Showing posts with label EXPANSIVE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EXPANSIVE. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 2, 2023





Teenage chained heart cowered,

Limit of our heart, undefined lowered,

Confined to a single-room family,

Four siblings, parents live gently,(1)


Fewer complaints wanton poverty,

Peace and happiness searched for liberty,

Got a roof over our heads and food,

Cloths to put on the school we brood, (2)


Free education farcical no money,

Working in childhood saved funny,

Saving unthinkable then happens,

Touch adulthood wealth shaken, (3)


Grocery shop in the village prospers,

Expanded to City suburb ushers,

Three brothers, our sister united,

Let lives rich business committed, (4)


Illiteracy acted as the curse study,

We studied privately well embody,

It fetched rich dividend expanded,

We siblings years rolled demanded, (5)


Four mansions adjacent to a street,

All conceivable asset gold in discreet,

Attendant driver domestic worker,

Relative owed at luxury a shocker, (6)


A few decades from rags to rich life,

Disbelieve the savings erased strife,

Work hard to get literate much later,

Money gave power position status,(7)


Forgotten torturous deprived state,

Little we resent well accommodate,

Still, remember our roots keep us alive,

Modest living limits expense thrive, (viii)


Saving in our blood by now secure,

Planned neatly united efforts ensure,

A mini business empire lit visible,

Our simple food, humble life stable, (9)


Adulthood passed so soon, we consider,

United us social service help center,

Served poor children for study to fund,

Served persons sick treatment fond, (10)


Popularity we gained spread miles,

Encounters change tears to smiles,

Twilight years and kids in the business,

Expanded city shops variety ingress, (11)


Learned a trick saving to modesty,

Expanding their income in honesty,

Warned them they listen to advice,

Know well, life progresses sacrifice, (12)


Brothers, one sister, our family,

Determined back to the village simply,

Building a school, rustic children,

That lacked school dress, smitten, (13)


Free education lifted the burden,

The rural picture is changing, is sudden,

Help youth with business training,

Funded the cost for skill waiting, (14)


Write on our lives saga sagacious,

Expansive our motto life is precious,

Born a downtrodden secure life,

Withered troubles hazardous strife. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Expansive

Themes: Like to confide what savings did

Written: 2nd August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Tuesday, November 1, 2022






Sings country leader hilarious,

Amazes landscape panoramic,

Stupendous success, hard labor,

Laborers Indians bewilder, bemused,

Metropolises outlandish sprouting,

Boasting development elaborates,

Highways, airports, skyscrapers,

Glassy towers dazzle in sunlight,

Evening advances cities glowing,

Life in hues neon coloring skyline,

Works people day and night long,

Run the mills round the clock,

The traffic, smog, frothing rivers,

Symbolizes development prosperity,

Dense forests, green cover is vanishing,

Dredgers in coastal sea digging ports,

The land is flourishing with export-import,

Skies are crowded with air traffic,

Million hopes aspiration taking shape,

The laborer in the field looks up,

Elite flourished are traveling,

Made their life minted gold plenty,

The shining glory of the nation, rich,

Tumbling records of assets honored,

Sweating below the turban shies,

Bare chest, a loin cloth, and muscular,

Brutalized at brick kilns for his wage,

The young woman was brought,

As a child from the village to the city,

Working in polished houses, sahibs,

A fleet of cars drivers at bay owned,

Children attend school dressed up,

Anglicized attire voice fails to decipher,

Looked the maid, a girl child curious,

Fail to understand accent or order,

She only can watch the laughter,

A joke is actually the wall, wide, separate,

A newborn baby sleeps in a cement bag,

Crying loudly in the shade alone,

Mother carrying bricks on the head,

Look, a wage can keep them alive,

Tomorrow is a holiday, no food,

The big city shanties in the suburban,

Life is distinct in a huge office building,

Round-the-clock work continues,

Money that matters delivers a result,

Overnight business crumbles news,

Laughs paid drivers, attendants,

An industry magnet is  road life drinking,

Desperate to live, a vain attempt,

Trying to betray reality, a beggar,

Aristocratic society in a barricade,

Fails to recognize this person block,

The migrant laborer find as jobless,

Could not get another job starving,

Returns to the village to survive,

Surprised fails to recognize villages,

No more thatched roofs, muddy roads,

Brick houses pitch roads appear,

Electricity mobile towers attract.

Schools with a big compound, crowded,

Health clinics are serving patients,

Farmers well-having tractors, cars,

Females are busy with village products,

Won transport to market in cities,

Migrant is confused and searches for life,

Hundreds of service and skill centers,

Teaching fishery, poultry,  cattle breeding,

Cotton weaving at home to pottery,

Artifacts still relevant domestic tools,

Clay idols, filigree, and paintings business,

Expansive the state of mind ponders,

National Unity day in the school,

School students are singing,

We live here to build our country,

Expansive mood, village kids smile.


Title of Poem: Expansive

Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Theme: National Unity Day

Date, 31st October 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite reserved