Monday, March 15, 2021





Midday sun misses in a dark sky,

Windless landscape tranquil lie,

Miss horizon dark clouds erase,

Slowly spreads to overcast haze,

Heart shrinks let unknown fear,

Mirth, peace, safety all disappear,

Mind eclipse, worry, anxiety rule,

Apprehend destruction wait cool,

The bird spread homebound, in silence,

Humanity guess ill omen intense,

Lighting n thunder strikes proud,

East-west equals gathering cloud, (1)


Thunderstorm rain, cat n dog pour,

Earth submerges life under, water,

The water of pain, misery, hunger, death,

Sweep neat human life cruel length,

Clouds of greed, ego, anger ruthless,

Jealousy evil desire hatred distress,

Blinds inner conscience reason lit,

No more bright vision future delete,

The mind is greatest power of universe,

Intelligence, intuition add of course,

Devise weapons of annihilation lot,

Obliterate living being earth, argot,

Eon human search peace security,

Yet human search, erase humanity,

Human least fear space, time, earth,

Deters air, water, fir,e weather, birth,

Power, gold, supremacy, race crowd,

Shivers mankind to gathering cloud, (2)


Burn cities, life cries out loud help,

Ruins civilization n future to delve,

Wife widows, child motherless prowl,

Homeless sick starve graveyard role,

The milling crowd busy traffic, land n air,

Empty road, dark night ghostly stare,

Dies love, kindness, compassion, care,

Survival instinct turns to beast bare,

Trust friendship amity dissolves lost,

Enmity deception cover blunts almost,

Mysterious creation act manifestation,

Hopes witness gathering cloud motion,

Unite mankind gathers bone to stand,

Stand brave with courage understand,

Ocean of love trust amity consolidate,

Voices of peace friendship promulgate,

Immeasurable strength of mind build,

Love of life let a gathering cloud shield, (3)


Never seen a war cry thunders future,

Never future generations feel insecure,

Warcry against illiteracy, health, cruel,

Warcry to rebuild nature, earth a swell,

Warcry to save living being land water,

Warcry to demolish den of devil clear,

Within the mind evil hidden listens in fear.

Evict racism, fundamentalism n hatred

Imperialism, aggression crumbles dead,

Warcry favor new world borderless will,

Warcry favor the human race braves thrill,

Peace,, jovial,, faith,, love serves all aloud,

Warcry in hope raises a gathering cloud. (4)


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