Monday, February 22, 2021





Hassles of trusting with simplicity,

Rustic youth poor rot as antiquity,

Humanity benevolent ever interest,

Sugar-coated promise get bitterest,

Century passed rural scene invite,

Freedom from labor remote n bite,

Intimacy grows with simple trust,

Official petty tout cheat love most,

The exploitation of rural youth in guise,

Assure job money free stay, precise,

Once trapped in an unknown contract,

Youth often family imprison intact,

No chance to escape out of a site,

Death wound threat waits despite,

Assured wage vanish faces torture,

Meager food shanties life insecure,

Million bonded labor migrate poor,

Public leader ruler mutes to clamor,

Benefactor a show great hypocrisy,

Exploit youth incorrigible intimacy, (1)


Beware of jackal roams free of fear,

Guise perfect criminal act n horror,

Break n bend rules easy do escape,

Protection unknown powerful save,

Migrants run incorrigible innocent,

Hunger homeless poverty incessant,

Neither youth get convinced easily,

Nor expertise finance avails simply,

Touts siphon all finance local jobs,

Lockout block migrant cruel rubs,

The canvas of incorrigible criminal,

Demeanor gentle shrewd n mental,

No education morality conscience,

Never rectify jackal hunts precise,

Dark world invisible impenetrable,

The parallel economy of a nation act, able,

The middle class desires money-spinner,

Betting mutual fund share marketer,

Dark world cast shadow these arenas,

Incorrigible busyness impact hyenas, (2)


Neither youth middle class avert race,

Criminal survive plunder act disgrace,

Nor ruler law ineffective search arrest,

Unemployment trigger wrong path test,

Overpopulation milling youth metros,

Endless growth cleaning system vetoes,

Underworld dark empire all incorrigible,

Democracy dilute to anarchy an eligible,

Corruption bribes dilute election ballot,

Corrupt powerful motivates roots alert,

Alert regulation n clean administration,

Dream for seven decades hallucination,

Dream motherland survives in, decency,

Ever voters erase incorrigible intimacy. (3)

Sunday, February 21, 2021





Bygone era litter with valor,

Brave men ride fight galore,

Pride of courage legacy rise,

Polite to women soft precise,

Never a brave fight with lady,

Never hurt assault her body,

People respected gallant look,

Chivalry charismatic outlook,

Society country follows strict,

Talk openly with female restrict,

Rare harsh words scold wild,

Offensive toward women mild,

Mother wife sister love ecstatic,

Domestic chivalry charismatic, (1)


Gallant fighters sacrifice life,

Prime female modesty thrive,

Race regions proud n chaste,

Lady under veil moves haste,

Education travel open restrict,

Confined to home illiterate fit,

Care of kid domestic function,

Women of respect a reflection,

Child marriage widowhood lot,

Curse of female life ever alert,

Gold ornament luxury leisure,

Woman family head, treasure,

Elderly ladies word inviolable,

Chivalry charismatic honorable, (2)


Earth orbits, time pass a year,

Paradigm shifts, of social fiber,

Blood soaked sacrifices history,

Female vanity modesty primary,

Land forget time erases system,

Invaders cruelty savage treason,

Kidnapping violations of women,

Never before socked people hurt,

Chivalry Charismatic test effort,

Invader time erase old obsolete,

Freedom of nation free complete,

Free women veil disappear ever,

Free education employment lure,

Free travel ban child marriage,

No longer a cursed widow in age,

Equality of men women prevail,

Chivalry charismatic, pity derail, (3)


Young men least respect chivalry,

Fight amongst, for female rivalry,

Dowry curse female marriage ban,

Watch decade ago bride burn ran,

Abolished strict rule marriage rock,

Independent womanhood, bedrock,

Generation new bow chivalry turn,

No more female born, ever mourn,

Womanpower excels leads the nation,

Skill education career competition,

Gallantry women exhibit amazing,

Tops army law nation mesmerizing,

Iron Lady steel spine cold ruthless,

Men show chivalry charisma grace. (4)







Saturday, February 20, 2021





Impresses integrity strong mind,

Hard labor struggle block if, find,

Puritan in principle worth living,

Unpopular species often smiling,

Refuse stubborn request wrong,

Isolated walk alone silence song,

Friendly few trust by heart love,

Most look away mute deaf above,

Not fiction a fact, human tragedy,

Give n take plays an unholy melody,

Disappoint least courage checks,

Compromise unethical it wrecks,

Wrecks integrity brave spirit ruin,

Time looks corpse walks between,

Worthless no selfish interest mute,

Family friend deserts endure bruit,

Neither happy nor sad yet content,

Aloof from community work decent,

Character rarest human rises late,

Legendary leader nation ever wait,

Undefeatable handle country suave,

Negate turncoat faithful nation love, (1)


Listen, friend, long speech ignite all,

Offers heaven cost-free promise tall,

Hungry aspiring public demand lot,

All in smile accent accept, no effort,

Hugely popular motivate people bow,

Rule nepotism anarchy corrupt owe,

Friend rich family wealthy in power,

Declare open righteous defeat cower,

Accommodating compromise wrong,

No hard work education victory song,

Fooled once repeated wise commoner,

Boomerang sugar talk turncoat prefer,

Turntable self failure ruination begin,

Often dangerous shift blame between,

Between friend foe unknown, a game,

Addiction to power position gold tame,

Turncoat crowns capable shrewd win,

Men of character integrity miss clean,

Amazing world applause benefactors,

Blind to unholy pocket dirty interiors, (2)


Turncoat change color like a chameleon,

Deceives people discover soul dungeon,

Mind tricks ego anger desire turn blind,

Power wealth fame coteries are unkind,

Never stay permanent service vanishes,

Imprisoned conscience bite, punishes,

Anxiety shame fear guilt let nightmare,

Long rope evil deed’s consequence dare,

Invisible to public sinful burns within,

Turncoat crumples spirit crumble thin,

Character integrity serene recluse,

Simple content win temptation lose,

Human life rarest precious realize,

Reject corrode within calm precise,

Peaceful bliss inner love joy dawns,

Human drama unfolds lifts curtains. (3)


Friday, February 19, 2021





Motherland nourishes a billion lives,

Immense contribution joy thrives,

Great river water underneath pour,

Her milk, sacred water child savors,

Soil river basin confluences, fertile,

Bountiful her hand feeds versatile,

Feed enough billion-plus children,

Flood depleted rain rarest frighten,

Glaciers feed annual, river swollen,

Overwhelm harvester crops, golden,

Rice wheat grain cotton oilseed jute,

Vegetables surplus peasant execute,

Motherland rich, minerals plentiful,

Gold silver copper iron coal oil pool,

Sunshine kiss icy peaks gold crown,

Vast green forest lake lagoon renown,

Motherland most beautiful insecure,

Disenchanted kid, bereft benefactor, (1)


Bereft sad benefactor mother pleads,

Home food cloth education job leads,

Affluence knowledge experience skill,

World acclaims generous genius will,

Highest education health n business,

Huge pools of technical wing impress,

Enable citizen to prosper n world travel,

Freedom democracy equality unravel,

Never before motherland united ruin,

Fractured fragments kingdom queen,

Ignorance poor sick children n slave,

Century generation none help n save,

United with freedom stronger nation,

Peace prosperity cohesion, in motion,

Bondage slavery discrimination none,

Free travel job business family home,

Free education health benefactor love,

Huge scholarship soft loan all resolve,

Education technical medical services,

Motherland bereft benefactor distress, (2)


Distress educated leave shoreline most,

Impress overseas nations, careers lust,

Lost wisest children motherland looks,

Development industry medical all hook,

Powerful absolute society corrupt most,

Decency, serve all, share care love lost,

Love for benefactor gratitude perishes,

Violence arson insult anger blemishes,

Superfluous grain production, ever rot,

Lethargy irresponsible rule millers cost,

Destroys hard labor of peasant regular,

Strike non-production block particular,

Motherland in sock her children desert,

Least of love, to serve rebuilds thrust,

Motherland laments millennium suffer,

Donate your life serve bereft benefactor. (3)

Thursday, February 18, 2021





Life manifests glorious existence,

Plant all bewitching beneficence,

Nature serene mesmerizes the mind,

Plantlife perplex flower fruit find,

Flowers fragrant steal heart color,

Honey bee wise steals from a flower,

Garland gift pack of flower allure,

Divine to human use love n pure,

Tree laden ripe fruit sweet n sour,

The mind gets wild all tasty fruit savor,

Few fruits colorful, never eatable,

Bird insect animals eat relatably,

Mango guava jackfruit grape apple,

Bewitching beneficence and simple,

A thousand fruits nourish intense,

Steal heart bewitching beneficence, (1)


Cocoanut palm cashew, beetle nut,

Peanut groundnut allures walnut,

Seeds rich in nourishment all pick,

Human, animal creature bird seek,

Paddy wheat plants feed mankind,

Mustard cocoanut palm oil refined,

Succulent sauce flavor sweet fruits,

Edible oil aromatic frying pan noise,

Hunger greedy savors enamor poise,

Rice bread vegetable curry fried mix,

Decorate dining table invite mind fix,

Potato eggplant cabbage cauliflower,

Carrot radish pea onion red pepper,

Ginger garlic mushroom cucumber,

Tomatoes corn pumpkin curry clear,

Much more fruit n vegetable drinks,

Vegetarian diet hungry heart sinks,

World over humanity gratefully eat,

Bewitching beneficence plants treat, (2)


A long list of fruit flower seeds, serve,

Greedy mind eraser human unnerve,

Burns forest fire cut wood clean field,

Cities road industry expands no yield,

Fertile polluted polyester coated earth,

Bread rice vegetables miss erasing mirth,

Poisoned soil earth vomit venom worst,

Fruit garden water bodies vanish most,

Barren field hot climate rain is remote,

Wind blow soil devastation is wrought,

No more green forest cover stands well,

Dry riverbed brook fountain once dwell,

Sweltering heat tortured soul cry aloud,

Miracle manifest lone soul plants proud,

Lifetime effort alone worked hard water,

Huge forest stand bird sings green color,

Fruit vegetable grows once again lesson,

Beware of bewitching beneficence won. (3)


Wednesday, February 17, 2021




 Born on earth wish O’ Benevolent,

Forgot prayer blessed birth decent,

Devoid of pleasure love joy all void,

Eternal afloat birth, death let avoid,

Wishes soul happy life enjoys love,

Deathless undefined meet dissolve,

Golden honeycomb earth so elusive,

Manifold entrance wait exit deceive,

Intoxicate earth life sensation thrill,

Soul forgets home nature lot reveal,

Sun moon star-studded night day,

Animal plant fish bird human play,

Benevolent Lord allow soul sojourn,

Myriad lives journey departure none,

Lifecycle infinite soul traverse being,

Life benign benevolence cycles wing, (1)


Earth mother nature nurtures soul,

Motherly womb shelter months’ goal,

Feeds baby own body nourishes well,

Mother’s benign benevolence n dwell,

Mothers milk care protection infinite,

Babygrows in time young life delight,

Mother earth benign benevolence act,

Fresh air pure water food rest intact,

Sweet home shelter dress well covers,

Blizzard thunderstorm cyclone hovers,

Mother earth protects animal bird, life,

Creature insect, plant all tolerate alive,

Allows growth multiple manifestations,

Mountain river lake valley forest field,

Benign benevolence nature ever yield (2)


Fortunate motherland bow your soil,

Bountiful grain field nourish son toil,

The buoyancy of ancient culture inherit,

Peace prosperity cohesion all exhibit,

Glacier feed rivers mountain ranges,

Mighty rivers longest shoreline edges,

Tropical forest greenhouse fertile land,

Plural community unite family brand,

Inherit temple fort palace monuments,

Wisdom millennium rich, documents,

Unique oriental look beautiful mother,

Benign benevolence heart n protector, (3)


Fertile faith belief practice ritual dwell,

Prophet seer monk guides divine swell,

World faiths merge ancient religion rich,

Disciple erases ignorance guru bewitch,

Selfless service for people life enlighten,

Resurrect realized master soul brighten,

Cleanse greed jealousy anger hatred rot,

Love compassion humility sympathy lot,

Amidst violence threat arson life suffer,

Benign benevolence faith is a true healer. (4)