Thursday, February 29, 2024






Humans today miss their goal,

The mind has kidnapped the soul,

From childhood to age, dusk,

Searching scent wears musk, (1)


Hidden blind lifelong surprise,

Education failed to teach wise,

Run, running civilization fast,

Sadly, concrete buildings, vast, (2)


Concentrated a million, dream,

Believed for job suffers stream,

Persist at slum flies denial yell,

Human has a dignity, cries hell, (3)


Bloodshed, anger, violence exist,

A dungeon megapolis to resist,

Vulgar show of city mall stays,

Variety of goods food dismays, (4)


Urban life needs everything,

Life is a deception eliminating,

Gasping a population acquire,

Material, not pleasure require, (5)


Behold highways crisscrosses,

Railways lines, hundred kisses

Ferry, bus, tram, flight link lives,

The maze human yet believes, (6)


To and fro running life ends,

Dream another life fame trends,

Mysterious, the maze persists,

Books teach us to get rich exists, (7)


Maze never leads to peace, a goal,

The soul gets liberated by birth call,

Look at your veins, nerve maze,

A living being a purpose does amaze, (viii)


The countless paths, routes to live,

End of the day, human to achieve,

The numerous connectivity maze,

The modern city is a mirage do craze, (9)


Nature provides a route to discover,

A maze exists here, ultimate merger,

The soul finds nature, material evil,

Education fails, gold kills life on anvil, (10)


Stumbled at this thought realizes,

Human life suffering joy precise,

Human emotions, a maze confuses,

Twilight years living home recluse. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Maze

Themes: Mind creates a maze

Written: 29th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Monday, February 26, 2024






Speechless, awestruck felt, tribal lives,

Enigma withstood times survives,

Look at civilization aghast perish,

Tribal lives humans alive cherish, (1)


Denounced illusive mind, bookish,

Deceived education world, foolish,

How many wars, incursions, invades,

Boasting powerful, to dust tirades, (2)


Eloquent monstrous castle palace,

Hunted ghost place book disgrace,

Skill, education, human learning, growth,

Cities, malls, highways, mad shows, (3)


There live mafia, corrupted, horrific,

That shines through glass mercuric,

Fluid urban life educated perceive,

Underneath cruel, angry, aggressive, (4)


Happens here riots, arson, violence,

Families fight over property intense,

As many people, that many problems,

Forget these humans amity solemn, (5)


Seen everything yet visiting nature,

Tribal life astonished tranquil lure,

No fear, arson, fight, killing visible,

Scant dress ordinary yet impossible, (6)


A mud cottage fearless of animals,

Independent on vegetation tribal,

Forest their asset survival cause,

River mountain they access pause, (7)


Hamlets spread throughout safely,

And celebrate festivals dance lovely,

Lack of human knowledge weapon,

Millennia, they exist, unchanged, learn, (viii)


No need for costumes ornament cry,

No requirement for asset gadget try,

No car bungalow dream strike hard,

They live happily free, love reward, (9)


Pray for tree river, the sun or moon,

Marriage child is born feasting loom,

Withers rain storms, dry season exist,

Cry a few sick depart life less resist, (10)


Exalt the night of dance, rhythmic,

Forget these humans, tribal exotic,

Lesson to the era, civilized harmony,

Tribal exists no fight living symphony. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Symphony

Themes: Tribal life, the rhythm

Written: 26th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Sunday, February 25, 2024






How illusory the sunset evokes,

Trickster the mind react mocks,

Immersed in thought contempt,

Ran after golden deer attempts, (1)


Caught a few lost soon to shatter,

Fewer could catch, sad matter,

Nutshell possession, omission,

Overwhelmed life, an ambition, (2)


Less could think heart fulfilled,

Satiated gratuitous lo revealed,

It was a game right along veiled,

Human life nightmare unveiled, (3)


In pain, suffering, sadness to pray,

Hilarious mind jovial lives stay,

Forget the soil a birth grow up,

Water the mother's milk a drop, (4)


Impossible to live, inhospitable,

Great rivers millennia a parable,

Civilization grew at river banks,

Fertile soil golden crops blanks, (5)


A single grain without life fades,

Suffered land famine invades,

No more the sight realized sure,

Costlier than gold corn or water, (6)


Survived decades look at the land,

Sunset and sunrise magic wand,

Changed seasons cyclic married,

Wife then children loves carried, (7)


What I got as a human heavenly,

Heaven lacks pain, pleasure only,

Sweet and sour life smile tear,

Duality world exhibits appear, (viii)


Faced lost close ones, cried long,

Arrival of a child reminisce, song,

The country has given a shelter live,

Secure my home paradise believe, (9)


Love and caring wife, fun with kids,

Book of the life ordinary Lord heads,

Every day of my life, my country,

Events memorable record entry, (10)


Gratitude is feeling like a failure here,

The festival ceremony kin tear,

Everything I got inviolable faith,

Lived on the soil will die wealth, (11)


Merged my physical existence,

Mingle last breath with no resistance,

Where live freedom, equality a lot,

Stays liberty the last wish revolt. (12)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: The Last Wish

Themes: Desire to be born on the land

Written: 25th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Monday, February 19, 2024





Soul fascinated, lifelong amused,

Life experiences pain confused,

Joyous moments forget the past,

Impassionate stays soul to last, (1)


Future a new sunrise aspire a lot,

Human life intricate result effort,

A mango seed tree grows exhibit,

Only mango the tree provide wit, (2)


Human knows the wrong deed seed,

The tree grows fruit poison read,

Read thousands of books to escape,

Human life stays happy shape, (3)


Visits pilgrim monasteries a lot,

Meet sages ascetic lives to escort,

Rebel today, one of them confesses,

Want to live to love a world impress, (4)


It is my world, a cocoon paradise,

Discovered what is love precise,

A healing touch cry for the sufferer,

The emotion the human heart offers, (5)


When there is death, misery, tears,

Extinguished the candle, disappear,

The disappeared is only my soul,

Sharing other's pain visits my goal, (6)


I reject the detached state addict,

Lustful physical pleasure depicts,

The poisonous fruit blisters skin,

The soul stays, life struggles keen, (7)


Escape humans no root help other,

Behold a tree uprooted disappear,

A hundred miles away, a seed grows,

Sprouts twin leaves the tree bows, (viii)


Served during lifetime start again,

I returned from the hermit to gain,

Fewer heart flutters, wings spread,

Calm mind, quiet life desire thread, (9)


A hundred thoughts plan courage,

Soul at social service with an entourage,

Sympathy care for others happily,

Dreams for another life incredibly, (10)


The soul of my life, an uprooted tree,

Grow at different times, place free,

Magnificent will be the tree tall,

Live hundred years flowers call, (11)


Sweet fruits invited birds to nest,

Singing the song of my life, chirping,

Back home from the hermitage phase,

Twilight years thoughts entourage. (12)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Entourage

Themes: Stream of thoughts on human life

Written: 19th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Sunday, February 18, 2024





Mind human allows freedom, free,

Friendly influencer branches tree,

A thousand channels thought flow,

Steal lifetime human loses a glow, (1)


Tell soul when hunger pacified,

Desires mind procreate classified,

The human life short thirsts stay,

Impossible to satisfy growing dismay, (2)


He was a suffered soul lust ruled,

Lost hopes for a future, cheated, fooled,

The day came in his life discovered the fact,

Bestial was mind destroyed in fact, (3)


Distanced family, friends, society,

Roamed like a beggar in the city,

Realized his own deeds, results exist,

Far from fragrant garden life resists, (4)


Fear the angle look down upon him,

Sorrows, repentance, anger, swims,

Cursed his mind, now silent know,

Moneyless unable to amuse show, (5)


Saw the poor youth on the footpath,

Unshaven torn clothes, fate's wrath,

He was educated as a graduate addict,

Lost girlfriends, disaster depicts, (6)


Seen infected with incurable disease,

Hated turned untouchable ease,

Sad, someday he was at hermitage.

Abode of Himalayas, the dues paid, ( 7)


Fit for rehabilitation healing mind,

His brutal denial to thirsty mind,

Celibacy detachment meditation,

Preferred silence concentration, (viii)


Still, he was unhappy, clueless life,

Brought to a shelter home thrive,

Started serving elderly ladies begin,

His kind-hearted effort, love, care, win, (9)


On death lit the pyres, shaven head,

Rituals for the departed living thread,

Sober, silent, stood at a crematorium,

Bestial mind honored moratorium, (10)


Human life the youth understood,

He realized singing hymns in mood,

Serving ladies feeding crippled ones,

Life found to be bestial helps a man. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Bestial

Themes: Cruel mind 

Written: 18th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite