Monday, September 18, 2023





Apprehended the future young,

Felt parents acted, ideas wrong,

They decided, for retired parents,

Sold property, business, events, (1)


Stayed with their parents serve,

Lost father his earning yet love,

He saw that his father passed soon,

Few years with grandkid boon, (2)


Evening time, sleeping on a couch,

Kids listen to mythological touch,

Happy with the elder son, his family,

Grandma happy with kids simply, (3)


How soon their home was empty,

The youth knew his teenage pity,

Departure of grandparents sadly,

Father tried for a job earn madly, (4)


His past the flourished business,

Found father labor situation depress,

Few and far between earning idle,

Young life clipped thrills, middle, (5)


Education, the prime hope to survive,

Scholarship, loans, studies thrive,

Grace of God, meritorious the result,

Career was easily achievable, host, (6)


Supporting parents, a critical time,

Siblings grew in time, settled fine,

Shade the mother her sacrifices,

Nostalgic birthday love surfaces, (7)


Her countless prayers, restless,

Without money, children press,

The family burden annual crop,

Rice the factor living only hope, (viii)


Her struggle to maintain family,

Never failed in birthdays acts happily,

She prepares cakes, dishes a lot,

Reminiscent, my birthday escort, (9)


Her hopes and prayers were fulfilled,

Stark depravity, children shield,

Mother, her shade graceful kind,

Past years growing, times remind, (10)


She has never asked for comfort,

Father passed out suddenly but,

Mother's care, concern, added soft,

Disobedience to her hurt, worst,(11)


Decades since father missed,

Lived with children only wished,

Children have homes, separate,

Year around she visits rotate, (12)


Happy to watch, her kids stable,

Her life of poverty missed, able,

Children with kids are growing,

Grandkids alluring for her sing, (13)


Advanced age, once fallen, crisis,

She survived, sick, in paralysis,

The youth is no more young life,

Shade of mother presence strife, (14)


Bedridden, immobile and forgetful,

The youth is seventy years old, tearful,

Today's birthday, her shade absent,

No one to solemnize a dark event. (15)


Mother was seventeen years old,

Her delivery day fasting day hold,

Fast without food by evening, a kid,

She delivered to her eldest child. ( 16)


She withstood immense pain, silent,

Mother, her sacrifices, her life, resilient,

She is the Lord's image first teacher,

Seventy-two years passed kid's prayer. (17)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Her Shade

Themes: The shade of the mother reminds

Written: 18th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, September 17, 2023





Melodious song metamorphoses,

Attenuates each labyrinth it poses,

Simulate each nerve send a signal,

Rhythmic each fiber life magical, (1)


Experience unique music vibrate,

Savor deeply soul heart intimate,

Love the sensation, electric starkly,

Love a touch split second darkly, (2)


Love voice inviting intimate well,

Love locking eyes, with eyes, hell,

Love every word ushers, healings,

Love erasing impatience strings, (3)


Love dismantles doubt, suspicion,

Love trusting life to submission,

Love endless gossip dream pour,

Loved once the couple enamor, (4)


Soaked their clothes, pores of skin,

Wet aromatic, imagination clean,

Rain clouds sailed distant time,

Advances adulthood, sunshine, (5)


The night rain-soaked closeness,

Years passed silently, if sadness,

Lovelorn worn-out ornaments,

The admiration intimacy dents, (6)


Forgotten nights, rain-soaked lit,

Less understood love soul fright,

Wedge hammer rod intrusive hit,

Class, society, community greet, (7)


Complexion status religion wall,

Sad, melodious a song, never enthrall,

A close witness once praised both,

Suddenly changed socked worth, (viii)


Passion is not poison, thirsts win,

Promulgate, procreate, wish divine,

Define wedlock luck wedding lit,

Speechless separated link delete, (9)


Watched both loving hearts exist,

Married with kids memory, resist,

Happy their lives blessed console,

A wall divides the heart, succumb role, (10)


Refuse such a story is impossible,

Eloped couple to family invisible,

Deleted relationship friendship,

Love life chased chose courtship, (11)


Faced troubles, blame, or threat,

Love withstands status, create,

Enough instances love winning,

Across religion caste class sing, (12)


They fight to their teeth bitterly,

Stay united lifelong life lovingly,

Discovered discussed constant,

Their love, at first sight, instant, (13)


Premarital sensation, thrill mess,

Simple invitation promise bless,

Committed a sequel to devotion,

Separated couple, felt infatuation... (14)


Love is divine, links souls matchless,

Molded customs, cultures, seamless,

Clarity distinct, vision subtle, dews,

Myopic cataract infatuation hues. (15)  


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Infatuation

Themes: Love is lust, soul despite

Written: 17th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Saturday, September 16, 2023






Unique instance, a time combine,

Fear grips the population how the sign,

Amazes phases, uncertain worry,

Viral fever fictional, reality story, (1)


Spreads faster than wind, warn,

Couple of years past fatal harm,

Confined cities traffic travel sad,

Terrified people across, age mad, (2)


Clueless, sounding plates, noises,

Clap on the balcony, fear poises,

Reminiscent scars disappeared,

Mysterious reaction life tattered, (3)


Empty roads, mall, parks, ghostly,

Horror movies, real stare mostly,

The style descended lives match,

Motion pictures, activists catch, (4)


Burning pyres, hospital empties,

Heartbroken, sight sad miseries,

Two years later, the landscape date,

Unseen prosperity happily fate, (5)


Disbelieves visible development, 

Phenomenal growth time anoint,

Illiteracy, poverty, minimum lives,

Growing income industry strives, (6)


The mall, highway fights queue,

The attire dress style jokes renew,

Money flows, enjoy middle class,

Spend much travel light splash, (7)


Money spinner investment rise,

Busy bank share markets prize,

The year effulgent, radiate a lot,

Space event global summit host, (viii)


Venues for world leaders bright,

Myriads of colored fountains, sight,

The art and craft converge well,

Country displays costumes tell, (9)


Mesmerize musical instrument,

Folk dancers spells excitement,

A few days a summit transmitted,

The world alert accelerated, (10)


Autumnal fever puja or Diwali,

Bumper crop harvests to Holi,

Catches fantasy imaginations,

Peaceful land swirls emotions, (11)


New year in the offing promise,

Still, better achievement prize,

Election electoral battles cease,

Biggest democracy rally crease, (12)


The dress of people will change,

Placard signboard protest craze,

Who wins will rule a billion lives,

Five years, guaranteed thrives, (13)


Aspiration wonder time eagerly,

Significant vogue yet vigorously.

Transformative miracle concept,

Space age digital carnage crept! (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Vogue

Themes: time changes the outlook of people

Witten: 16th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 




Friday, September 15, 2023






Compulsions, impulsive spirit,

The mind is marvelous in spite,

Ingenuity intrinsic attenuate,

Information, to accommodate, (1)


Accentuate valuable accepts,

Value data serviceable waits,

Modern humans automated,

Instant automatic intimated, (2)


Actuate trillion data to evaluate,

Split second the data to calculate,

Accurate to the moon, distant,

Distant planet accuracy want, (3)


Machines microchip monster,

Preserve data storehouse core,

New generation age alien, well,

Octogenarian owed time quell, (4)


Unacquainted, new word, differ,

A century ago, storehouses, infer,

Annual output grains corn oil,

Spices salt sugar fuel jute coil, (5)


Remedy critical witness an age,

Famine diseases virulent stage,

Climate failure disaster severe,

Sickness, death untimely clear, (6)


Remembers storehouse probe,

Transportation over the globe,

Storehouse of Goodwill assess,

Helps thousand tons impress, (7)


Shipments phenomenal gross,

Storehouse of sympathy, cross,

Help food, medicine, cloth, stuff,

Meets the new age catastrophe, (viii)


Storehouse at the port, spectacular,

Safe keep of material to declare,

Commerce business combines,

Yester years, lighthouse shines, (9)


Concepts of storehouse, sense,

Exist old symbol reminiscence,

Exists shining granary proudly,

Lifeline for farmers stay loudly, (10)


To procure, market, distribute,

Farmer educated rich attribute,

Twilight years evening emotion,

Awe-inspiring a transformation, (11)


Innovation inventions nascent,

Born the country was belligerent,

Just independent only dreams,

Beyond the dream reality streams, (12)


Storehouse the enigma symbol,

Prosperous the country ah roll,

Storehouse, modernity or past,

Background hunger and thirst, (13)


Tearful, a generation fought and died,

Freedom, storehouse dignified,

Minutely sees a subtle instance,

Storehouse literacy significance, (14)


Storehouse preserves knowledge,

Country, men, women, privilege,

Subtle invaluable library aflame,

Hundred college schools inflame. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Storehouse

Themes: Age transforms storehouse and meaning

Written: 15th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite