Saturday, October 31, 2020



Eon, the human mind is captivating,

Costume, dance, sound scintillating,

Fascination for nature hunting in wild,

Bare feet, plays in dirty cloth a child,

Nine-yard cotton cloth for female fine,

Printed in color, bangles, red dot shine,

Pair of cloths covers male, bare is chest,

Turbans in sun or cold, for man is best,

Footwear is fashion, leather for rich,

Round watch in the coat is rare to reach,

Earthen cottages of thatched roof,

Aromas of spiced curries, rice is food,

Lantern, umbrella, long stick in the walk,

Drinking water from well, never lack,

Century-old rural life in vogue strikes,

Alien influence of lifestyle needs hike,

Cycle, watch, full pant, shirt for men,

Dresses of shirt or frock for children,

Books notebooks pen pencil chalk,

School opens up, games, function rock,

Travels in the limit, people work in town

Females work at the home, vogue is down,

Early marriage of girls, school is a dream,

Widows life torture, vegetative clean,

Whit clad a woman without bangle,

Ornaments are taken out lives as single,

Festival time men return home with goods,

Kitchens get busy for cakes burn wood,

Freedom came at midnight, vogue misses,

Aspiration of people change, hope kisses,

Test of dress for men or female is costly,

Variety of costume hunts life nicely,

Vogue of time, a people midst of new arrival,

Car, scooter, motorcycle got a carnival,

Rise of living cost, busy life stole peace,

Smiles are missing, affluence with the dish,

Vogue in the curse of class, society separate dwell,

The pretension of mind as cruel, greed swells,

New age vogue is a violent mind n fear,

Family life fractured to parent, kid clear,

Man and wife live my way or highway,

Kid loses home, rootless vogue byway,

Words are Me Too, Tik Tok , Terror,

Viral in media, migrant to gender,

Vogue of words reflects state of the nation,

Riots, street violence, angry face in motion,

The new millennium brought the hope of the future,

Television, mobile, computer new creature,

Vogue took shape of a digital carbon frame,

Internet, cyberspace is vogue easy to tame,

Human loses vogue in true face or life,

The world on a screen vogue does strike,

The cheapest deal for good, cloths, travel, job,

Foolish mind, vogue entraps, dearly robs,

Came corona vogue is lockdown or mask,

Online is a busy life, work study vogue task,

Vogue sojourns from slate to mobile class,

A child’s journey writes from mug to glass.


Friday, October 30, 2020



Wonderful fun in life fetches kite,

High in sky in freedom is a delight,

The burden of work, study fade in bright,

Colorful images fascinate a sight,

Paper, diamond shape in string tight,

Roll's thread meters long pulls right,

In circle sweeps, kite swoops to fright,

Snatches thread, a kite loses height,

Flies kite without a string, far away from light,

A kite cuts off other with string, a might,

Recoils thread, the kite is in hand right,


Nostalgic memories of nascent childhood,

Part of life, moments in the neighborhood,

A ripe age kite attracts flying high decent,

A tail quivers in air follows kite impatient,

Gasp at a passing time so soon fizzles,

Desire spirit to fly high free n sizzle,


Mind be the thread, links to mortal frame,

Allows spirit in circles of life, the mind is same,

Kite is diamond shape paper with two sticks,

One reflects as human spine other one tricks,

In curve stretches both corners of kite tight,

A tail helps navigate fine swoops downright,

Kite is the life, one is the spine, both arms in a curve,

The thought is a tail helps to turn or twist serve,

The mind is a color thread, desire, cutting edge,

Happy tears, the thrill of life brings at this age,


Kite in life is spirit, tread never detaches,

Bondage to earth, dream night escalates,

Strands of a string are family, friend all,

Simmering temptation quick fixes in roll,

Aromas of youth hopes and love last,

Adds a sharp edge to string spirit flies fast,

Death is part of life, the mortal frame takes,

Thread snatched off,  the spirit never breaks,

Immersed in thought-free kite in the horizon,

Spirit afloat, lost memories, it searches seldom.

Kite with string pulls inward to raise height,

String outward pushes kite further insight,

Flying kite is a paradox of life tricks fine,

Self is ego flies high mind is string fine,

Mind disconnects lose self to freedom,

Egoless self replicates soul kite on the horizon.


Thursday, October 29, 2020



A day is twenty-four hours,

Month, year in sweet n sour,

Each hour breaks into minutes,

A minute is sixty-second finish,

Amazes mind in decades of life,

Second is a piece of event strike,

Each piece is different from the rest,

Life is a jigsaw puzzle that fits the best,

Incredible life, each life differs,

Jigsaw of others’ life unlike, refers,


Nature scenic beauty in a frame,

Each tiny piece color never be the same,

Jigsaw of pieces out of million,

Unique a combination of replication,

Sunrises in the east at dawn only,

Evening witness in west red lovely,

Truth never changes is permanent,

Events in the day, in moment different,

Time passes seasons change slow,

Rain-soaked earth to hot and glow,

Soon gets cool green top with flower,

A canvas of picture sunshine to shower,

A year breaks into months in the jigsaw,

Unique pieces fit only one in a row,


World heritage, costume, culture,

Nation presents a mosaic picture,

The world breaks to the nation in the piece,

Jigsaw of the mosaic piece is unique,

Wonder, if the realm is a jigsaw puzzle,

Creator plays a game in time sizzle,


Human, you're heartbroken in the piece,

Impossible to combine jigsaw nice,

Surrender to divine your heart in love,

He mends jigsaw as single agonies solve,

God fails to understand the human mind,

Disintegrates to tiny thought rewind,

Jigsaw puzzle of thoughts reunion,

Impossible to unite fade into oblivion,


The real cause of suffering, pain or fear,

A calm mind erases thought clear,

Serene, mind thoughtless is pure,

Calmness comes in peace n bliss,

Silence, detachment, a simple wish,

Divine pieces in one jigsaw combine,

Calm mind acquire reflection divine,

Broken pieces of heart are dark,

Greed, anger, jealousy, lust in spark,

The color spectrum of the bubble change,

Jigsaw of feelings unite in the rampage,

Heart courageous keeps jigsaw apiece,

Love compassion care in a tranquil flourish,

Jigsaw in tranquil heart pieces cement,

The essence of human life seeks jigsaw decent.



Wednesday, October 28, 2020



High in sky circles eagle wings are long,

Predatory eagle preys, sweeps in song,

Eagle eye catches sight of the slightest move,

Mighty bird hunts, focused to point swoops,

Nature’s wonder a pair of eyes notice all,


Death is part of life, lifts its prey, big or small,

Mind fears, the eagle eye of death looks above,

In time erases a soul clean, a life dissolves,

Huge earth is teaming with a living being,

Inland, water or skies hover big wings,

Finer details of events eagle eyes watch,

Fallen a mortal invisible death snatches,

Eagle eye shed no tear, alert a predator,

Speechless my mind, metaphoric creator,


Eagle does play in sky notices in detail,

Time rolls quick or slow, catches a tail,

Time is never seen, mind notes as the eagle,

The planet knows eagle eye of time regal,

All-knowing time follows inert or in motion,

Eagle eye of time escapes in destruction,


Amazed at mind with eagle eyes a pair,

Waits mind till weaker time in despair,

Human is prey for mind traps in desire,

Mighty wingspans of mind, memory thought,

It flies in the inner sky, heart after being caught,

The elusive secret power of creation is mind,

Eagle eye is mind enslaves prey, unkind,

In life parents match an eagle eye for a kid,

Both watchful for fun, play protect indeed,


The future of human never obeys destiny,

On effort make or wreck in scrutiny,

Future is an all-knowing eagle eye on the soul,

Pave ways to darkness or divine goal,


Conscience is an eagle eye alert in a haze,

Each thought, dream, action in craze,

Eagle eye never traps life lifts to the sky,

Whispers right path encourages to try,


New age incarnation, eagle-eye is a tool,

All information it traps cyberspace cool,

Digital network sight n sound records,

Pervasive in air, water, land in accord,

Deep space camera lens sharp to a pebble,

Feeds eagle eye data center finer level,

Timeline process human life in detail,

Tracks activity, enslaves mind rolls on the rail,


Eagle eye changes to mutant in prowl,

Identification of finger eyeball scroll,

Citizenship, health the scheme, welfare a game,

Knows private life details checks face, name,

Media, busyness, security tracks people,

Eagle eye swoops freedom of voice simple.


Mobile set innocent keeps in pocket pride,

Eagle eye tracks each step life ever rides.

Ignorant makes fun of selfie short timid,

Eagle eye takes details remote in vivid.

Snooping selfie of voice, messages hunt,

Innocent heart cries in fear to taunt.



Tuesday, October 27, 2020




Lost in contemplation, myself on dew,

Morning dew glistens, life renews,

Sweet, pure dew is nectar to live,

Short stay a message, pearl to mind,

Ocean fails to quench thirst a wonder,

An oyster drinks the dew, little ocean water,

Cactus grows on sand dunes dry,

Insects, the creature in dreary heat fry,

The amazing plant collects moisture, dew,

Oozes cactus flower nectar, color in hue,

Satiate thirst of living nature owes,

A tiny bird drinks little till raindrop shows,

Sweet fruits juice succulent in summer,

Sugarcane, palm tree oozes nectar pure,

Mango, jack fruit, a pineapple a family,

Relishes heart with juice nectar simply,

Nature nurtures thirsty heart most,

The essence of sweet liquid never be lost,

Nectar drop rejuvenates life in joy,

Intoxicate divine drinks demigod enjoy,

A lifelong passion for wealth, power, lust,

Follows clean behind soul tortures most,

Nectar drop in mind, a feeling hunts,

Astral plane soul cries, mortals taunt,

Song of Gita, divine address freedom,

Lifelong practice on dictate hurt seldom,

Opens the path of blissful life in the kingdom,

Seer in life explains metaphors clear,

Gita in each poem is nectar drop to hear,

Who learns, heart earns to drink more,

Enacts mind in love righteousness allure,

Wisdom is slow on the trek of obstacles,

Nectar drops advice progress a spectacle,

Incredible spirit on earth dedicates life,

Serves with care, love, compassion,

Each act is a nectar drop heals in quick,

Restitute, poor drinks, relishes well sick,

Nectar drop is a beacon of light to the mind,

Ignorance is darkness freezes to unwind,

A detached life rejects temptations magic,

Moves up in the path of realization ecstatic,

Each breath, a nectar drop of life seeks,

Unfolds mystery of realm, death is tragic,

The soul is a deathless journey is meaningful,

Nectar drop is sweet delusion tricks willful,

Death dies in spirit; it waits in calm to quit,

The mortal frame is in abandon, feels divine tweet,

Human life is, in essence, to play with destiny,

Nectar drop is divine grace, frees from routine.

All swept past my mind, I got speechless,

Tears of human is a nectar drop eyes secrets,

 The tear is nectar drop lips drinks all,

Erases pain in heart, salty in test rolls,

Saw in life human smiles with tear rolling,

Refuses to check-in sorrows, pain erasing,

Saw a child cry in tear for mothers bosom,

Saw an old is crying, tears in all season,

Nectar drop human secrets a mystic to divine,

Perplex divine mind depth of heart resigns.