Wednesday, March 31, 2021





Mysterious pyramid of thrill,

Peaks to limitless joy let will,

Deep within a dark, cool room,

Sleeps remnant of the pale moon,

Miss silvery beams, its touch,

Amid a dark tunnel, I search, (1)


Heart consoles to erase the pain,

Fearless mind search in vain,

Ever river eager retrace root,

Recollect brook sparkles loot,

Watch eagerly fountain spring,

Rekindle waterfall rainbow ring, (2)


Life, like a river n, flow forward,

Recollect remnants, awkward,

Remnants of effulgent spring,

Remnant is a feather of wings,

Wings of mind fly high in gay,

Spring has left, mind dismay, (3)


A memory of spring, a pyramid,

A young heart once enjoy amid,

No more palas blossoms red,

Cuckoos sing little pains fade,

Cool breeze left n bruised heart,

Fragrant wind miss heal smart,

Remnants of spring, heart seal,

In summer I recollect love heal, (4)


Dry summer heat heart thirsty,

Satiate recollections cold misty,

Green forest mist at dawn cools,

Blisters hot earth, blizzard fools,

River of life dried of a young mind,

Parched lips fail to kiss reminds,

Tired limbs I search a dark room,

Remnant of spring at the pale moon, (5)


Thread time of young heart love,

Pulsate on touch flower dissolve,

Weeds of desire intense n bloom,

Think memory dark tunnel soon,

Spring of life, I know never come,

Youth has slept a coffin awesome,

A life built a pyramid of intimacy lot,

Moonlit night love whispers alert.

Emotion once ran a rapid amaze,

I recollect remnants in a wild craze,(6)


The river merges with sea cease to exist,

I stay in dark room memory least,

Rekindle recollect remnants, last,

I, effulgence feather merges fast,

Remnants of me spring of life lie,

Recollect me pyramid summer fry. (7)



Tuesday, March 30, 2021





Love Bapu whispered overwhelm,

Ancient people in chain regain,

Regain freedom past in chain,

Mughal Empire crumbles, gone,

Colonialist left shore back home,

Democracy was the last bastion, (1)


Peaceful, nonviolence all clarion,

A long stick cloth clad Bapu won,

Ignited entire land independence,

Skeleton of ancient spirits tense,

A rise in strength slumber vanish,

Melt language, region class miss,

Kingdoms fall sweeps revolution,

The nation got unity the last bastion, (2)


Unity to demolish poverty total,

Erase illiteracy n distrust fatal,

Wall of class faith race discard,

Dreamed my nation to forward,

A dream never fulfills hopes pain,

Awaken spirit sleep dark again,

Corruption power-hungry hurt,

Pollutes national fabric n inert, (3)


Corona spreads raise horror lot,

Million are sick again fail effort,

Nation in vaccine drives protect,

Progress of nation slides detect,

Health is a prime factor only save,

Lockdown night curfew in a wave,

Mask distancing practice effect,

Corona warrior moves in action,

Cooperation is the last bastion, (4)


People understand skill better,

Art craft technology treat cure,

Science research study online,

Skill sets for agriculture refine,

Women empower mainstream,

Work, sport, defense at cream,

The new generation hates corruption,

Skill rebuilds n the last bastion (5)


Preserve forest pristine nature,

Conserve rainwater like a savior,

Build dams dike underground,

Water famine dealt life secure,

Massive effort for grain loss lot,

Million tons procured yearly rot,

Migrant labor is national equal,

The last bastion conserve primal, (6)


Air-water pollute desert on rising,

Doomsday at corner n surprise,

The climax of a story waits tragic,

Avalanche to ruin nation a sick,

Misses nature races to oblivion,

Nature saves is the last bastion (7)


Intense thought on exits nation,

Searches the last bastion often,

Democracy, unity, cooperation,

Conserve, skill, nature caption,

Compares conscience all option,

Only nature is the last bastion. (8)

Monday, March 29, 2021





Summer arrived dawn breaks,

Rising sun red in sphere wrecks,

Spray deep red colors in the sky,

Placid blue waters of river shy,

Lose blue color to spread red,

Life awake soon activity thread, (1)


Summer heat soars, life thirsty,

Road, shopping centers empty,

Cattle take shelter in shade,

Invisible bird in trees tirade, (2)


Corona spread threat again,

Sick recovers limb sprain,

Fate merciless loot strength,

Festival of color rare wealth, (4)


Spring here unravel in profusion,

Parting time sad nice blossom,

Mango buds ripen aroma spread,

Beautiful nature in summer afraid,

Holy farewell spring in mirth,

Bitter life in corona smile, worth,(5)


Fields wait, eager peasant look,

Squalls in horizon thunder hook,

Season of cultivation is near,

Life wild in mirth splash color, (6)


Drumbeats, song, dance steals,

Rainbows of heart swirl n drills,

Human spirits watch sun pinch,

Festival reluctant to offer inch, (7)


Tearful mind corona scars alert,

Sick in bed search life heal lot,

Bizarre election, crowds shout,

Colorful processions predict route, (8)


Leaders hope festival of color irk,

Defeat or win, luck, voters shriek,

Leader spray colors of promise,

Rain comes to pour fortune precise, (9)


The name will pervade remote village,

Landscape incurs all-party images,

Aspirations colorless rare to meet,

Forgets tomorrow, Holi today greet, (10)


Wash color of face limbs hurt,

Pain n fear of corona lock alert,

Lockdown of city night curfew,

Ghostly town, the road empty or few, (11)


Raise Holika in burning fire,

Let corona vanish with desires,

Election over remind Holi time,

Victory to power loser lose a dime,

Paint a colorful emotion assiduity,

Countrymen farewell melts ambiguity (12)   


Sunday, March 28, 2021





Tell tasteless saga, life rustic,

Born amid a verdant hill music,

Enthrall childhood call forest,

Recline on rock eyes lost rest,

Steals crystal-clear brook lot,

On pebbles, it murmurs most,

Colorful bird strange whisper,

Gentle breeze leaves shudder,

Silent valley aroma wildflower,

Seclusion creates a love to shower,

Small village community close,

Parent uncle brother sis owes,

Time-tested tranquil verdure,

Quit when young miss nature, (1)


Blind city-light dazzle traffic owe,

Tall skyscrapers avenues life bow,

Milling mall busy bazaar n Park,

Cement road clean lot cars, park,

Heart amazed, university, college,

Big office building or knowledge,

Neatly dress n school kids fluent,

City on first visit all sink affluent,

Amazes mostly, wealthy and wise,

Nestled in village-hut  in surprise,

Speechless fearful in sock begin,

College, university degrees win,

Luck job promotes a better life,

Nestle in city life with a kid wife, (2)


Forgot mud cottage a sweet home,

House on brick cement mansion,

Small garden, two floors windows,

Balcony nice asset furniture owes,

Due course car in garage n bikes,

Life prosper in years desire hikes,

Food cloth travel ornament family,

Never conceived to happen simply,

Bank balance life insured in craze,

Opulent lifestyle luxuries purchase,

Air-condition television all gadgets,

Conceivable pleasure all confiscates,

Life accrue luxury comfort in strife,

Miss peace recluse nestle in city life (3)


A sleepless night in cushion tension,

Worries fetch illness diet is a reason,

Oil, spices, rich food tastily savors,

Tour late night workloads harbors,

Pollution noise add health worsen,

Wish quit job return to village own,

Recall fresh air, peace of mind, joy,

Tranquil fields in greeneries enjoy,

Crowd, noise, dust, busiest life, miss,

Enamor rustic teenage, again kiss,

Time never revisit past start again,

Nestles in city life, desires in vain,

Call of a village not audible in strife,

Fate end enamor nestle in city life. (4)







Saturday, March 27, 2021





Love your motherland intense,

People mean it few in pretense,

Lifelong witness soldiers guard,

Guard frontier hostile forward,

Hostile if weather, land, water,

Day n night alert nation secure,

Spare often life, performs duty,

Sans leaves, impress assiduity, (1)


Peasants work hard, year-wise,

Meager income poorest life-size,

Face unpredictable weather lot,

Billion plus people happy most,

Bountiful crop harvests farmer,

Never condemn nation n rumor,

The spine of a nation serves beauty,

Ever cultivate impress assiduity (2)


The backbone of the nation daily labor,

Build city road, bridge all eager,

Far from home works in a shelter,

Summer rain fail to deter n winter,

Hard work meager income faces,

Family sacrifice self need traces,

Amazes glass towers long bridge,

Icy slopes mountain range freeze,

Desert heart blisters in the bridge,

Hats off the strength of nation n duty,

Migrant life hurts impress assiduity, (4)


Countrymen ever wonderful most,

Plumber carpenter ironsmith lot,

Weaver fishermen handicraft lure,

Women force work villages allure,

Salesman peddler news paperboy,

Vegetable vendor myriad life enjoy,

Earnings a pittance land progress,

Employment catchword n impress,

Happiness factor of the national scene,

Game festival event functions win,

Yearly income family sustain, witty,

Misses notice n impress assiduity, (5)


Youth future of nation study well,

Builders of all infrastructure swell,

Most modern futuristic inventions,

Space, defense, data n vaccination,

Strength engineer, doctor research,

Scientist literature think-tank art,

Nation progress dimensions smart,

Salute a people only hope is gritty,

Amazing devote impress assiduity (6)



A nation without women limelight,

Dissolves strength, betrayal fright,

Corruption, cruelty, anger, act violent,

The root is home women build decent,

Respect, security, freedoms bestow,

Women educated fit character glow,

The character of a child or of nation same,

Greed, jealousy, cheats bribery tame,

Women equal to men work is beauty,

Mightier is nation impress assiduity (7)