Showing posts with label COMMENSURATE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COMMENSURATE. Show all posts

Monday, August 5, 2024





Alone, tearful, searching the past,

Why windless sky less bird cast,

Waves roaring, crashing at the beach,

Repentance endless sadly breach, (1)


End of the road lost direction life,

Confuse why suffering, faces strife,

Got praise applause profusely lit,

Melted the morning mist a defeat, (2)


Avoided kept aloof opposed a lot,

Honesty, integrity, less pay hurt,

Has not committed crimes, insult,

Etched the life services to efforts, (3)


Marginalized corrupt the guises,

Adored public deeds, no excuses,

Solitary life today, un-apologetic,

Missed friends, family, pathetic, (4)


Friends angry, abused, opposed,

The family hardly liked, supposed,

Branded as a fool exhibitionist,

Adamant, arrogant, spends list, (5)


Similar to the wave from zenith,

Crashing at shore retract drift,

The same thing happened, sock,

Fallen senseless at shore broke, (6)


Crowds gathering found lifeless,

Soul merged like wave impress,

No sight of family or friends present,

The population of the city cry, resent, (7)



Flower bedecked road showering,

A crowd watches, socked and crying,

Burning the pyre crowd around,

Ash merged with river, profound, (viii)


Commemorate public date of birth or death,

Public speech, writing, link wealth,

Living today in hearts memories,

Commensurate golden deed series, (9)


Inspired many youths, followed,

Commensurate discussion vowed,

Presentable, decent life to educate,

Lighted knowledge indoctrinate, (10)


Praying poverty-stricken mass,

Commensurate achieves' task,

Matching exemplary model life,

Commensurate, candlelit, thrive. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Commensurate

Themes: Exemplary matching

Written: 5th August 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Friday, July 19, 2024





Doubtful of future human stay,

Aspiration is not a crime display,

Rain-soaked, thrilling remember,

Romantic life rebellious shiver,(1)


Once sought company admired,

Adore matchless beauty shared,

Progressed intimacy, lively walk,

Bright sunshine moonlit stark, (2)


Youth visits, young soul aspires,

Why solar eclipse or lunar hires,

Fail to commensurate attraction,

Apathy antagonism to function, (3)


dries tears, silent life rejected,

Pink letters roses love deflated,

Birds in the nest fled intimate,

Lost harmony commensurated, (4)


Years of intense love, endurance,

Disappeared sad doubt entrance,

Not that they forget souls united,

Hope against hope lives excited, (5)


Each day, morning or evening,

Commensurate lives changing,

Resurface the bond closeness,

The figure is not significant, harness, (6)


Love not masculine image tall,

Love not fair complexion recall,

Commensurate love and faith,

Pain and pleasure pair wealth, (7)


Hand in hand, head on bosom,

Right to dream actions some,

Seen couple united again stay,

Blessed their lives hope display, (viii)


Claim lives children loving, grow,

Cemented married life yet show,

Family life quality charisma,

Mismatch lonely life dogma, (9)


Commensurate progress quickly,

Prosperity solidarity cohesively,

Young age quality of life prime,

Growing wise literate supreme, (10)


Commensurate understanding,

Minor mistake relation missing,

Widens gap heart mistrust wait,

Anger life alienated unfortunate. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Commensurate

Themes: Quality preferred

Written: 18th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite