Monday, August 5, 2024





Alone, tearful, searching the past,

Why windless sky less bird cast,

Waves roaring, crashing at the beach,

Repentance endless sadly breach, (1)


End of the road lost direction life,

Confuse why suffering, faces strife,

Got praise applause profusely lit,

Melted the morning mist a defeat, (2)


Avoided kept aloof opposed a lot,

Honesty, integrity, less pay hurt,

Has not committed crimes, insult,

Etched the life services to efforts, (3)


Marginalized corrupt the guises,

Adored public deeds, no excuses,

Solitary life today, un-apologetic,

Missed friends, family, pathetic, (4)


Friends angry, abused, opposed,

The family hardly liked, supposed,

Branded as a fool exhibitionist,

Adamant, arrogant, spends list, (5)


Similar to the wave from zenith,

Crashing at shore retract drift,

The same thing happened, sock,

Fallen senseless at shore broke, (6)


Crowds gathering found lifeless,

Soul merged like wave impress,

No sight of family or friends present,

The population of the city cry, resent, (7)



Flower bedecked road showering,

A crowd watches, socked and crying,

Burning the pyre crowd around,

Ash merged with river, profound, (viii)


Commemorate public date of birth or death,

Public speech, writing, link wealth,

Living today in hearts memories,

Commensurate golden deed series, (9)


Inspired many youths, followed,

Commensurate discussion vowed,

Presentable, decent life to educate,

Lighted knowledge indoctrinate, (10)


Praying poverty-stricken mass,

Commensurate achieves' task,

Matching exemplary model life,

Commensurate, candlelit, thrive. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Commensurate

Themes: Exemplary matching

Written: 5th August 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Saturday, August 3, 2024





Essentially, tribulation, remembrance,

Gratitude of the hearts, resemblance,

Stood in silence, remember minutes,

Sing prayer, love song, deeds scrutiny, (1)


Generation after unforgotten persists,

The monuments service revolution exists,

The flame of human sacrifice reminds us,

Tearful the population scenes rewind, (2)


Colonial past exploited famished stay,

Darkness, overcast, remorse life, display,

Change the landscape, bright sunshine,

Foreign rulers last man left life define, (3)


Celebrate won't forget naked fakir stick,

Statue over the country centenary pick,

One man defeated a powerful country,

Established freedom long walk salty, (4)


Commemorate none violence equality,

Reject discrimination object visibility,

Walked over the country, encountered,

The nation under slavery discovered, (5)


Reject foreign products, salt birthright,

Burned overseas clothes fire in fright,

Flying tricolor across the country,

Hanged by the rulers order entry, (6)


Commemorate pre-independence era,

Courageous men and women in euphoria,

Scarified their lives, millions  forgotten,

Still, their statues stay flowers, golden, (7)



Worshiped by next-generation share,

Mughals under grave colonials dare,

Free democratic country liberty,

Reminds freedom fighters of unity, (viii)


Commemorate country stay one,

Unite people, plural society can,

Red Fort, Mughal era, free nation,

Independence Day speech tradition, (9)


Land billion plus people listen,

Long distant future policy glisten,

Build school college university all,

Infrastructures industry timely tall, (10)


Changes time and landscape sock,

Commemorate completion due lock,

Remembrance worship essays hues,

Gratitude to nation builders bemuse. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Commemorate

Themes: Remembrance

Written: 3rd August 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Friday, August 2, 2024





Alert, agile mind, accepting,

Unbiased, rational, believing,

The door of treasure houses,

Unlock human books rouses, (1)


Ageless experience life faced,

Written solution clue traced,

School college university says,

Invite a child to grow wise display, (2)


Not gold medal certificate lit,

Humans understand to defeat,

Defeat ignorance, blind mind,

Silent book heart seeks to find, (3)


Kindness, compassion, sharing,

Sympathy soul motivates hire,

Found O human the wisdom,

Ordinary life learn not seldom, (4)


Scrutinized how simplicity fit,

The book fails to motivate discreetly,

Noticed a seed fertilized soil,

Warm, light, water grow toils, (5)


Twin leaves tall banyan trees,

Motivate living being life frees,

Look at a host of birds spread wings,

Learn to fly in the sky well sing, (6)


Motivate life automatic miracle,

Animal life, skill inseparable,

Potter and pottery painter arts,

Human skill motivates, impacts, (7)


Rotate the eyeball, not hallucinate,

The Lord behind creation wait,

Birth and death cyclic forward,

Motivate spirit with age reward, (viii)


Childhood youth adulthood fit,

Age loss freshness, work unfit,

Motivate soul point focused lit,

Patience, perseverance, life greet, (9)


Morning walk meditate evening,

Prayer heals O humans, love, sing,

Motivate spirit to know peace, joy,

Happiness pleasure differ, envoy, (10)


Not physical experiences, soul,

Motivate only you teach a goal,

It is not necessary to search a book,

Missing motivation sad shook. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Motivate

Themes: Inspiration

Written: 2nd August 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Thursday, August 1, 2024





Respect, reliability, discipline, way,

Generations stood firmly, displayed,

Unwavering support service last,

History colonial rules dark past, (1)


Exploited the land spine broken,

Traditions were alive, best spoken,

Festival of night lamps lighted,

Fireworks yet hungry delighted, (2)


Centuries-old art and craft exist,

Rock-carving village life persists,

Festival of color, smeared smile,

Nightlong dance music in style, (3)


The population stays only vegetarian,

Reject wine, industrious human,

Females prefer veil scarf dresses,

Covered Head to feat impresses, (4)


Cotton clothes, turban, villagers,

Urban westernized messengers,

The shirt, pants, briefs, boots, dress,

Not tradition contradict impress, (5)


The drink, party in the club yell,

Dance organ music couple hail,

Spent money on checkerboard,

Horse race share market goad, (6)


Look at the children dreaming,

Get rich quickly overseas sing,

Tradition of the land lament sad,

Generation time change forward, (7)


Hues mingle the new beginning,

East and west join trimming,

Tradition, equality, liberty, life aspire,

Collapsing autocracy life inspire, (viii)


Human aggressive instinct stop,

Fraternity amity tradition hope,

Hopes the human race's future pink,

Tradition cooperation helps link, (9)


Humans trust the Lord, worship,

Path different yoga in courtship,

Health and happiness fitness,

Tradition spreads life witness, (10)


Traditional decent life peaceful,

The world stays future secure awful,

Meat and wine life may not be preferred,

Crops, vegetables, food, life secure. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

 Title of Poem: Tradition

Themes: Age-old practice

Written: 1st August 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite