Showing posts with label DELUGE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DELUGE. Show all posts

Friday, September 8, 2023






Perplexed, fascinates the mind,

Quiet, silent, or jubilant rewind,

Astonished, steamy eyes, stream,

Mimic trickles from rock dream, (1)


Alas, dark clouds cover the sky,

Aghast sadness enveloping defy,

Resembles morning dews teary,

Laughter, capture life flee worry, (2)


Alarmed, at times, fear stalks evil,

Conspire heart unwanted thrill,

Thrills ring throb, mischievous,

Young curious life harmonious, (3)


Cloud burst of emotion lucidity,

Clamorous desires ooze fluidity,

Strikes incidents visiting death,

Stupefied time unmoved breath,(4)


Such moments etch deeply stay,

Demise, defy age, gender, dismay,

Alibis thousands, event shatter,

Contemplate mysterious flatter,(5)


Forgets past, horrible scar, clear,

Life essentially love, to live pure,

Memory, happiness, or sorrow,

Shield tightly, look tomorrow,(6)


Forget, forgive, survive, flow well,

Silence envelops the mind dwell,

The stuff of soul, permeate love,

Heart churns, turbulence trove,(7)


Activate conflicting mind fights,

Confluence of thoughts, sights,

Imparted hues infinite coloring,

Discover water from rocks sing, (viii)


Rivulet clean water flows image,

Flowing over the pebbles amaze,

How similar human thought, act,

Behave like a stream duly react, (9)


Block the tiny stream hell refuse,

Alarmed, the stream turns into a deluge,

Burst the dam, life in suppression,

Thought, act like a potent weapon, (10)


Noticeable flurry of rapid churn,

Breaks rock into the sand, sojourn,

Excited heart explicit to provoke,

Conflict, the human mind, run amock, (11)


Rewind the tread of sequence lit,

Quietly flows the stream delight,

Calmly notice transparent rock,

Stream finds a path, good luck, (12)


Murmuring musical light plays,

Dazzles tiny wave sparkle haze,

Haze replicated in pacified life,

Calmness quietude block strife, (13)


Stream flows match thought,

The rainbow colors mind effort,

Lack turbulence depression a lot,

Emotion to devotion passion rot, (14)


Rare sight serenity stream defuse,

Thoughts flow quietly and lack deluge.

The stream is a magical cooling act,

Slow motion the thoughts attract. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Deluge

Themes: A stream matches the flow of thoughts

Written: 8th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite