Tuesday, May 21, 2024




Silent sipping pleasure infinite,

Not gold jewel happiness delight,

Heavenly peace, heart tune well,

Searches beauty enchant dwell, (1)


Run after wealth, fame, glamour,

Temporal illusive sad disappear,

Run after beautiful female craze,

Fairy from heaven, exact mirage, (2)


Unable to attract status assets,

To love a woman, captivate, test,

Wonderland grandeur desert lit,

Expands to horizon sand defeat, (3)


Discover oasis, cold, clean water,

Shade of palm trees dream here,

Apparent illusive the world sure,

Lifelong searched, find grandeur, (4)


Observed passion burnt, ridden,

Travels in life sympathy hidden,

Serve and love elaborate efforts,

Deprived orphaned kid comforts, (5)


Wipe tear feed enough embrace,

Oasis, finds child, enjoys solace,

Found, sick, elderly persons, sad,

No one to look at them, awkward, (6)


Penance, saving income, serving, well,

Divine duty grandeur slow swell,

Not physical substance material,

Infinite joy, happiness is magical, (7)


The heart experiences speechless lit,

Silent grandeur greenery, invite,

Next is the dimension of divine glory,

Unimaginable matchless story, (viii)


Nature, pristine beauty, enticing,

Waterfall fountain or hot spring,

Animal life, bird, plant, attractive,

Humans part of creatures native, (9)


Play, sing and dance, roam wild,

Grandeur God-gifted lives yield,

Saying, thinking, commit a mistake,

Leave perpetual happiness wake, (10)


Material glimmer skin attractive,

Name fame status asset lucrative,

Glamour is not grandeur ample,

Serve and love, nature mingle. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Grandeur

Themes: Unparallel beauty

Written: 21st May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Monday, May 20, 2024



Twilight descends darkness thick,

Reminiscence overwhelms, yet trick,

Lone wolf, today, miss opportunity,

Obstinacy procrastination parity, (1)


Sunk in the ocean of sorrows, sad,

Distrust the world around forward,

Unambiguous  inattentive errand,

Not a criminal lunatic, yet remand, (2)


It happened, like a bolt, from blue,

Encountered the sage, socked view,

The serenity, calm posture present,

Stood dumbstruck, surprise nascent, (3)


Failed to compare awestruck think,

Initiated to talk about his life, yet link,

Left his home from childhood way,

Connected with hermitage dismay, (4)


Strict life disciplined begging move,

An adult crossed the country prove,

Does not possess assets, property,

Radiance, knowledge, personality,  (5)


Primal pleasure at youth instinct,

Luxury, comfort, wealth, distinct,

Those were pipe dreams, melted sad,

Run after gold life passed but mad, (6)


Anger, greed, jealousy, and overtake,

Worthless farced age life segregate,

Distrust the world human life sad,

Encountered the sage felt awkward, (7)


Yes, humans can dream, pipe dream,

Peace, happiness, rewarding stream,

Accompany the enlightened person,

Twilight years, loved transformation, (viii)


Discovered the pipe dream or light,

At the end of the tunnel, get sight,

Today, changed  lifestyle, discipline,

Stays at home, practice, soul divine, (9)


No more lone wolf Lord's presence,

The objective of human life is immense,

Pipe dream unachievable experience,

Once rejected by people eminence, (10)


Never believed to be loved, admired,

Divine life daily practice due hired,

Attachment material things stream,

Benign divine life gold pipe dream. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem:  Pipe Dream

Themes: Difficult divine life

Written: 20th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 



Sunday, May 19, 2024




Human life graced forgetfulness,

Losing near and dear one press,

Those moments hurtful shatter,

Years after the event look up better, (1)


Attachment, grandfather, uncles,

Grandmother Aunty stumbles,

Siblings, brothers, sisters, cousins,

Changes time human if resigns, (2)


No more visible hollowness, sad,

Piercing silence winds forward,

The crowded house in orchard,

Empty moss-covered awkward, (3)


Whimper breeze on yesteryear,

Prosperous family living, allure,

There stays grandfather living,

With grandmother along thing, (4)


A few no more in this world sad,

The senile grandfather is silent,

Hard to recapture incidents, say,

Grandmother explains to stay, (5)


Their grandson came back sock,

Grandpa fails to recognize luck,

It was the right time, Grandma treat,

She is not senile alert but greet, (6)


The orchard and garden house,

The grandchild loves to stay chosen,

 Elderly man hundred years old,

Withstood event shattering bold, (7)


Furnish the house painted clean,

Great-grandchildren stay mean,

Three generations apart, life smiles,

Great-grandfather  looked senile, (viii)


Whose son and grandson failed sadly,

Long was the time decades badly,

A few of his offspring departed,

Fails to recollect memory wanted, (9)


A century after watching children,

Senile to their link joy heartened,

Sprouted happiness cheered a lot,

Great-grandchildren had effort, (10)


In old age looks at disbelieve,

His roots sprouted resilient strive,

Timeless human life, blood thrive,

Senile the centurion children drive. ( 11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Senile

Themes: Lineage stays confusing

Written: 19thMay 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Saturday, May 18, 2024




Cloud gathering at the western horizon,

Parched land entangles hope caution,

This year's rainfall is sufficient to cultivate,

Farmers look at sky dream motivate, (1)


Their slim figure turban dirty cloth,

Thatched house, no property worth,

The penchant to pass a day in fieldwork,

A farmer's life bullocks cart remarks, (2)


Rain has come plowing began to think,

A billion wait for a square meal link,

A country with millions of hungry homeless,

No future, illiterate, sick life, depressed, (3)


Thousands of children quit school,

Poverty forced parents, sad, painful,

Children working as laborers in reality,

Saves square meal feed incredibility, (4)


No more hunger, poverty, prosperous,

Green Revolution aftermath onerous,

Miraculous transformation harvest,

Square meal, free rations to the poorest, (5)


Population of America, free ration,

Distribute food to uplift the nation,

Nascent progress prosperity allure,

Reminiscence of past famines horror, (6)


Forget about a square meal, a grain,

Famine and droughts erased pain,

A million lives were lost, villages were wiped out,

The country often remembers less doubt, (7)


Look at neighborhoods, the world suffers,

A square meal daydream encounters,

stays famine draught deforestation,

A grain life asks square meal mourn, (viii)


The aspect of food sufficiently diminishes,

Future of the world, nature to vanish,

Humans today ponder on the table,

Dining table a square means unable, (9)


New suggestion for millet vegetate,

Conserve water a must propagate,

Generation should think children,

The world belongs to them, bolden, (10)


Let there be granaries of golden crops,

A square meal to hungry man hop,

Possession of happiness is not gold,

O human seeks a square meal bold. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Square Meal

Themes: Essential to human life

Written: 18th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Friday, May 17, 2024




There are barriers, classes, creed,

Children segregated stay indeed,

Barriers are  invisible, remarkable,

Human, educated, create trouble,(1)


The color, skin, and eyes portray sad,

Language, lifestyle, religion, regard,

Children know nothing, are innocent,

Mingle without friction act decent, (2)


Frolic gay happiness boundless,

Barrier childish innocence misses,

Overpower the sight divine sense,

No division experiences intense, (3)


Looked at the blue sky, birds swirling, 

Frolics gently descends, sweeping,

Imagined fish in a pond swimming,

Agile, frolic, movements turning, (4)


Calf herds play artificial running, 

Worth watching ears, tail frolicking,

Sat on a bench and observed children,

Played on the playground happen, (5)


Noticed divisions, melted ecstatic,

Unpolluted, innocent hearts frolic,

Compared with birds, fish, or calves,

Children frolic, without bias, and laugh, (6)


School closed, promptly bus divided,

Sadly, humans impose class, rides,

Even streets, area, differentiate, hit,

Frolic sensitivity locals due to defeat, (7)


Culture, lifestyle, food, belief thrive,

Frolic, mingling, parents deprive,

Stroll back home, thoughtful, sad,

Come across slum children mad, (viii)


Poverty depravity snatched class,

No division, hatred, frolicking mass,

Play  unhindered, no school, smile,

Hide and seek to frolic their style, (9)


Unhappy, heartbroken, back home sat,

Divine play frolic essential, exact,

Poisons mind not birds, deer, fish,

Children, innocence, frolicking wish, (10)


Adolescence advances frolic miss,

Visit a nearby slum, a child I kiss,

Frolic with him wish to return home,

Curious our world wall frolic some. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Frolic

Themes: Friendliness limited

Written: 17th May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite