Sunday, June 25, 2023




Disturbed, wake up by now alerted,

Who rings a bell in the dead of night,

The temple nearby has a bell hanging,

Pervades the chimes incessant ringing,

Submerged in thoughts analyzed,

Why do humans beg for mercy, a stone idol,

Breaks a dawn crowds gather every day,

Scented sticks, oil lamps lit permeate,

Vibrant divine feeling alive trust swell,

Aspirations countless family life dwell,

Children to educate succeed efficiently,

Parents, tearful pleadings tell murmur,

Young girl with flower fruit sweets,

Oil lamps scented sticks to offer piously,

Her tender heart believes Lord living,

Idol listens to her askance and fulfills,

Lord, give me a handsome, decent man,

Wealthy, educated, kind, and loving,

His family will be compassionate too,

Grace her Lord for such a wedding nicely,

The octagenarian is crying, bitterly gasping,

Uncontrolled his pain, his son missing,

No information alien land helpless,

Begging mercy for his son to return intact,

Folded hands standing for hours,

Sobbing the sight infecting others,

Here is another woman middle age,

Banging her head on the steps hard,

Why Lord, you have stolen my husband,

Not too aged, only earning member,

Her angry look at the idol disturbing,

Shouting loudly, why you are cruel,

How I shall feed three children tell me,

Forced to live to keep my kids,

Got unconscious people attending,

No reaction of the Lord, Idol mute,

On many occasions, I cried before Him,

How many humans trust you, Lord,

Love immensely hope protection,

Surprised, sad news shatters them,

Still, pray for mercy worship in life,

Every stratum of human life confides,

Infinite human desire heart passionate,

No records of how many were fulfilled,

Seen temple agog with ceremony,

Happy occasion festivals jubilation,

Seen smiling faces, laughter, dancing,

People believe Lord listens to functions,

God knows impassionate or interested,

His metallic eyes are fixed fewer winks,

Whether human life is his play, he knows,

Seen lives intoxicated with devotion,

Sing and dance day-long feasting,

Lord is with us and helps us believe,

Wake up alerted enough and anxious,

The bell was ringing resounding bedroom,

Went to the nearby temple and found out,

The accident happened, a few were killed,

Only son of a man wounded critically,

He was ringing the bell of the temple,

Let Lord hear him beseech his son's life,

His faith was far greater than the divine.  


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Beseech

Themes: Pleading to Lord links lives

Written: 25th June 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Saturday, June 24, 2023





Breaks dawn spreads to color,

Orange eastern sky magnetic,

What happened, gathering clouds,

Spreading shadows dampen heart,

Transforms nature, changes heart,

Mind, once bright, found clouded,

Unknown event steals unknowingly,

Lost smiling face happiness sadly,

Blistering dry summer burn limbs,

Perennial squall thunderous knock,

Looking, parched lips, frustrated eyes,

Hail storms instantly plunder sorrows,

Dancing, soaked to the bone, cry out,

Spirit soaring spirally blot weariness,

Jovial state, jubilant mind celebrate,

Squall passes over soon sun blazes,

Alas, focusing mind elsewhere trapped,

Who traps me so often, then ditches,

Vibrant, colorful flowers bedecked,

Intoxicated mind by now singing,

Lo honey bee got wild trapped by color,

Sucking honey unaware pollinates,

Inkling idea could never fathom,

Trapped by fragrant beauty buzzing,

I smile at how foolishly trapped too,

Look evadingly film posters, heroin,

Seduced by her taunting looks boldly,

Attractive dress, slender frame creepy,

Stolen thoughts day long in the night,

Plunder my dreams, melts at dawn,

Why life feels tearful, sad, incoherent,

Cursed this lusty heart torment much,

Inconceivable screen queen to befriend,  

Escapes from the trap thank to clues,

Understand life habitually gets trapped,

Stood speechless in the front showroom,

New car with bright color shining,

The signboard indicates easy payments,

Bank loan available to purchase,

Lost my stability for a whole week,

day-long calculating income saving,

Crestfallen convinced it impossible to buy,

Experiences remorse disappear luster,

This was a saga of my life, hoped many,

Good job, a promising career, family,

Dreamed for months of a dream girl,

Looked at a bus, a train standing in a mall,

Looking at beautiful faces lost my mind,

Unknown to me, ignored vanished,

Neither food nor comfort was sought,

Discovered fever of love and search,

One quiet evening silence realized,

Trapped again, foolishly wait for a chance,

Twilight years laugh a lot at my heart,

How naughty it was to chain me easily,

Had the dream girl that I wanted,

Got promising career jobs, children,

Have sweet home my car gadgets,

Everything came in time I desired,

The human mind desires unlimited,

Trapped cunningly looted all happiness.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Trapped

Themes: Mind plays traps steal peace

Written: 24th June 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Friday, June 23, 2023






A stubborn heart dictates aroused,

Synchronizes mind all actions,

Doubt, if, but all creep, sabotage,

An enemy from birth soul cries,

Suspect strange world unknown,

Faces looking amused, surprised,

From perennial darkness to light,

A child is born light captives instantly,

Human belief, the radiance divine,

Encounter that instant vanishes,

Noises, touch, food mold slowly,

The blaze is forgotten, trivialized,

This light exists within perfectly,

Experienced in life from children,

Shining their eyes gleaming face,

Sparkling teeth amid dark hair,

Often witness tears reflect light,

Radiates emotion thought silently,

Light provides warmth, hugs kids,

Warmth shared my heart probing,

How come life radiates warmth,

A light that divine existence stays,

Watched rivers brimming full,

Spate flooding waters breached,

Breached the embankment, strong,

Changes rive in the season to sand bed,

The arrogance, pride, mindless no more,

Quiet, serene blue waters project,

Muddy waters whirlpool swirling,

Astonished mind exhibits doubtful,

Overwhelm heart trusting light,

Shows condense to gathering cloud,

Reject creation, control of the master,

Wishes actuate, automatic, negated,

Not at all substantive to surrender,

A human mind can fight to withstand,

Control elements as the desired mend,

To productive resources and output,

Defy the invisible power goad element,

Ingenuity intelligence thinking unites,

Recreate, hypothetically, hypocrisy,

Artificial intelligence, devised by humans,

Perform like a human or excel further,

Where is this light and warmth within?

Stops their philosophy completely,

The periphery of matter science light exists,

Light exists in Sun, moon, or Earth,

Lighted universe galaxies, stars,

The cumulative light is candlelight,

Lighted by myself, oil lamp burning,

Same is this phenomenon feature,

Close my eyes image duly glimmers,

Mind is a mirror, reflects perfectly,

Accurate if is an image opposite,

Strike thoughts into mind mysterious,

The soul within is a reflection of light,

This light is from an oil lamp lit brightly,

Crumbling disbelief fades doubt soon,

Concur life is a burning candle or boon. 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Concur

Themes: Light is life to concur

Written: 23rd June 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Thursday, June 22, 2023





Essay life scripts are invisible,

Mind dictated all along neatly,

How often the heart was rebellious,

Protesting spirit paralyzing limbs,

Grumbles life desires intensity,

Promoting anger in veins rushing,

Unwilling to leave sweet home,

Leaving the better half longer cruelly,

Somber, her pale face hiding tears,

The half-ajar bedroom looked silently,

Her eyes pointed transfixed, staring,

Matching eye ball to eye ball a second,

Devastated, heartbroken, evaded now,

Unblinking, her bright eyes signaled,

Communicating a thousand messages,

Don't leave dear, sweet home at all,

Look at children understand, sadly,

Know their father leaving for a long,

Longing desperately for cancellation,

Intolerable absence of Papa sobbing,

Controlling their best crying frigid,

Opened the front door was raining,

Summer is leaving rain clouds,

The entire sky turned dark and dampened,

The street is submerged under water,

Not a pedestrian visible or traffic,

Carried heavy luggable on the back,

Fearing not to look behind, leave quickly,

Knew heart melt, to watch kids,

That was a sad evening got soaked,

Walked miles to pick up the bus,

Hundreds of miles away got a job,

Assured of good income, best luck,

Realized earnings can change fate,

From abject poverty to a luxurious life,

Never thought of self-comfort,

Children will be lucky to get an education,

Dreaming children will be officers,

Wished should not be a cycle mechanic,

Let not daughter be a domestic worker,

Her progress in her study offers opportunities,

She will be educated, wealthy, working,

Her husband is a handsome man,

Reputed family well-known accept,

Felt tears on the bus thinking,

Must leave my shop for good,

Work in the distant city get plenty of,

Wife no more will work at houses,

For domestic-servant, a tag will be erased,

She will cook food well, feed children,

Get new dresses for her and the kids,

The home will have a television, fridge,

Cooking gas kitchen new life,

Electricity fan electric light,

Children will be reading comfortably,

Plenty of books, paper, utilities,

No problem with school fees to attend,

That was an evening mind rock solid,

Refused pleading heart protesting soul,

Decades after expressing my surprise,

Both children are studying in cities,

Papa, we need money send please,

His wife is alone now in her home,

Leaving the job kids employed,

A pension that can sustain life,

Knocked on the front door surprised her,

Stunned to find me in front,

Told everything decisions evaluative,

Let rest of our life in peace with care,

Support her slim frame, tender limbs,

Help her a life decent and quiet,

Life itself evaluative time dictate.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Evaluative

Themes: Family life contemplative

Written: 22nd June 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite