Monday, May 13, 2024



Temple premises her obeisance,

Emotionless, lingering askance,

Fasting for days without water,

Quiet her demeanor time prefer, (1)


With infinite patience, she waits, trusts,

A son on her lap, belief, not lost,

Only a beginning child grows fast,

Her attention care services last, (2)


Leaves home the child to study,

Mother opens window, yet moody,

Her thoughts, her world elsewhere,

Her son studies aware less share, (3)


Concern tension unfounded sick,

Prays idol hand folded fasts risk,

Wait dearly for a letter from her son,

His success, progress, duly learned, (4)


Profusely thank the Lord, prostrate,

Lit oil lamp incense stick correct,

She came to know her son working,

Prepare his marriage, searching, (5)


Father looks at her less speak, sit,

Allow his wife the pleasure befit,

He knows her nine months, pain,

Her concern for her son insane, (6)


Son got married, daughter-in-law,

She saw both left home, eyebrow,

Glisten her tears, blessing promise,

Hope child for son news surprise, (7)



Stand still at the door for a minute,

Her husband had emotions, fights,

A woman, her baby, the marriage,

She conceived her world message, (viii)


Her eyes, nose, face resemble a lot,

Her blood tissue breath, feel escort,

Her nature tongue faith accrual,

Mother and son linkage unusual, (9)


In darkness, rain, thunderstorms,

Awaken mother no reason reform,

Prays for the security of son far off,

Laugh, smile, tearful son hear stuff, (10)


Mother is sick letter informs, sock,

Son at back home attending broke,

Idol, the Lord watches her son, praying,

Mother, her recovery a lot, crying. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

 Title of Poem: Prayer

Themes: Dedicated to the mother

Written: 13th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, May 12, 2024




Childhood dreamed of top education,

Hardly could forget to study emotion,

Hunt fear admission test complex,

Countless youth working perplexes, (1)


The day saw invitation overjoyed,

Paranoia feebly parents annoyed,

Conveyed clearly technology test,

Harder than admission a pretext, (2)


Electric was the moment attend,

Allotted a room in hostel friends,

In one room, three guys, life begins,

Day-long class night study wins, (3)


Found close friendships, sharing,

A pleasure, sadness, life-winning,

Weakly tests monthly test marks,

Loosing or full mark guys tracks, (4)


Food breakfast, lunch, dinner, list,

Thrilling heartburn monthly feast,

Enjoys a variety of dishes, vegetables,

Non-vegetable tasty lot amenable, (5)


Unforgotten days gossip dances,

Hostel silent semester advances,

Memorize class notes, wake up tonight,

Result after semester hostel sight, (6)


A few sad and heartbroken, silent,

Good mark, excellent link resilient,

The hostel imbibes with tears, smiles,

Last day from college guys styles, (7)



Engineers' rank melts forgotten fit,

A few minutes of interview win delight,

Time advances, but hostel days lit,

Unforgettable bond rivalry delight, (viii)


Guys prefer aloofness, get friendly,

Share pathos, pain, joy, beautifully,

Last look at the hostel, a tear, love,

Life as a student is difficult dissolves, (9)


Leave everything except memories,

Friends, friendship, girlfriend series,

Invisible from view hostel life move,

Breeding ground for youth groove, (10)


Bed, bathroom, dining, library room,

Television room, table tennis boon,

Hostel stays, a few staff served well,

College life convocation hostel yell! (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Hostel

Themes: Students stay reminiscence

Written: 12th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite    


Saturday, May 11, 2024




The day walked with a suitcase,

Awestruck buildings its base,

The mindboggling traffic is busy,

Crowds like machine life easy, (1)


Earn hastily enormous heaven,

He was walking, jobless, shaken,

No one looks at him door closed,

Another world an alien if posed, (2)


No food hungry worried failed,

failed to find a root home yelled,

Die not there, son home invite,

Shelter cloth food get life excite, (3)


He was rebellious, sick on the road,

Lying as if the corpse mocked fraud,

But his condition worsened hit,

Lifted by sympathetic  to treat, (4)


Got food, shelter, medicine, healed,

Who served checked him revealed,

The guy was a university topper,

Gold medalist rejected popper, (5)


Conveyed consoled promised,

To try his best for a job increased,

He got he wanted a job forgot,

Money prosperity if life results, (6)


The arrogance ego dominated,

Who helped him beg intimated,

This guy recognized him very soon,

He is a person in the city, finds boon, (7)



The remorse he felt recognized him,

Visited their place, ruined prime,

The philanthropic site vanished,

Land grabbed by others wished, (viii)


Educated intellect observed sad,

City expands, but migrants, mad,

Diminishing picture sympathy,

Lost citizen outsiders apathy, (9)


Found to be a fortunate, his chapter,

No more public view consider,

Think welfare of the local population,

Reluctant to accept angry motions, (10)


Incapable of help, he returned,

Ramose he felt past mourned,

Difficult times says advanced,

Sympathy helps no acceptance. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Remorse

Themes: Declining public sympathy

Written: 11th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Friday, May 10, 2024



Grew up, an uncanny sense acquires

How to speak situations require,

The mastery acumen automatic,

Convinced most fooled sarcastic, (1)


Play with innocent eyes, soften,

Confused events believable often,

Not a crime escaped secretive lit,

Defense to save life, deceit defeat, (2)


Unashamed confess, withstood,

Depravity, discrimination stood,

Merit intelligence but moneyless,

Surprised disqualified suppress, (3)


Raise their head, hollow, tirade,

Influencia in society masquerade, 

Browbeat intelligentsia controls,

Unequal hegemonic loot patrols, (4)


Truth prevailed less hidden news,

Defense nationalist, patriot use,

Spread the right information cover,

Secured their country to power, (5)


Let corruption perish, honesty stay,

Defense crucial information way,

Far more potent than weapon armory,

Exposing corruption crime worry, (6)


These invisible resources source,

Unknown undercover, of course,

Top headlines of new papers hit,

Socked the country filter defeat, (7)


Shadowy reporter risked life text,

Newspapers publish secrecy best,

The fifth columnist exposed reform,

The press is the fifth column of freedom, (viii)


The pillar of the constitution, strong,

Defense face is press act media long,

Crucial these editors threat face,

Safe country disintegrate surface, (9)


Defense not from outside, lesson,

Fracture divides leads to treason,

Fracture is political ethos acute,

Public, silent, unaware, stay mute, (10)


Defense of country press protects,

Analysts predict catastrophe detects,

No reward praise reporter editor,

Defensive in defense write secure. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Defense

Themes: Press offensive protect freedom

Written: 10th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Thursday, May 9, 2024




Confess ingress lingering pain,

Human life socked dry in vain,

Why eyes have tears, do endure,

Writes heart out story enamor, (1)


Lighten heart, soften mind sad,

Ernest looks  comforts forward,

Mysterious duality, equal offers,

When life joyous revert suffers, (2)


Emotion mind sprays fountain,

Ink colorful, sadness, black rain,

Life faced hunger, depravity, hell,

Undone incapable inks to quell, (3)


Forget humans, time passes quickly,

Only when happy enjoys rarely,

Wave after wave, human life is sad,

Disappear happy life wants mad, (4)


Nothing is available to life think,

Aloofness, hunger, sickness, link,

Page after page, pen helps write,

The book, novel, poem, fame, sight, (5)


Touched the heart of humans lit,

Sequel to stories pen inks insight,

This is the world we praise blindly,

Pen and ink with color touchingly, (6)


Unknown authors anonymous,

Their pen and work became famous,

They saw from closeness miseries,

Happy life amusement adversaries, (7)


All visit suddenly life quit shatters,

Getting friends losing equal matters,

 Ink pen wealth prosperity property,

Often, everything collapses into poverty? (viii)


Pen enlightens society that truth exists,

Crumbling capital greedily resists,

Famous novels with a great pen light,

Class of urbanization industry fight, (9)


Lost lives, underworld, sad stories,

Hair-raising thrillers pen mysteries,

Pen the consciousness of humans,

Free voice equal liberty inks can, (10)


Published spread world over soon,

Awaken human mind object boon,

The symbol of knowledge ever last,

Pen part and parcel of life ink fast. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Pen

 Themes: Literature knowledge

Written: 9th May 2024, Cuttack    

@ Copywrite