Wednesday, October 25, 2023






Confess heart is a rebellious fight,

To sneak peek event birthright,

Irrelevant contumacious nature,

Poke nose into every affair later, (1)


Swag tongue notorious express,

Hurt every decent life impress,

Argumentative continues gossip,

Evil nature, in disguise worship, (2)


Viewers know in detail a person,

Quarrelsome threatens, caution,

Praise his chivalry spontaneous,

Audience angry, contemptuous, (3)


Condemn my argument, I vicious,

Relish my heart satire frivolous,

Know my friends call disgusting,

Their displeasure, I like sting, (4)


Have you seen people like me,

I take pride in being unique prime,

Read much, gossip columns a lot,

Who betrayed or cheated fought, (5)


Who stole then played innocent,

Who gets caught stealing decent,

Justify such action admiration,

Confess now I am such a person, (6)


None repentant, my attitude hit,

My loneliness solitude time feat,

Satire others, decency repulsive,.

Mingles among people fight live, (7)


Surprised at my behavior, I know,

As a child, when I saw parents owe,

Dad drinks a lot, beats offensively,

To language mom cry evasively, (viii)


They fight night lonely, get socked,

At dawn, papa slapped me yet joked,

Bruised, battered childhood tell,

Found alone, parents gone wail, (9)


No one is here, empty house, sad,

Separated parents grew up hard,

Finds pleasure in notoriety well,

Neighbor knows me to avoid detail, (10)


Whenever I proceed with life curious,

Intention condemned nefarious,

Less I explain my villain nature,

I grew up envious of the neighbor, (11)


How happy, joyful, loving living,

Parents love children dancing,

Till young, I cried, unfortunately,

Lost my parent early life madly, (12)


Got only hatred drunkard's son,

Mom was a maidservant, I mourn,

My fate ill-fated was hated nail,

Nefarious my smile tears to wail, (13)


Why me, alas, fails to love human,

I loved life, love my living as can,

A rose, my life, the plant has thorns,

You plucked, painful life mourns. (14)


Birth not chosen parent wicked,

Nefarious conjugal lives decade,

Anger ruled my life, segregated,

Hate orphan nefarious ill-fated. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Nefarious

Themes: Tears of a child, parents divorced

Written: 25th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




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