Thursday, January 28, 2021





Life infallible, commit to blunder,

Rectify attitude get cautious after,

Alert mind, wise, detect error clear,

Mistake happen ignorant endeavor,

Err is human nature often commit,

Guilt rectification intense way omit,

Accept committing error lesson win,

Righteous erroneous life harbor twin, (1)


Encompass yesteryears darkness,

Committed mistakes in life often well,

Committed to hurting others heart swell,

Committed to envy on others burn within,

Committed to arrogance yet ignored soul,

Committed to deprive rightful ignore all,

Committed to self joy forgot others soon,

Committed to earning wealth, never serve a lot,

Committed to self-service through others,

Committed to sin yet never felt sad bothers,

Committed to my life my world a motive,

Committed to my family skip Lord active,

Committed to ignorance purity erode fast,

Committed to rectify blunder try till last, (2)


Life incredible surprises shockwave jolt,

Outlook tumbles action amok yet revolt,

It came as a bolt shook frighten mind,

Never felt reason ever at sight a kind,

Sat silent, guilt sadden heart disturb,

Think was a weapon, led smart n throb,

Alone nightlong, fearful mind torment,

Sinful track selfish act rewind intent,

Console shivering body affirm resolve,

Thoughtful state time confirms absolve,

Better late than never, do listen to heart,

Listen to conscience ray glisten impact,

Focus on the right, wrong in action choose,

Calm insight, right inclinations lose,

Turn to introvert life, brighter more,

Inspire self-correction thought pure,

Mind-sky inner, blue n bright vision,

Found work n own path alight reason,

Felt innocent ignorant in past condole,

Woke up to intuition guideline resolve,

Committed to tread the path of truth n love, (3)


A small foot of man on moon significant,

A giant step of humanity mean equivalent,

Admittance to infallible an acceptance firm,

Watershed of transformed life let reaffirm,

Better late than never essence of life target,

Purification of heart absolves sin mitigate.

Past can’t be rectified sin can’t be washable,

Best the path is right, admit to life infallible. (4)

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