Saturday, April 27, 2024




Insurmountable trouble often visits,

Sickness, undone, bedridden defeat,

Laments human wakeful night sad,

Worries more painful children mad, (1)


Hospital visit medicines treatment,

Unfinished works, though nascent,

Tear, silent face, sorrow, she observes,

Feathery touch compassion dissolve, (2)


She is white apron cap, attends at night,

She alerted, night long presence sight,

Watchful of digital signals or saline,

The curve signal of life drips, define, (3)


Tomorrow will be dawn, released, period,

No more sickness, hospital accord,

The time comes to be discharged, good,

Caught sight of sister in tear brood, (4)


Her few words, take care, sympathy,

Forgets human, back home apathy,

Those rare moments, life battle sad,

Sister near the bed care no reward, (5)


Forgotten the mysterious world fit,

Saving lives, sister fights day and night,

The timely medicine injection jobs,

Unparallel her duty wellness, throbs, (6)


Her happiness no one knows right,

A family is saved from disaster, lit,

From the window she observed all,

Today, the sick man released, recall, (7)


She remembers those silent nights,

Crying that man family his frights,

No one to earn support family prays,

Her soft touch healing hand sway, (viii)


Calm and quiet, she saw life fights,

Innumerable chances lost sights,

Morning family gather socked sit,

Not everybody lucky untimely quit, (9)


Sister, today not sad, praying quietly,

Lord helps the sufferer, loving sweetly,

Knew her yet her midnight duty,

Misses her husband, child, security, (10)


Sister, her devotion, saving lives,

Precious human life, she believes,

No praise, accolade for her white dress,

Released a patient tearful impress,(11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Sister

Themes: invaluable hospital nurse,

Written: 27th April 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Friday, April 26, 2024




Lament trepidation look through,

Prevalent summer heat kills true,

Blinding skylight less cloud clean,

Shade under the tree differentiates win,(1)


The hot wind blisters parched lips,

Thirst a glass of water eagerly sip,

Eyes are burning, dust penetrates,

Walking under the sun frustrates, (2)


Umbrella of little use heat painful,

Human life to work miseries rule,

Travel on duty distant places sadly,

Lack of sleep life is sufferer madly, (3)


The river is dry bed sand quarry busy,

Construction works continue easily,

Observed the laborer, his wife, his child,

Child on a cement bag wife shield, (4)


Aluminum bowl rice, water, onion,

Salt chili fried vegetable companion,

Surprise, they smile, defeating summer,

Work their best time money spinner, (5)


Got tears, poor man's life winner,

School colleges are closed in fear,

Heat stroke loss of life warning news,

Villages suffer lack of water reviews, (6)


Cracked fields open, farmers wait,

Pray for rain comes sowing duly met,

The cattle, thirsty, throng to the pond,

Surprising there is a human bond, (7)


Crowded well ponds, village women,

 Summer water scarcity costs mainly,

 Ripen fruits summertime market,

Flushed supper malls juice target, (viii)


Cricket mad country summer night,

A million throngs of noise deafen sight,

Hill stations are crowded on holidays,

Children amidst nature dismay, (9)


Memorable wait for summer again,

Hill stations mesmerizing train,

Summer heat generates clouds,

Rain only comes after, life shrouds, (10)


Squall comes thunder symphony,

Apparent summer heat, not agony,

Invitation for rainfall harvesting,

Agony is sweet-sour to harnessing. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Agony

Themes: Summer tortures

Written: 26th April Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Thursday, April 25, 2024




Impassioned the day born loved,

Linked family friend pain solved,

New visitors, an honor celebrated,

Education result due calibrated,(1)


Gathering ceremony discussed,

Courage, strength, story blushed,

Young man, tall, muscular stand,

Left his parents, calm, withstand, (2)


Bear the infinite pain, leave home,

Mother looks at her son, handsome,

Just married, got a child, two tears,

Leaving his town frontier no fears, (3)


The call from the armed forces is urgent,

The border is under threat, insurgents,

The train, a coach full crowded of men,

In military dress singing, omen, (4)


They shall fight to secure the frontier,

Intricate their planning weavers,

Threading path of progress slow,

Under the grass behind rock vow, (5)


Wait patiently for hours search,

Make sure no enemy stays lurch,

Offensive action bird's nest match,

Guards alert, stay forward catch, (6)


The hunting fight escape survive,

The fight unfortunate life deprive,

Long miles of border barbed wire,

Military men and women face dare, (7)


We sleep comfortably at night,

Fight election long queues delight,

Safe is democracy weaver protect,

Defenders, you mean chess detect, (viii)


How many families faced disaster,

Lost their men for life as sufferers,

Earn money, get a job, properties,

Prospered life children securities, (9)


But supreme sacrifice gave blood,

The soldier in the frontier is bold,

Weaver with salt from the motherland,

Fight defeat enemy life a garland, (10)


Remember his birthday, the pain,

Removed once but revived in vain,

His planning barbed wires secured,

War games fighting future assured. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Barbed Wires

Themes: Frontier 

Written: 24th April 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Wednesday, April 24, 2024




Lonely life chose happy content,

Obsessive to study read, reticent,

Unspoken emotions hurt present,

Read, loved reading, live nascent, (1)


Read in the park under a tree, sit,

On the wooden bench alone neat,

Read on the sofa, bedroom library,

Mini collection of books contrary, (2)


The hunger and thirst continued,

Traveled to famous library reviewed,

Writers spent their lifetime writing,

Human life under the lens it promotes, (3)


Ink emotion love bond attachment,

Undiluted serenity and purity are present,

Family nest of humans unparallel,

Stories thousands hunts magical, (4)


Cover book lifetime story challenge,

Life sinks survives fighting strange,

Hookworms for such books famous,

The writer never says fiction is humorous, (5)


Hook influence books motivate life,

Teaching helps humans meet strife,

Book for all ages, females, children,

Read honestly written to enlighten, (6)


Education, knowledge, skill, wisdom,

Variant forms life is aware seldom,

Checked helped humans prosper,

Book worshipped by all conquerors, (7)


Thousand years printed and stored,

Value of book undisputed procured,

Midnight reading fell asleep dream,

The book aroused fantasy event stream, (viii)


Never seen authors written,

Literature ornaments jewels quote,

Writing language excites the mind,

Inflame, often drowse, freezes kind, (9)


The thrill horror sensation words,

Midnight tired addicted not swords,

Chosen single life book, my friend,

Helped me know realms trend, (10)


Cyclic human life, so living beings,

Present not today appeared swings,

Cries of laughter melt to either silence,

Midnight, my bedroom stays decent, (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem:  Midnight

Themes: Story of a book reader

Written: 23rd April 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite     


Monday, April 22, 2024




Wonderful the world wonderland,

Humans exist, fail to understand,

Nomads prehistoric survived sadly,

Ferocity fighting spirit live reward, (1)


Visible pristine nature tranquility,

Tribal lives cocoon, contented society,

Mostly learned enough soil water,

Hunt animals but divine creatures, (2)


Language of their own voice finger,

Lifestyle millennium old in nature,

The world was safe, secure, resourceful,

But human need grew up to rule, (3)


Education, technology, science hail,

Research development thrives yell,

Seven decades of my life saw the time,

Development to destructions fine, (4)


Changed generation, views differ,

Competitive lack of humanity sheer,

War clouds on Earth Day horror,

City change to rubbles reminder, (5)


Millions left home death majority,

Time questions human opportunity,

How long would stay sinking,

Land, air, and water polluted, stinking, (6)


Now or never, position stare, sadly,

Growing population rowdy madly,

Road violence arson increases,

Leaders of the countries cease, (7)


The push-pull of movement size,

Countries, counters of people rise,

Changes in demography, culture,

Internal fight cultures sufferer, (viii)


Closing freedom liberty travel more,

Fight of views prejudice prosper,

Happiness, joy, security lacking,

Today's human, fearful, ransacking, (9)


War in the horizons glowing sad,

The greeneries river hills forward,

Send a message mercurial stay,

Earth Day humans live the way, (10)


No war, weapons, infightings,

Blossom comes season springs,

Relinquished savagery reshape,

Earth Day saves Earth due step. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Relinquished

Themes: Earth Day possible 

Written: 22nd April 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite