Sunday, June 2, 2024





When humans face trouble worried,

Macabre situation frustrates horrid,

Imagine stormy sea turbulence, fiery,

Surging waves ship rises sink worry, (1)


Rarely sinks the ship, rises again fit,

Trouble disappears O human yet quit,

The macabre situations, dreary desert end,

Oasis cold water satiate mirage send, (2)


Indefinite uphill crevasse route stays,

Amenable human spirit win dismays,

Stupendous act to accept eventuality,

Coldblooded spirit deals with susceptibility, (3)


Rare courage instincts exist amenable,

Accept advice willing to devise able,

Knew such brave and bold humans,

Defeat ill fate misfortune, had plans, (4)


Teacher inconspicuous parent in life,

Commendable advice to thwart strife,

Thought again blizzard, tree swinging,

Frightful sight touching ground lying, (5)


Windless stay static tree rises green,

Amenable quality of life survives to win,

New era errand youth autotrophic lit,

Cybermedia intelligence exists exhibit, (6)


Touch the bottom solution instantly,

Willing to accept skill gain gallantly,

Human life is not to fight or stay well,

Amenable to circumstances prevail, (7)


The objective of human life differently,

Sojourn amenable to divine life healing,

Lord's command distinct practices,

Willing to follow and obey peace notices, (viii)


The soft grass dews flowers fragrant,

The moon illuminates sunshine brilliantly,

Mountains beautiful from far cavern,

Rain comes waterfall sight life learn, (9)


Who give command obeyed willingly,

Will you be amenable, spirit feelingly,

Love and serve life short, take care,

Parents and teacher God do share, (10)


Simplicity detached life is fragrant,

Amenable life to rise or fall, instant,

Conscience speaks within betrayed,

Troublemaker minds well waylaid. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Amenable

Themes: Nature obeys, humans should

Written: 2nd June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





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