Wednesday, July 31, 2024





Night dark, blind mind proceed,

Pitfalls ahead, unaware indeed,

Human recounts, situation face,

Sordid events untenable deface, (1)


Ignorance factored, willful dirty,

Advantage escapade crime pity,

Saw in lifetime respected spirit,

Hazard unwanted action merit, (2)


Mint millions overnight daring,

Blind mind lottery share spring,

Real realized name fame booty,

The slope is slippery life pretty, (3)


Precious life only and only once,

Lost everything, one go a trance,

Early morning newspaper leak,

Crash share market from peak, (4)


What happens after the story stays,

Amazes humans to attempt ways,

Hard work wise human years,

Bread and butter hazard fears, (5)


Stay away from dark life clean,

The ultimate aim of education means,

Yet humans chose courage a few,

Hazard voyage to unknown due, (6)


Alien land landscape climate hit,

New contents countries discreet,

Book of travel challenge ingrain,

Hazard every step strength drain, (7)


Humans cross the ocean, reach the peak,

Daunting task risking lives leap,

Hazard discovered in vein decently,

Study children long night gently, (viii)


Fever comes, failure frustrates,

Hazard, decisive will demonstrate,

Not wrongful action, yet surprising,

Know dear child life challenging, (9)


Hazard the key to success way,

Illegal means hazardous  play,

Ruins ultimately, attempt sadly,

Generous jovial life clean madly, (10)


Victory, on the one hand, aspect,

Devastations wait, night disrespect,

Part and parcel of human life,

Honest working hazards thief. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Hazard

Themes: Risk or challenge

Written: 31st July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Tuesday, July 30, 2024





Confess betrayed self lied sadly,

Situations forced controls madly,

Heard honesty, truthfulness, life,

Escape out of danger stay strife, (1)


Portrayal decent harmless exist,

Opposite deception, rude persists,

Learned contradiction survival,

Change position acting magical, (2)


Observed, humans have option,

Friendship with the opposition,

Amazed me how reaps benefits,

Prejudice turned justice, treats, (3)


Lives contradiction stark wails,

Modern life, every sphere hails,

Survival of the fittest, beautiful,

Contradict gain advantage tool, (4)


Court of law argument witness,

Speechless contradicts process,

Win cases, misdeeds, escapades,

Argumentative impress tirades, (5)


Apart from educated, mind exists,

Rural and urban life, due persists,

Where is the glamour glaze gold,

Rustic life simply peaceful hold, (6)


Ordinary yet uncomplicated way,

Fails contradiction here display,

Matchless beauty, serenity, sight,

Today and tomorrow lay in spite, (7)


Controversial learned stay plain,

Contradiction toxic pollute vain,

The lies life win shortly exposed,

The addiction mind falsely posed, (viii)


The gait of a decent life prefers,

Reject contradiction fact refers,

No tension, worry, fear factor, stay,

Be courageous, accept defeat, say, (9)


End of life winner purified soul,

Contradiction corrodes hell goal,

gather strength, contradict lies,

The Lord is the witness relies, (10)


Socked, a few contradict parentage,

Denied place of birth, date, amaze,

They get relief by cheating well,

Humans contradict, sadly prevail. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Contradiction

Themes: Posture appositive

Written: 30th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Monday, July 29, 2024





Glistening beads of moisture,

Bitter life, hardworking, allure,

Essays passage of encounter,

Life never is better, yet superior, (1)


Each money hard earned, tell,

Living now unsure, next trail,

Food meager body need wait,

Hunger, not taste, spirit quiet, (2)


Rain comes, lighting, thunder,

Humans frightened, surrender,

Mere sweat, not a mere miracle,

Blends cottage safe entangle, (3)


O human remember an age,

Exhilarating beauty a craze,

Tell me dear, perspire you a lot,

Passion and temptation alert, (4)


Sweat on the forehead, dripping,

Warm hugs, love, close kissing,

Once your happy life starts,

Profuse sweating, tell, sights, (5)


Lifelong companion, man, wife,

Tears and toil molded in strife,

Hand in hand walk sweating,

Tired, long life, path is risking, (6)


Remember your child, sick, fever,

Sweating heavily, think shiver,

Felt sweet on your forehead,

Gripping fear, pray instead, (7)


Have you human drunk, salty,

Sweat part and parcel pretty,

Have you feared dying hour,

Sweat indicates, pray shower, (viii)


May the spirit recover, revive,

Not sweat but tear salty live,

Human blood melts to sweat,

Or tear, when happy, sad neat, (9)


Sweat not from eyes, body secret,

Indicate the situation, soul reflect,

Run for miles, walk under the sun,

Sweat melt impurity active earn, (10)


Stay laborers, children, women,

Sweat and soaked cloth woven,

Lord lives them active life salty,

Rather than tear, sweat reality. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Sweat

Themes: Human secretes

Written: 29th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, July 28, 2024





Evening arrives hues orange,

Uncanny sense mind change,

Swim with sight birds return,

Back to nest chippings yearn, (1)


Sun sank awhile ago day end,

Mind plays, continue pretend,

The peace unearthly touches,

Quietude covers life searches, (2)


Alone on the bench sat hours,

Looking back on past years cowers,

Blunder prejudice substance,

Committed omitted, instance, (3)


Forgotten pain and misery stayed,

The raw wound healed displayed,

Missed friends close for good,

Remember happy tears mood, (4)


Chapter of life, woven, conspire,

Secrets talked to friend share,

No more left the world memory,

Locked in heart sweetened ivory, (5)


Children played on the lap well,

Grew up, spread their wings, yell,

Remember, left this home, hopes,

Children abroad, life develops, (6)


Infrequent postman message,

Magical life passed in a passage,

Service education teacher link,

Distant memory fades delink, (7)


Difficult to remember name a lot,

Helped many in life by offering effort,

Thankful to them, later successful,

Teary farewell left them awful, (viii)


Promptly repaid, served, helped a few,

Helped them through to renew,

Saw their gratitude tear smile,

Departure, sad and walked a mile, (9)


Wringing temple bell spreads,

The night already arrived threads,

Magical feeling in the Lord's abode,

Bird returns to the nest, goad, (10)


Restfulness sleep creepy believe,

Magical dawn, sprout new leaves,

Endless, eternal story magical,

Creator, creations phenomenal. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Magical

Themes: Exciting exceptional

Written: 28th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Saturday, July 27, 2024





Pensive excruciating events,

Visit unconditional resents,

Human life oscillates socks,

Damp but exhilarate, luck, (1)


Changes life, synchronized,

Somber moods mesmerized,

Cemetery, silent, essays life,

Quiet calms soul less strife, (2)


Under earth extinguished,

Upon earth, distinguished,

O human dominate the world,

Praise, applause, acts mold, (3)


Deeds discover despite the thrill,

Service selfless flames heal,

Cottage thatched roof floor,

Straw mattress lacks a door, (4)


Human lives are here peaceful,

Mud, bamboo walls, beautiful,

Backyard vegetable garden,

Small field, rice, cart laden, (5)


Yearlong food suffice, happy,

Rainy season water, creepy,

Born in the village die here,

Generations prefer, endure, (6)


Stood once still notice exist,

Different world somber list,

Dust free fresh air greenery,

Lush green paddy fields vary, (7)


Lotus blooms here, the pond,

Villagers, ordinary folk, bond,

None of the glamour dress,

Lack to display assets less, (viii)


Animal lives, birds, trees, stay,

Pervasive heart ecstatic lay,

Somber the look of the village,

Compared with city amaze, (9)


Somber look, not distressed,

Ambient, rural life, impressed,

stay lot peace, happiness, joy,

Different kind, plausible, envoy, (10)


Left the village, the somber mood,

Timeless for human withstood,

Spine of the nation, strong will,

Modest, moderate, somber still. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of the Poem: Somber

Themes: Quiet mood

Written: 27th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite