Saturday, May 18, 2024




Cloud gathering at the western horizon,

Parched land entangles hope caution,

This year's rainfall is sufficient to cultivate,

Farmers look at sky dream motivate, (1)


Their slim figure turban dirty cloth,

Thatched house, no property worth,

The penchant to pass a day in fieldwork,

A farmer's life bullocks cart remarks, (2)


Rain has come plowing began to think,

A billion wait for a square meal link,

A country with millions of hungry homeless,

No future, illiterate, sick life, depressed, (3)


Thousands of children quit school,

Poverty forced parents, sad, painful,

Children working as laborers in reality,

Saves square meal feed incredibility, (4)


No more hunger, poverty, prosperous,

Green Revolution aftermath onerous,

Miraculous transformation harvest,

Square meal, free rations to the poorest, (5)


Population of America, free ration,

Distribute food to uplift the nation,

Nascent progress prosperity allure,

Reminiscence of past famines horror, (6)


Forget about a square meal, a grain,

Famine and droughts erased pain,

A million lives were lost, villages were wiped out,

The country often remembers less doubt, (7)


Look at neighborhoods, the world suffers,

A square meal daydream encounters,

stays famine draught deforestation,

A grain life asks square meal mourn, (viii)


The aspect of food sufficiently diminishes,

Future of the world, nature to vanish,

Humans today ponder on the table,

Dining table a square means unable, (9)


New suggestion for millet vegetate,

Conserve water a must propagate,

Generation should think children,

The world belongs to them, bolden, (10)


Let there be granaries of golden crops,

A square meal to hungry man hop,

Possession of happiness is not gold,

O human seeks a square meal bold. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Square Meal

Themes: Essential to human life

Written: 18th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Friday, May 17, 2024




There are barriers, classes, creed,

Children segregated stay indeed,

Barriers are  invisible, remarkable,

Human, educated, create trouble,(1)


The color, skin, and eyes portray sad,

Language, lifestyle, religion, regard,

Children know nothing, are innocent,

Mingle without friction act decent, (2)


Frolic gay happiness boundless,

Barrier childish innocence misses,

Overpower the sight divine sense,

No division experiences intense, (3)


Looked at the blue sky, birds swirling, 

Frolics gently descends, sweeping,

Imagined fish in a pond swimming,

Agile, frolic, movements turning, (4)


Calf herds play artificial running, 

Worth watching ears, tail frolicking,

Sat on a bench and observed children,

Played on the playground happen, (5)


Noticed divisions, melted ecstatic,

Unpolluted, innocent hearts frolic,

Compared with birds, fish, or calves,

Children frolic, without bias, and laugh, (6)


School closed, promptly bus divided,

Sadly, humans impose class, rides,

Even streets, area, differentiate, hit,

Frolic sensitivity locals due to defeat, (7)


Culture, lifestyle, food, belief thrive,

Frolic, mingling, parents deprive,

Stroll back home, thoughtful, sad,

Come across slum children mad, (viii)


Poverty depravity snatched class,

No division, hatred, frolicking mass,

Play  unhindered, no school, smile,

Hide and seek to frolic their style, (9)


Unhappy, heartbroken, back home sat,

Divine play frolic essential, exact,

Poisons mind not birds, deer, fish,

Children, innocence, frolicking wish, (10)


Adolescence advances frolic miss,

Visit a nearby slum, a child I kiss,

Frolic with him wish to return home,

Curious our world wall frolic some. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Frolic

Themes: Friendliness limited

Written: 17th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 


Thursday, May 16, 2024



A miracle happens before eyes clear,

Unable to perceive experience later,

Fascinates the changing world, sad,

Nothing is permanent look forward, (1)


Amassed property sequestered stay,

Changes hand surprising short joy,

Who owns today, not owner impact,

Living, famous, prosperous, intact, (2)


Know neighborhood city state well,

Address of the person's home detail,

A huge banyan tree stood tall,

Collapsed a famous name story roll, (3)


They changed their places divided,

The rock mansion crumpled and faded,

Banyan trees many found root sad,

Picture of a changing world inward, (4)


Seeds in side fruits the tree laden,

Place designated fruit place garden,

Today not ripe, but tomorrow ripen,

Seed travels far-off germinate open, (5)


Places change cocoanut cross ocean,

Islands are covered, motions lesson,

Lagoon marshy land bird's nest stay,

Dried-up parched land birds fly away, (6)


Changes their nest to different places,

Youth travels overseas luck graces,

Prosperous life, they settle happily,

A permanent address erased sadly, (7)


Wonderstruck, look around, stunned,

Impermanent place transient learned,

Stood before my house nameplate,

A day comes in life be written late, (viii)


Quit from the world few got famous,

Address mere mention not curious,

Letters returned as address wrong,

Temporal stays life melancholy  song, (9)


Address misnomer home unknown,

Soul quits someday scantly mourn,

Miracle is the attachment mystery,

The soul enters into the world, the story, (10)


Notion its place details references,

Admit not illusory home preferences,

Address permanent place in space,

Body with fire water soil home trace. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Address

Themes: Changing world impermanent

Written: 16th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Wednesday, May 15, 2024



Ingress sadness jolts emotion,

The news last day in office on,

Signed the file, last was the signature,

Unfinished project heart peer,(1)


The leadership vision progresses,

Snatched retirement day press,

Sat motionless quiet reminisce,

First, took the job service risks, (2)


Decades rolled failed to guess,

How soon time passed depresses,

Signed retirement note natural,

Remit savings today to me legal, (3)


Not allowed to come to office fit,

Felt uncomfortable at home lit,

The month will be completed salary,

Last time get salary faces worry, (4)


Pension per month, a few rupees,

No work, forgotten life miseries,

This way started, day unhappy,

Passed a day after night creepy, (5)


Socked no more to attend office,

Unable to think works practice,

The busy life abruptly ended,

Meeting conference attended, (6)


The void, piercing silence sock,

Sitting idle at home life if mock,

Discovered, wife, children, busy,

Evading me engaged life easy, (7)


Sad passed afternoon resting,

Tied, feel weakness often sleeping,

Found no visitors dissociated,

Start waking to parks initiated, (viii)


Sit alone for the evening provoke,

Human life age advances revoke,

Less could guess family engross,

Their lives, dream, cherish gross, (9)


Retired, socked, heard, elder man,

Need help, discover failing I can,

News irregular shattering faint,

Closest friend no more an event, (10)


Found the anchor at harbor fix,

Morning evening prayer transfix,

Know some day to quit, life retired,

Not tired, to pray the Lord, shared. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Retired

Themes: Introspect retired life

Written: 15th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 


Tuesday, May 14, 2024




Human life is precious, struggle,

Suffer a lot of encounter trouble,

Across all ages and gender classes,

Sickness fight for life depresses, (1)


Noticed fallen bird, dying fish,

Declining animal bird species,

Declining plant life vanishing,

Death predator hunts singing, (2)


Debacle life often survives, stay,

Flourishes crush death dismay,

Mystery life cycle living beings,

Birth, growth, propagate, wings, (3)


Human exists for food, stay crucial,

Plant, fish, bird, animal plural,

Variety of taste dishes prepare,

Human eats everything to share, (4)


Natural food, corn, wheat, rice,

Plenty of harvesting, low prices,

Milk of cow, goat, camel extract,

Survival for human life impact, (5)


Ever do human thinks dependent?  

Living beings provide food scents,

Cultivations of crops, fish, birds,

Increasing animal meat reward, (6)



Death of life causes humans to stay,

Ever human compassionate lay?

Save species, help tender lives,

Hazardous season climate keeps, (7)


Lack of concern and rampant killing,

Humans today are at the threshold of feeling,

Threats human lives in danger, 

Failing human organs horror, (viii)


Blindness, heart, kidney failure,

Mental disease unknown fever,

Education knowledge fails to detect,

Cancer still exists, killing, perfect, (9)


Sad humans suffer, disease affects,

Nature provides food, decent effect,

Ideal life, balance food, life the moral,

Hundred years healthy substantial, (10)


No fever, disease abnormality,

Woman hundred years old quality,

Laugh at death when the time comes,

Substantial human life she becomes. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Substantial

Themes: Ideal human life

Written: 14th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite