Saturday, May 4, 2024




Modern lives ensemble stalkers,

Vicious appeasing smile walkers,

They play tunes, sing attractive,

Mischievous intention or motive,(1)


What not the material world offer,

Bewitching beauty goods enamor,

Foolish human youth or adult stay,

Run after merchandise, life sway, (2)


The cost is invisible, tentacle trap,

Glamorous packets, poison wrap,

Hoodwink safeguard system sad,

Hottest market product life mad, (3)


Overnight business mint million,

Predator invisible but companion,

Urban life dimensions uplift, differ,

Digital medium cyber  guise wear, (4)


Continuous penetration offensive,

Display products prices corrosive,

Show interest probe caught soon,

The predator knows the location or boon, (5)


Track the mobile place infiltrate,

Knock at advertisement indicate,

Odd hour mobile rings hoax call,

Exciting offers sadly ghost prowl, (6)


Hundreds of numbers none lifts,

Curse of the modern age or rifts,

Watch on Television silver screen,

Millions icon profit to goods green, (7)


Crazy citizens follow buying items,

Madness  lifetime earning system,

That glamour girl actor icon loot,

Predator demand customer mute, (viii)


Under the boot, buys items, proud,

At a loss of funny civilization loud,

A century ago, human lives were different,

Predator absent quality reminiscent, (9)


Cheap quality product variety less,

Happy life we enjoyed time impress,

The cost variety attractive capture,

Materialistic age attachment allure, (10)


Schoolmaster his lifetime earnings,

A glamour girl and product smiling,

After a few minutes of display, she earns,

Headmaster's lifetime job mourns. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Predator

Themes: Modern advertisement 

Written: 4th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Friday, May 3, 2024




Sequel to sacrilege, debt-ridden,

Wanting, nevertheless if hidden,

Momentary happiness goods lit,

Unable to acquire borrows neat, (1)


Steep slope of hill imagine stay,

Just one step slips save no way,

Duality the world presents nicely,

Day and night saving debt costly, (2)


Stay hungry, minimum clothes sad,

Dignity dispels duplicity, feel bad,

Ordinary home minimum assets,

Earn human to capacity life reset, (3)


The beeline to loot time is deceptive,

Money humans stay short relative,

Attraction infinite discipline win,

Indebted to virtue rule supreme, (4)


Economic cautious plan future,

Indebted life debt traps capture,

Examine society's business crash,

No foresight lust for profit thrash, (5)


How many businesses collapse on the list,

Shareholder saving liquidate tryst,

What happens after the story saddens,

Prosperous houses perish madden, (6)


A person, state, or country faces,

Indebted with loan tension traces,

Look, O human, the tree near a pool,

Its root absorbs water the needful, (7)


Not one drop of water tree assimilates,

Message to humans it communicates,

Shellfish in the sea rarely drink water,

Wait for the rain drink or moisture, (viii)


The pied crested cuckoo waits for rain,

Being thirsty never drinks, in vain,

Not even rainwater on the ground,

Message to human indebted sound, (9)


The nature capability earning link,

Human life learns indebted rethink,

Borrow, like disease, cripple sadly,

Indebted the country sights madly, (10)


Gratitude is the virtue human likes,

Indebted express willingly life hike,

Evil attitude borrowing and  indebted,

Express gratitude happily indebted. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Indebted

Themes: With a loan or express gratitude

Written: 3rd May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Thursday, May 2, 2024




Lost in a megapolis, unknown stay,

Searched for work opportunity way,

Moved to the local train bus stand,

Alone in busy transport demand,(1)


A place to ride, get down, and move,

Nobody bothers to notice showing,

Stand-alone at the mall evening,

The light helluva goods alluring, (2)


Galleries attract beeline laughter,

Grabbing selected items enamor,

Look at them exchange smiles,

Less spoken brushed aside styles, (3)


A city with a million people, stay,

Should we talk to strangers? way,

Buys done payment vanish soon,

Bystanders look amazed and feel boon, (4)


Alone among the crowd general,

The whole city witness faces murals,

Traveled overseas education ends,

Plum post career hardly befriends, (5)


The invisible barrier shrinks the mind,

Alien in the treasure island find,

Check identity visa passport fit,

Stranger in danger lacks unfit, (6)


Moved amidst village, amuse look,

Children laugh at point yet hook,

Dress differs, stranger no danger,

Loving, caring, gentle lives allure, (7)


Less persistent on name place,

Provide comfort, food, shelter, grace,

It happened citizens were suspicious,

Stranger very sight a few furious, (viii)


Think kidnappers of children hate,

Human commits deeds reciprocate,

Strangers heard through the news,

Saintly person unknown muse, (9)


Seen infinite faith humans mingle,

The person traveler walks single,

Last but not least, bus drivers,

The pilot of the flight or train savior, (10)


A stranger to all of us we trust,

Unfailingly love a stranger most,

Unfortunately, the situation is in danger,

But an evil person faced a stranger. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Stranger

Themes: The human we don't know

Written: 2nd May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Wednesday, May 1, 2024




Faced thunderstorms shuddered,

Came spring blossoms wondered,

Shivered in sickness, fever rising,

Recover to pink health surprising,(1)


Emotion killed sadness overpower,

Losing dear ones forever life cower,

The intimate life entwined happily,

Time removes closed relatives sadly, (2)


Undone, clueless to meet problems,

Prejudice to practice help emblem,

Never could prove faith established,

Troubling times pray to tear unleash, (3)


Life probes the future, fate, destiny, all,

Change situation suddenly recall,

Stands at point of time transfixed,

Where to move left and right yet mixed, (4)


Human life virtue to move forward,

Crossroad encounters valor reward,

Trouble comes with the direction poses,

Solving the experience life imposes, (5)


The reverse direction, short easy route,

Lies the pit blocks progress, mute,

Crossroad chessboard ambivalent,

Successful, spirit dares equivalent, (6)


Knows the struggle, bitter fight, sad,

Recognize the crossroads, get a reward,

The education skill labor industry adds,

Path of progress resist mayday, bad, (7)


Village to cities avenues numerous,

Crossroad poses difficulty cautiously,

City to overseas crossroad appears,

Aspiration is unlimited but disappears, (viii)


Countless stories, a square visible,

Lamp post under a human single,

Thinking on the first step, puzzled,

Crossroad four directions sizzled, (9)


Across all ages, gender life decides,

Progress of life crossroad presides,

Laborers Day Prosperity Day stay,

Work is only route prosperous way, (10)


Chose path deception, mischievous,

Back to crossroad hell suspicious,

Crossroad symbolizes noble deeds,

Has a route to the den of the devil indeed. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Crossroad

Themes: Avenues chosen for prosperity

Written: 1st May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Tuesday, April 30, 2024




Humans are in motion amazes,

Destination countless baggage,

Purpose, infinite, indefinite, cost,

Across all ages, travel time lost,(1)


Must cover the distance in time,

The worried face tension defines,

Million travel every day crowd,

Successful visit results proud, (2)


A thousand miles away, few wait,

To receive their kin years met,

A few travel, meet the opportunity,

Lifetime benefits change reality, (3)


Lost in commotion human life,

Struggle with the rush hours strife,

Back home, back working place,

Study at distant city due trace, (4)


The speed of travel comfort fit,

Amenities requirement requisite,

Passport visa for abroad identity,

Find new era complex insecurity, (5)


Vast spider web arrival departure,

The time displays neon to passengers,

Surprise, airport, railway station,

Bus terminals, cruise, fascination, (6)


Faster the speed service quality,

New era generation, ask proximity,

Humans passenger peace future,

Passenger for prosperity enamor, (7)


Passenger for education wisdom,

Passengers weapon, love seldom,

Passengers hear war crimes fright,

Doubt human civilization right, (viii)


Beautiful cities, homes, children,

Moving military arms threaten,

Sum up, remind our generation,

A wooden cart oxen in motion, (9)


Children run after the bus, surprised,

Steam engine train music prized,

Less number of travelers, remind,

Limited communication unwind, (10)


No more such situation network,

Human, now busy passenger mark,

Visible fear hunts war destruction,

New-era passengers face oblivion. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Passenger

Themes: Travelers

Written: 30th April 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite