Sunday, January 31, 2021





Almighty insolvable enamors act,

Create tiny microbe spans giant,

Butterfly colorful metamorphose,

Elephant huge trunk tooth shows,

Lion’s fur tiger in stripe amazes,

Bird feather beak eyes lo crazes,

Colorful pattern artistic enamor,

Plant kingdom flower leaf allure,

Fruit sweet saucy cocoanut dual,

Bread water satiate thirst enthrall,

Fragrance rich flower leaf trunk,

Fearful stem thorn profuse monk,

Enormous variation perplex mind,

Fathomless deep meaningful blind,

Last O’ Almighty fascinate human,

Dark brown white color races one,

Mysterious divine power matchless,

Create human ever mystic impress, (1)


Nine months potter’s wheel turns,

Almighty, potter’s job womb churns,

Earthen pot mix five elements well,

Soil water air void fire mother swell,

Enchanting job ceramics rock art,

Each face, different shape, smart,

Nose lips eyebrows eyes hair plural,

Million lives equal variation enthrall,

Incredible design miniature a seed,

Grows stem leaf flower fruit indeed,

Baby in womb human stamp harbor,

Born beautiful time reveal demeanor,

Nature ability intelligence stature lot,

Variation lot mesmerize identity allot,

Breath n void Almighty instills a life,

Human life best creation divine-like, (2)


Potters pot creation on earth merges,

Mud dried to the beautiful pot, damages,

A cycle of pottery resembles human life,

Born on earth dies, elements divide,

Day n night earthen lamp happens,

Million of life-pot like lamp lightens,

Life, like oil in a lamp fills the pot, till last,

Once the life-oil exhaust lamplight, dark,

O’ Almighty, life-earthen pot marvels,

Man-made mud-potteries lit unravels,

Like a womb, potter’s wheel churns soil,

Mix water heat air space n potter’s toil,

Bright sunshine, lamp shape dry light,

Oil poured, a life of a lamp burns bright,

Light radiate energy spread happiness,

Life in human radiate to aura impress,

The world enjoys the presence of human life lit,

Almighty like potter His wheel, time, fit, (3)


Saturday, January 30, 2021





Smile O’ lusty heart satiate thirst,

Quench loving smiles sharing art,

Ocean of life wonderful short stay,

Overwhelm nature misses dismay,

Tact of life rainbows colorful fade,

Rain pours thrill sensuous tirade,

Sky fall insufficient love n greedy,

Contemplate on content n steady,

Rain thrills summer burn queue,

Winter shiver springs drunk due,

Few decades resemble a moment,

Watch pink rose blushing decent,

A day a life fragrance etches nice,

Smile O’ heart steal a look like a vice, (1)


Realize other’s heart smiles easy,

All the time smiles but life uneasy,

Imperfect life pain saturate smiles,

Sorrow underneath smile n docile,

A smile is a symbol of hope, strength,

Wins a day win life a heart length, (2)


Life occasion suffer deprived a lot,

Humiliation accusation often trot,

Add to insult defame soon n alert,

Incredible self pacific trench heart,

Quiet a face cry beneath smile tact,

Never a tear trickle sheer smile lot,

Smile shock stuns often hook most,

Curios onlooker smile facing insult,

Confide heart lip sucks tear cry lot,

Cry aloof in privacy heart yet smile,

Ransack evil lusty cheers let defile, (3)


Smile instills courage a lion’s heart,

First courage begets smile home start,

My life my family my friend impact,

Smile at self demeanor near attract,

Obviate ego humble savor smile win,

A spread smile spread happiness twin,

Short precious rare life misses soon,

Dear friend relative knew once boon,

Speed past screen drama of life cruel,

Depart a stage new face interact swell,

Transient life so painful nostalgic time,

Sweeten short period heart smiles fine,

Heart steals heart ego arrogant cement,

Simple smile crumples insult let decent,

Smile heals soon infect others realize,

Love praise admiration a face precise,

Unmoved much, unadulterated smile,

Courage strength accompany reconcile,

Life enamor happy n content heart won,

Short a lifetime to quit smiles shown,

Smile O’ heart hatred jealousy is blown,

Conquer despise anger lust all known,

Erase pathetic ill-feeling misery thrown,

Vanquish tormentor Smile O’ Heart won. (4)

Friday, January 29, 2021





Life is a damsel sings eternal,

Life is a dancer swing liberal,

Life is a rainbow colors plural,

Life is a game playful or regal,

Life is a celebration of love annual,

Amazed at the dance of life lot,

It mesmerizes animate abrupt, (1)


Seen life empty hollow future,

Seen life vacant let demeanor,

Seen life silent sober innocent,

Seen life endure difficulty dent,

Seen life pain agony dwell hide,

Seen life evil mind ill ego pride,

Seen life rot anger cruel nature,

Seen life fate ruins wreck sheer,

Life, the damsel dances tragedy,

Life, the damsel dance comedy,

Life, the damsel dance melody,

Life the damsel human parody, (2)


Aspirations damsel instill bright,

Happiness damsel dance ecstatic,

Courage sharing damsel message,

Love care noble damsel envisage,

Affluence influence damsel offer,

Effort luck destiny damsel candor,

Life the damsel realm reflect true,

Life pervades damsel dance accrue,

Dance of damsel animal kingdom,

Dance of damsel birdlife awesome,

Dance of damsel aquatic fish steal,

Dance of damsel prayer divine will, (3)


World a big stage damsel dance,

Tiny butterfly elephant elegance,

Lion roar cuckoo sing snake hiss,

Amazing damsel beautifully kiss,

Celebrate damsel peace and bliss,

Damsel divine self, love, unite wish,

Passionate dancer keen liberation,

Unite self soul reflect imagination,

Intoxicate damsel let elusive realm,

Lust trills rapturous neat cauldron,

Pleasure pain love fear sweet-sour,

Suffering heart damsel grows to refine,

Meet her mate dances, happy n soul,

Life after life dance damsel near the goal,

Speechless a sojourn eternal cycle,

Birth n death damsel enter recycle,

Human life rare compassion angel,

Impress my soul, dance of damsel. (4)


Thursday, January 28, 2021





Life infallible, commit to blunder,

Rectify attitude get cautious after,

Alert mind, wise, detect error clear,

Mistake happen ignorant endeavor,

Err is human nature often commit,

Guilt rectification intense way omit,

Accept committing error lesson win,

Righteous erroneous life harbor twin, (1)


Encompass yesteryears darkness,

Committed mistakes in life often well,

Committed to hurting others heart swell,

Committed to envy on others burn within,

Committed to arrogance yet ignored soul,

Committed to deprive rightful ignore all,

Committed to self joy forgot others soon,

Committed to earning wealth, never serve a lot,

Committed to self-service through others,

Committed to sin yet never felt sad bothers,

Committed to my life my world a motive,

Committed to my family skip Lord active,

Committed to ignorance purity erode fast,

Committed to rectify blunder try till last, (2)


Life incredible surprises shockwave jolt,

Outlook tumbles action amok yet revolt,

It came as a bolt shook frighten mind,

Never felt reason ever at sight a kind,

Sat silent, guilt sadden heart disturb,

Think was a weapon, led smart n throb,

Alone nightlong, fearful mind torment,

Sinful track selfish act rewind intent,

Console shivering body affirm resolve,

Thoughtful state time confirms absolve,

Better late than never, do listen to heart,

Listen to conscience ray glisten impact,

Focus on the right, wrong in action choose,

Calm insight, right inclinations lose,

Turn to introvert life, brighter more,

Inspire self-correction thought pure,

Mind-sky inner, blue n bright vision,

Found work n own path alight reason,

Felt innocent ignorant in past condole,

Woke up to intuition guideline resolve,

Committed to tread the path of truth n love, (3)


A small foot of man on moon significant,

A giant step of humanity mean equivalent,

Admittance to infallible an acceptance firm,

Watershed of transformed life let reaffirm,

Better late than never essence of life target,

Purification of heart absolves sin mitigate.

Past can’t be rectified sin can’t be washable,

Best the path is right, admit to life infallible. (4)

Wednesday, January 27, 2021





Born on an ancient soil dictate rule,

Men women obligate to observe full,

Teen, an age witness enigma in mist,

Birth marriage demise amazes a list,

Common ignorant trust God n trust,

Neither overwhelms nor question a lot,

Social system generation strong firm,

Obligates obeisance falter rule warn, (1)


Pyre ignites the eldest son obligate to the rite,

Saves head to dip in pond river insight,

Obeisance to revered father or mother,

Submerges ash n piece of bone in the river,

Ganga Godavari Narmada, rivers pure,

Obligate do ritual son daughter secure,

Obligate obeisance liberation get soul,

Offer food water in obeisance rite goal, (2)


Newborn baby usher celebration most,

Name ceremony joyous moments host,

Male child thread ceremony saves head,

Celibate function obligate to wear the thread,

The essence of male, female child obeisance,

Truthful purity aversion to disobedience,

Clean life devotion to divine inclination,

Obligates obeisance, regulate intention (3)


Adulthood bestow the responsibility of race,

Society benefit immense to couple grace,

Celebration bless ecstatic lunch dinner,

Solemn promise before fire life together,

Obligate obeisance vow marriage sacred,

Truthful to wife man takes oath dot red,

The red dot within eyebrows wife mainstay,

Obligate obeisance her man leads the way, (4)


Season changes weather change new look,

Green earth colorful turn arid rains brook,

Nature change animal, plant bird transform,

Human and animal right modernity reform,

Family race relation distances far in time,

No more a village picture city home shine,

Ancient parental home teenage life distant,

Luxury comfort abroad to return reluctant,

Life abroad distant city shelter new home,

Couple kid floating race obligate awesome,

Obligate obeisance dissolves slow emotion,

Fades memories ancestor bare fascination,

Born to soil abroad adopt ethics, different,

Language culture dress eateries are decent,

Obligate obeisance to rule patriotism style,

Foreign life, obligate obeisance vows smile,

Nine-yard cloth red vermilion forehead lure,

Glass bangles tender care female love pure,

Temple visit obligate obeisance male abide,

Ancient faith simple trust erases in tide… (5)


Sought root of ancient land focus red dot,

Perplex trust last whole life, widow a ‘but’,

Dot symbolizes husband demise dot miss,

Widowhood obligate obeisance divine wish,

Abdicate serene female dreams rule strict,

Oblation to forefather water rice often neat,

Life passed alien culture curious question,

Temple rings bell obligate obeisance listen. (6)  


Monday, January 25, 2021





Caught sight of a seed, while, travel,

Look within miniature time unravel,

Dream to realize life, future prevail,

Procreation gift, microcosm marvel,

A tiny seed contains trunk stem leaf,

 Flower fruit everything future brief,

Giant banyan tree seed dreams well,

Centuries of life on earth truth dwell,

A microcosm of time expand germinate,

Grows in rain wind light on soil wait,

A hundred feet tree sprawl huge land,

Decade’s growth flower fruit, expand,

Amazes creation tiny seed resemble,

Farthest future miniature ensemble, (1)


Wonder dozen of drawing design close,

Engineering architecture dream froze,

Innocent straight lines curves angles,

Texts little black, white pencil mingles,

Kept the banyan seed lost in thought,

Picture of a tower multistory wrought,

Glass steel tower kisses blue sky love,

Floors thousand people work to evolve,

Lifts carrying busy life endless serve,

Evening hours glitters tower on a cove,

News item business center on a hook,

An important landmark in print of book,

Design draft incredible features well,

Mimics tiny seed microcosm marvel,

Today lifeless drawing sheet look far,

Center of a human beehive, calls afar, (2)


Caught attention of a baby in the womb,

Mother creator’s emblem trace aplomb,

Baby unborn sleep comfort secure,

Dreams century of action, mature,

Simple tiny limbs time will unravel,

Mighty arms strong feet globe travel,

Chest loving heart share sorrows lot,

Face look listen speak lot mind alert,

Time to spread out name fane slow,

A leader to rule thinker expert glow,

Everything miniaturized womb avail,

Divine gift a seed microcosm marvel, (3)


Republic day parade few hour march,

A nation will be in hook look n watch,

Symbol of security mighty defense roll,

Flypast salute tricolor band plays all,

Teen youth senior state models move,

All sing republic glories culture wove,

A parade resembles billion people live,

Dancer mirth dress lifestyle song alive,

Splendid celebration rulers stand alert,

Freedom microcosm marvel fuels effort. (4)