Tuesday, June 11, 2024





Reverberate jubilation mind wild,

Alas, the event changes painful yield,

The cycle of happiness, broken heart,

Escorts life, new horizon impact, (1)


Visible ruins, the crumbling mansion,

Human life imitates cyclic fashion,

Marked sank in sorrow no future,

The miracle is hope, encourage, assure, (2)


Brick by brick builds human stay,

Defy elimination cement again lay,

Love and bond thicker than blood,

Rebuilt after destruction act prod, (3)


Speechless brothers fight angrily,

Over the property ancestral silly,

Foolish humans forget time is cruel,

Hands changed for property swell, (4)


A wise person moves, builds a home,

Renovate ruined life help income,

Stays distant memory melancholy,

Illusive the world changing only, (5)


Patience, perusal, perseverance lit,

Life defeated, dishearten, build fit,

Not the mere house but the country,

Devastated by war draught entry, (6)


Population forced to leave land,

Food, cloth, shelter, no magic wand,

The country has seen miracles happen,

Renovation only possible campaign, (7)


Unity brotherhood cooperation,

Nationhood aspires to renovation,

Be the small house or country fit,

Human life resembles fate defeat, (viii)


Crestfallen, sudden demise attack,

Crumbles courage balance track,

Loses vision, forward weak, fearful,

Lost happiness, peace, life sorrowful, (9)


Brick by brick, a human builds life,

Cement is the renovation, erase strife,

Infinite belief, hard-working effort,

Usher good day luxurious comfort, (10)


Twilight years lost his son broken,

His residence shape matches a token,

Forgetfulness graced him stable,

Wish renovation life home ample. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Renovation

Themes: Never lose hope

Written: 11th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Monday, June 10, 2024





Unable to realize shadow lengthens,

Physical existence doubts frighten,

Pride, courage an effervescence stem,

Suspicion of falling off broken a frame, (1)


Nonexistent shadow stills physique,

In moving scenes, viewers doubt, clique,

Death, destruction, disaster, accident,

Fame achievement glory permanent, (2)


Human lives, deeds stay defeat time,

Sojourn of soul underlines supreme,

Human belief pyramid civilizations,

Contrary to evanescent realizations, (3)


Humans demonstrate impermanency,

Living being non-living inconsistency,

Evanescent rivers dry bed vanished,

Evanescent terrain oceanic attained, (4)


Evanescent flora and fauna missing,

Evanescent species, evolutes, racing,

The star-studded night gets different,

Moving with time timeless the event, (5)


Earth, moon, sun, planets, wait time,

Everything will change void prime,

Thoughtful looked at glow worms,

They visit at night, lighting swarms, (6)


Short their stay glows luminescent,

Human life, yet short, reminiscent,

Defy evanescent sand dune erasing,

Beautiful monuments stay amazing, (7)


Lost civilization books wisdom sad,

Evanescent act time wipes forward,

Accepted the fact reality awakened,

Love, care, helping others, moistened, (viii)


Let me be a glow worm for a night,

Let me the wildflower bright delight,

Let the shadow lengthens vanish,

Evanescent physical body perish, (9)


Bound by the Lord's command cycle,

Evanescent life effervescent smile,

Surmised today make break cyclic,

His wish evanescent birth mystic, (10)


The universe rotates evanescent to atom,

The purpose of creation and soul is to fathom,

Evanescent state graceful cleansing,

Effervescent life bubbles revitalizing. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Evanescent

Themes: Creation cyclic

Written: 10th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Sunday, June 9, 2024





Surreptitious dreams humans aspire to,

Hopeless struggle fails to link desire,

Limitless aspiration human search,

Stupendous success reaction much, (1)


World surprisingly exists underworld,

One underneath the other life scald,

Resist rising genius wise existence,

Exhortation blackmail to nuisance, (2)


Catapult deviate rising performance,

Capture the underworld in advance,

The day is bright light, attractive action,

Night the darkness frighten pattern, (3)


World and underworld day or night,

Catapult human life fails win excite,

The change happens with sudden alarm,

Ecstatic, famous, instead cruel harm, (4)


Equal opportunity practice depends,

Unequal fortune fate guise pretends,

Life jerks suddenly catapult critical,

Attitude virtue or vice acts essential, (5)


As a result, humans peruse like a train,

The break of hundreds of wheels is insane,

Catapult to seize moving train save,

Human life faces struggles yet crave, (6)


Aspect viewed as minutely miraculous,

Country progress stays prosperous,

The rise of wealth education instantly,

Suffers underworld hunger faintly, (7)


Gradual change dampens diverted,

Catapulted events damage averted,

Saving the running train at speed,

Catapult wheels under break need, (viii)


How similar the land, read the lesson,

Catapult block violence depression,

Pacified violent incidences realize,

Progress of society, industry-wise, (9)


Gains momentum train at speed,

Passengers arrive in time indeed,

In many instances, experienced jerks,

Train increases speed-related work, (10)


Life hassles upheaval uproarious,

Catapult reacts human victorious,

The reflex, instinct, action match,

Catapult captured success latch.      (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Catapult

Themes: Events halt or race

Written: 9th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Saturday, June 8, 2024





An obnoxious, unprecedented event,

Luxurious, pleasant lives extent,

Peace and happiness vaporized,

Faced with life crucial yet survived, (1)


Found calmness, inner courage,

Vanish from the milling crowd craze,

Mirage expects decency, loving,

Fortunate human encounter sing, (2)


Crude, deceitful lives, guise friends,

Impossible to detect evil pretend,

Display world plains, crevasses, hills,

Human life faces acute upheaval, (3)


Life is not a bed of roses and thorns,

Wait and watch walk yet mourns,

Look at brook flowing faces rock,

Motionless bypasses paths sock, (4)


Messages to human life halt stay,

Ponder a minute plausible sway,

Experiences of life circumstances,

Intellect links respite to instances, (5)


Succumb to peril, keep low, wait,

Wind fails to uproot pass debate,

Face the strong wind, fallen trees,

Arrogant lives spine broken cease, (6)


Respite virtue rest grass survives,

Human to learn patience thrives,

Civilized society crime underlines,

Violence, fights, and hostility crimes, (7)


Difficult to detect motive respite,

Anger is a strong reaction to despite,

Despite amidst a dangerous world,

Respite recluse keep aloof reward, (viii)


Patience gains enough clues to escape,

Respite erase temper state shape,

Incidences of brutal war victory,

Respite advancing enemy territory, (9)


Halts moving army pause device,

Respite discover solution precisely.

Children youth across genders yell,

Halt, pause a little, think, act well, (10)


In life, during exams, many a time,

Fixed time writing critical lines,

Despite a few seconds of golden trick,

Respite acquainted  brick by brick, (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Respite

Themes: Halt when facing  trouble

Written: 8th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Thursday, June 6, 2024





Rivalry fight humans attempt,

Defeat surrender to contempt,

The incident infuriates anger,

Beast is living in the guise of a tiger, (1)


Revenge to hurt human wants,

Decent, loving heart act scant,

Upheaval's hopes dashed sad,

Dream disappeared awkwardly, (2)


Innumerable opposition faces,

Progress and defeat disgrace,

Looked at humans caring life,

Removing sufferings or strife, (3)


Bluntly face inhuman touch,

Thunderstorms frighten, search,

Miraculous spirits encounter,

Balance maintains attributor, (4)


Hunger is fire helps free food,

Illiteracy, prejudice, and mood,

Ready to commit crime reality,

Education skill sustainability, (5)


Children addicted and orphaned,

The country lacks future scans,

Virus impure mind corruption,

Blocks the land rolling motion, (6)

Female education stays equal,

Mitigate tyrant's lovely mural,

Courageous, wise female lead,

Beauty plus wisdom indeed, (7)



Impacts upon children's growth,

Development youth to show,

Character mitigates addiction,

Intoxicants vanish condition, (viii)


Smoking causes loss of life,

Millions suffer, erased strife,

Mural of green revolution lit,

Greenhouse effect mitigates fit, (9)


Learns modern era blunders,

Artificial intelligence thunders,

Eliminate love, kindness, care,

The machine is a machine misfire, (10)


Wish humans learn mistakes,

Lessons experience dictates,

Mitigate automatic transition,

Mural of peace love in motion. (11)    



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of poem: Mitigate

Themes: Deleting negatives

Written: 6th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite