Showing posts with label ASYLUM SEEKER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ASYLUM SEEKER. Show all posts

Sunday, August 22, 2021





Look struggles for humanity attract,

Dedicates entire life services impact,

Far away from home, family remind,

Sense of duty supreme, heart, is kind, (1)


Suffering human skeletal frame sick,

Children women old alike at life risk,

Severe malnutrition, lack of foods hit,

Find little medicines treatment meet, (2)


Flees huge population for life dictate,

Neighboring-nation all accommodate,

Humanitarian grounds colony grows,

Loss identity n refugee futures owes, (3)


Nations contribute, fund, health care,

Essential shelter food job near share,

World citizens visit monitors provide,

Joins with massive effort time divide, (4)


Nation at conflict cause human loss,

Uncertain future arise, survive a toss,

Extreme situation tense rest seldom

Violence death diminishing freedom, (5)


Force plight of women kid old people,

Mass migration happen, feel horrible,

Neither shelter, food, cloth less water,

Open ground harsh weather life fear, (6)


Nations airlift, near seas, allow voyage,

Prime-factor to save people envisage,

Accommodate refuges on alien soils,

Left people home asset, job, life boils, (7)


Years pass soon, remote return home,

Remote possibilities stare, gruesome,

Local people’s sympathies wear thin,

Suffering increase a lot hope decline, (viii)


Humanity offers adoption citizenship,

World citizen day remembrance whip,

Mankind single race sacrifices marvel,

Overseas people gain, right-life unravel, (9)


Surprise human conscience insanity,

Imprisonment, tortures confine priority,

Discrimination hunts every layer neat,

Ethnic cleansing forced labor discreet, (10)


Subjugate inhuman rules n helpless,

Art culture security declines distress,

People flee, risk life hazardous travel,

Land, air, water route adopt life swivel, (11)


Fate cruel snatch lives midway notice,

World-citizen sympathize needs peace,

Condemns brute forces n united voice,

Accept survivor provide shelter choice, (12)


Modern-times civilization assures help,

Mingle suffering souls as settler shape,

World citizens unite services-awesome,

Asylum remind hope homeland seldom, (13)


Destiny snatch identity home cruel fate,

World citizen compassions promulgate.

Savage climate harsh life equal rulers,

Asylum direct agony pain dark colors. (14)