Showing posts with label SYMPHONY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SYMPHONY. Show all posts

Monday, February 26, 2024






Speechless, awestruck felt, tribal lives,

Enigma withstood times survives,

Look at civilization aghast perish,

Tribal lives humans alive cherish, (1)


Denounced illusive mind, bookish,

Deceived education world, foolish,

How many wars, incursions, invades,

Boasting powerful, to dust tirades, (2)


Eloquent monstrous castle palace,

Hunted ghost place book disgrace,

Skill, education, human learning, growth,

Cities, malls, highways, mad shows, (3)


There live mafia, corrupted, horrific,

That shines through glass mercuric,

Fluid urban life educated perceive,

Underneath cruel, angry, aggressive, (4)


Happens here riots, arson, violence,

Families fight over property intense,

As many people, that many problems,

Forget these humans amity solemn, (5)


Seen everything yet visiting nature,

Tribal life astonished tranquil lure,

No fear, arson, fight, killing visible,

Scant dress ordinary yet impossible, (6)


A mud cottage fearless of animals,

Independent on vegetation tribal,

Forest their asset survival cause,

River mountain they access pause, (7)


Hamlets spread throughout safely,

And celebrate festivals dance lovely,

Lack of human knowledge weapon,

Millennia, they exist, unchanged, learn, (viii)


No need for costumes ornament cry,

No requirement for asset gadget try,

No car bungalow dream strike hard,

They live happily free, love reward, (9)


Pray for tree river, the sun or moon,

Marriage child is born feasting loom,

Withers rain storms, dry season exist,

Cry a few sick depart life less resist, (10)


Exalt the night of dance, rhythmic,

Forget these humans, tribal exotic,

Lesson to the era, civilized harmony,

Tribal exists no fight living symphony. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Symphony

Themes: Tribal life, the rhythm

Written: 26th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Friday, December 23, 2022





Grew up sensing existential wonder,

Walking in garden blossoms colorful,

Wild honey bee sings, notorious, to loot,

Murmur drying leaves breeze is playing,

Flies a butterfly, beautiful wings stunned,

Who plays, subtly, music of life searched,

Searching the musician vanishing act,

Listening to His creations, enjoying I react,

The youth came throbbing a rebellious heart,

Bathing beauty of nature bare magnetic,

Rain, rain beauty welcomes drenched happily,

Dancing musk dears eyes of adolescence,

The invisible rhythm of maturity eyes seek,

Hops in the air gaily mating moment after,

Felt alone, sick, unreal mind sought mate,

Taunted dipping rain droplets fountain duet,

Amidst rain-soaked nature, why in tears,

The fairy of the dream missing, trick imagined,

Mingle with streams of life noises infect,

The shrilling voice, clapping, roars floor,

Still searching for hypnosis in black hair,

Long enough, my dreamy night expands,

In waves of dark clouds sailing in the wind,

Awestruck,  look at earrings glint, lightening,

Gasp involuntarily, her face turns,

The eyes that I have seen in musk dear,

Her fragrance in her head searches far,

Sifting eyes swiftly captivated me once,

How come the same eyes fascinate to trance,

The long nose, red lips like rose petals,

Shyly felt as if that wily bee to drink honey,

Captured the beauty of nature wet,

Wet earth, I smelled aromas, romantic,

Floating this fragrance impulsive followed,

Plead behind her earnestly for a friendship,

The smile in her eyes, eyebrows netted,

Lips uttered soft inquiries, luck impressed,

Hand in hand, we moved ahead and saw,

The wings of the peacock got colorful dancing,

Conjugal life midnight listen to a nightingale,

Who sings this heavenly music if not you,

Trapped me through beauty, you designed,

Your purposes procreation once wished,

The father's happiness at the birth of a baby,

Nostalgic, acutely unique never forget news,

You are a father of a girl, the voice,

The symphony of my life was fruitful in essence,

In convalesces wreathed every fiber cried,

Understood, what is happiness fulfilled,

Chicks, one after one, rooted in my lap,

Listened to a rhapsody of  innocence, ecstatic,

Flutter their wings, we both smiled,

Your magic wand, calendar pages strewn,

Spellbound, she is praying a melodious song,

Sat near her and listened to she is glorifying you,

You are my eyes, ears, nose, tongue, or heart,

You are my breath feel, you in me long,

You gave sweet husband children,

My rude feeling for the master now molten,

Sang both the spirit of family life,

Symphony divine played that night,

Melted into thin ether superior primordial.   



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Symphony

Themes: Melody of conjugal life

Date: 23rd December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite