Sunday, March 24, 2024






Exasperated crippled human life,

Soaked with desire burning strife,

Where to go? whom to beg dictate,

Erratic erroneous wild confiscate, (1)


Capture happiness, peace, gloom,

Demand ransom life sinks soon,

A story that initiated a youth mad,

Physical pleasure allured forward, (2)


Failed to think consequence drunk,

Fortunate elixir of thrill limb sunk,

Like a bee seeking honey trail lost,

Attract flower fragrant honey most, (3)


Swim in the river water refreshing,

Like a fish cherishes time tracing,

The tingling touch of cold spring sways,

Feasts in orchards tastier dish lay, (4)


Friends may share bond in series,

Travel to scenic places in memories,

It happened after we all disbelieved,

Time separates us distance deprived, (5)


The river stream fountain gardens,

Not a visitor responsible hardens,

Then I feel happiness and truly enjoy,

The youth was with strength but joy, (6)


Mistook physical pleasure entity,

Lost friends, parents, times, a pity,

Had tears remembered past lives,

Years took to realize, life believes, (7)


A mere creation in the nature live,

Like a wildflower for a day thrive,

Let tomorrow another story stay,

Ameliorate these thoughts ways, (viii)


Lost all desires, false hopes, wiser,

Sadness, pain, misery, preacher,

The next phase of life, simplicity leads,

Ordinary life exotic, sight indeed, (9)


No more to beg mercy, happy life,

That captured me perish I thrive,

No more crippled life capable, stay,

Learned heard work duty dismay, (10)


Fruit of my deed ameliorate others,

Memory reminds generations after,

Self joy, physical pleasure, elixir,

Dedicated my life to escape the nadir, (11)


The smile of children sick solace,

Ameliorate life in trouble morass,

The mission of human lives activates,

Help others save lives to ameliorate. (12)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Ameliorate

Themes: Help others, not self joy

Written: 24th Mach 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Saturday, March 23, 2024





Who cries for fallen soul hunt,

Subtle yet kind waylaid taunt,

Inhuman, the test cruelty stays,

Experience in life, feel dismayed,(1)


Abominate the situation life faces,

Scared to bone nerve surfaced,

Below fire burns oil hottest life,

Have a life faced survive strife, (2)


An invisible hand lifts me, or many,

Infinite love tenderness uncanny,

Out of sheer death disbelieves,

Survive, many confess thrives, (3)


Sat quietly ponders wonder yell,

Own deeds jumped, blind well,

Lord has given conscience save,

Intellect is a human blunder cave, (4)


Dark alleys infinite trap humans,

Roam aimlessly blindly less can,

Wait for dying hours of fresh wind,

A hope, vigor who inspires, kind, (5)


This leads to the light out of the tunnel,

Frying pan to fire mind a funnel,

Learned then discipline devoted,

His abode is human heart related, (6)


Constantly warn the frying pan,

Hostile the world faced life warns,

Climate disasters equate human,

Envy greed anger cruelty scan, (7)


The human is the pan in the oven,

Desires burning tally oil even,

Well survived in the frying pan,

Unknown factor helping humans, (viii)


Many examples of sick healed up,

Dying from hunger strength top,

Fight bitterly to jump failed, yet,

His hand compassionate, I bet, (9)


Human lives saved innumerable,

Freeing pan to fire inhospitable,

The world is fresh wind, water, corn,

Humans lack desires for life, lovelorn, (10)


Test of Lord for humans playful,

His frying pan, I discovered mule,

Survival factor frying pan says,

Knowledge skill expertise ways, (11)


Leave apart self-ego surrender,

The frying pan is an invisible wonder,

Humility, honesty, serenity win,

Objective of human life entwine. (12) 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Frying Pan

Themes: Humans and the world

Written: 23rd March 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Thursday, March 21, 2024





Numerous questions well perused,

Past life inquiries are less reviewed,

Human life, an ink bottle stays,

Black opaque atomic life sways, (1)


What to speak infinite pain lay,

Tight-lipped look forward way,

Cried bitterly, listened to no one,

Tolerated everything a human, (2)


Lost near and dear ones soon,

Time cruel steal parents loom,

Aspired for minarets sapphire,

Loved beautiful woman affair, (3)


Aspirations crumbles surprise,

Beloved, once rejected, felt wise,

Thought gold asset properties,

Cajoled intensely, amass ties, (4)


An unfortunate soul rejected the coin,

Evening temple bell wring join,

The dust storm behind cattle,

Listen to the flute alert rattle, (5)


Cow herd behind the man saw,

Discover happiness, peace, bow,

Being ordinary life suffers a lot,

Face division class divide cost, (6)


Silent withstood poverty longer,

Shivered limbs in fever hunger,

A miracle happens, healing usher,

Get food, clothes, a cottage labor, (7)


Had education seen life as a writer,

God's grace keeps diary ensure,

Roamed aimless streets watch,

Human envy, greed, anger, catch, (viii)


Socked know the stories written,

How humans are trapped to fight,

A few lose lives and are unfortunate,

Empties my ink bottle indicate, (9)


I write and write, yet no one reads,

The soul gets lighter, the heart feeds,

It has been years of books I wrote,

Wildflower Blossoms two, I note, (10)


Pollen Petals another two poems,

Still, find some ink end emblem,

In summary, I cried to have nuts,

Passed a life wrote ifs and buts, (11)


Diary daily page inks summarize,

Fascinates the world well, surprise,

My eyes meet the world touched,

Ink sequel to human life brushed. (12)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Diary

Themes: Essence of Poem 

Written: 21st March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Wednesday, March 20, 2024






Life once grass tiny bewildered,

Tall trees flower fruit wondered,

Stays hundred years leaves fall,

Green leaves blossom time call, (1)


Life of grass short dried dust fly,

Morning dew as if tears yet defy,

Grazing ground animals discover,

The trail eliminates grass to dust cover, (2)


Beautiful trees, serenity exhibit,

Nature resemblance lives to excite,

Look at the palatial building notice,

Lighted windows garden justice, (3)


Grass field decoration, surprising,

Human life footpath, tantalizing,

The trail humans traverse ahead,

Frail, procrastinated, sadly tread, (4)


Men and women rise higher example,

Courage, industrious, life mingle,

Grassroots poverty hunger stay,

Trees bear fruits, flowers, dismay, (5)


Forest trail visit saw wildflowers,

Significant short, divine power,

Live for a day with smiles, happiness, joy,

Seen human lacks none enjoy, (6)


Envy felt their thrill throbs,

Mansions men rich time robs,

Reasons for arrogance, ego, anger,

Crippled ultimate trail discover, (7)


A trail shows wildflower grass,

Humility softness symbol task,

Trailblazer human learns trails,

Scantly fail in life winner hail, (viii)


Watch O life trail disastrous,

Landslide flood avalanche rush,

Human life symbol the trail, hesitate,

At every turn happens, to instigate, (9)


Thousand years men traveled,

Cross mountain pass unveiled,

The trail, an enigma of memories,

Felt tears, human face miseries, (10)


The trail for peace, joy, love, and wait,

Civilization still examines debate,

Still searching, mysterious trail,

Suffering humanity starve wail. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Trail

Themes: Advance 

Written: 20th March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Tuesday, March 19, 2024





Abysmal feelings position stays,

Overcome human life link ways,

Experiences matchless resemble,

A river flows forward life ensemble, (1)


Learn river flows over the rocks,

Discovers gorge rapids yet socks,

Fast between mountain serenity,

Human life, witness in calamity, (2)


Quiet calmly negotiate problems,

Castle in the air fake act realms,

Ever to speak faced humiliation,

Smile, move away, tears, emotion, (3)


Not a word hurt, wound, abused,

Built their lives strong, amused,

River, less speak waterfall spring,

Joins with sea find way inspiring, (4)


The sequel to travesty, unsung lit,

Human life is relentless, silent, discreet,

Face separation of nearest demise,

Heartfelt cries outburst melt wise, (5)


Not a word of silent human, life exists,

Refuse to overflow, interact, resist,

Hope against hope, single asset,

Tomorrow, the dawn begins preset, (6)


Restart endurance endeavor test,

Opportunity comes grabbed best,

Changes life entwines serpentine,

Shape of path river objective fine, (7)


Grew from dire poverty establish,

Educated lack funds once I wish,

Dislike to open my heart struggle,

Forgotten past painful a miracle, (viii)


How the river finds the sea is a puzzle,

Queried many a time in muzzle,

Tears dried long past, I love to smile,

Honest, honored life lead not defile, (9)


It happens for me for brilliant lives,

Peace comfort family home weaves,

Neither children know nor beloved,

Secured life home find past wicked, (10)


Honestly, confess, thank before God,

Reticent to elaborate on past absurd,

Human life is like a river meets an ocean,

Ideal to be a reticent objective notion. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Reticent

Themes: Reluctant to say

Written: 19th March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite