Showing posts with label CONCATENATE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CONCATENATE. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 15, 2023





Reject salvation, entrap rebirth,

Renews life sprout living worth,

Recollect precious second trail,

Resurrect soul ecstasy, prevail, (1)


Reconnect fatherhood supreme,

Resource, an upbringing prime,

Restored faith, child grew soon,

Rotates human life, earth, moon, (2)


Relate to marriage kid wedlock,

Regal wings spread flying, sock,

Remote continents nested sad,

Realized twilight years reward, (3)


Reconnect events, milestones,

Remember, happy life in bones,

Reward marriage ring, propose,

Reckon better half for purpose, (4)


Reserve secret sweet nothings,

Reply speechless smitten sings,

Restore family life, graceful love,

Revive Lord exists, bless above, (5)


Rest the sequel travelogue sense,

Request a rebirth, less pretense,

Rule of life certain death, inward,

Rely upon faith prayers reward, (6)


Rate possibility, live once more,

Rove the entire globe, I enamor,

Roam on mountain valley isles,

Reasonable, friendly, find allies, (7)


Renown anonymous friend list,

Recount life story written feast,

Remorse concatenate life many,

Refuse liberation seed uncanny, (viii)


Released from chain lives more,

Rational mind clipped to allure,

Rightly write stories reconnect,

Relate many birth concatenate, (9)


Ran a hundred births of Buddha,

Renew my dreams birth worth,

Rolled into one sequence tied,

Concatenate life story dignified, (10)


Confess lacunas ecstasy rolled,

Conclude human life rest mold,

Continues discovery surprises,

Concatenate fear horror prizes, (11)


Compact, mysterious life revives,

Cruel fate accident yet survives,

Connects fatal fever illness hit,

Chronology recovered, a long list, (12)


Convinced this life, a lot of death,

Confirmed, revived life, wealth,

Connect incidents experience,

Compassion of God birth sense, (13)


Concatenate belief birth repeat,

Corroborate Lord exists, is implicit,

Convey His infinite grace visible,

Console me, I survived is simple, (14)


Concatenate sequel sequence lit,

Cure my disbelief His love delete,

Correctly believe, disbelieve sway,

Contumacy to contempt, replay. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Concatenate

Themes: Live after several accidents sequel

Written: 15th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite