,

Love if pinnacle in mind musk, (2)


Tested relished fragrant sweet,

Hand in hand, her blossom lit,

The warmth unparallel renews,

Every union time leisure muse, (3)


Thought permanent life heaven,

Her voice melodious call shaken,

The first sight eye met eye electric,

unforgettable moment life ecstatic, (4)


I love chosen instantly remember,

Distant life job forced, consider,

Wrote a letter every week sincere,

Unfailingly expressed life adore, (5)


Inks imprinted our union many,

Writing didn't know why uncanny,

Mischievous lives may separate us,

Her replies diminishing curious, (6)


Wait for her reply, I continued,

For years, wrote to her, reviewed,

Packed my baggage to meet her,

Wanted marriage confirm, clear, (7)


Bought a ticket for the train, distant,

Found her last letter impact,

It was in a book unopened in a sock,

She was so sad her fate gone amok, (viii)


Her dad expired, mom left the village,

She was with her uncle, lost my message,

Lost letter bundles she read wept,

Sold village home her uncle kept, (9)


Her last letter was three years old,

But she stops writing to me, cold,

Traveled to her uncle's home,

Met her whispered letter troublesome, (10)


Lost the letter in her village with me,

Fate united both of us, pray supreme,

who makes or breaks at His will,

Finished our marriage life reveal, (11)


Her eye, at first sight, captured me,

We loved each other appeared, a dream,

The lost letter that devastated our lives,

The Lord, benevolent help, thrives. (12)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

 Title of Poem: Lost Letter

Themes: Almost devastated lives saved

Written: 15th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Wednesday, February 14, 2024





Eon fascinates the world wonder,

Mysterious existence to surrender,

Visible many a thing rest invisible,

Uncanny human senses incredible, (1)


Senses phenomenon unexplained,

Passionately searched ventilated,

Who is in me who guides perfectly,

Listen to whisper creep recurrently, (2)


Resurrect at odd hours saves stay,

Breakdown at misfortune dismay,

Erases painful memories, forgetful,

Invigorate emancipation tearful, (3)


The feathery touch subtle console,

Goad me to wait for the dawn role,

Matured exasperate thought source,

From where I came failed remorse, (4)


Came to mother's womb harbored,

Her flesh fluid mercy life enamored,

She was not me, her flesh neither,

The sojourn objective is unclear, (5)


Knows some day to quit certainly,

Dream building empire stubbornly,

Look at the tree flowers red blossom,

No fruit or fragrance at rock bottom, (6)


Sweet fruits, smelly flowers, cut down,

Few trees left out colorful crowns,

Why thorn grows near rose mule,

Lotus hundred petals from mud rule, (7)


Lotus leaf dispel water born from it,

The river moves serpentine in discreet,

Run a thousand miles, merge with the sea,

Seasons circulate in time due justice, (viii)


Wind water forest climate in motion,

Fail to prove movement revolution,

The human mind is outward distracted,

The world is a home, interacted, (9)


Offer countless pleasure allure,

A veil blanket think alas cover,

Humans allayed with luxury gold,

Mere mineral attractive lives sold, (10)


Got parents no more broken down,

Still aspire to live twilight brown,

Romantic at night, full moonlit,

Searching young life sad delight, (11)


Life is the river certainly meet,

Recount, jasmine fragrant greet,

Like feathery touch wind chilled,

No answer, spine-shivering willed, (12)


Wish to stand erect sunburn travel,

No answer, pray may the Lord unravel,

The world is not my home I know well,

Disintegrate questions love to dwell. (13)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: No Answer

Themes: Mysteries exist

Written: 13th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite