Showing posts with label CONSECRATE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CONSECRATE. Show all posts

Sunday, December 10, 2023




Ocean of tears of no use reminisce

Heart searches, missing escapades,

Watching the wall clock pendulum feel,

Oscillates to and fro time little heal,(1)


The sadness, human heart caring,

Forgetful time erases a lot, inspiring,

A bunch of scented sticks lit fumes,

Perfumes satire incidents, life tunes, (2)


Miserable, poverty-stricken to linger,

Brotherly life, without a job, he suffers,

Thousand times, I convinced, efforts,

Austerity pious to struggle rapports, (3)


Difficult path test infinite sequence,

Convinced he will win consequence,

Hunger will come, sickness visit, hell,

Fasting practice and divine life, quell, (4)


Angry outbursts rebuttal countered,

He is beyond being convinced, lured,

Sad was fate, and his father expired,

Inherited property million satisfied, (5)


Lost his mother a few months later,

He was the owner of a huge asset, secure,

I visited, looked at him encountered,

Life changed suddenly yet mattered, (6)


An unfortunate poor son to change,

He is happy his parents die strange,

A son wants to inherit property evil,

Enjoy the money ill-spend life devil, (7)


Saved by generation to sale assets,

Extravagant life wine night gadgets,

His scorn, his frown, I mourned flee,

He was blind with million gold glee, (viii)


Ignored me, drunken nights passed,

Brokenhearted, a downfall flashed,

He met accident several times sadly,

Fortunate saved, published widely, (9)


The daredevil heart could not trust,

He was in hospital, news clues lost,

He heard reports, systems failings,

Warn of impending death wailings, (10)


Do or die time warned restrictions,

Controlled rules, austerity frictions,

He was looking at me, smiling, he joked,

Bluntly told he least feared mocked, (11)


I cried, tried to convince him, young

Life is not a tragedy die early song,

Life meant to devote or surrender,

Life means love, compassion, usher, (12)


Life of human guarantee century,

Salvation is less understood, ivory,

The mere human heart seeks to go inside,

Prefers practices regulation reside, (13)


Rejects extravagant life opulence,

Corrodes human mind confluence,

He never listened to me was drinking,

I heard he passed out a lightening, (14)


Sadly, at a young age, he could have lived,

Another fifty years, alas, he believed,

Tragedy, human life, mind acted villain,

Consecrate his memories, he was insane. (15)


Life forbids God to forgive sins that happen,

Prayer incense stick fragrant harkens,

May the Lord forgive the soul blunders,

Consecrate the womb acts as a cleanser. (16)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Consecrate

Themes: Sanctify the human existence 

Written: 10th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite