Showing posts with label HERETIC IN A MASK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HERETIC IN A MASK. Show all posts

Monday, April 12, 2021





Turn on a bend in the road,

Unpleasant one to goad,

Sock people seem rude,

Indecent word let brood,

Check intruders behave,

Life invites peril n grave,

Ignore, evade eyes, task,

Run prowl heretic mask, (1)


The enemy never fight a war,

Battlefield n border far,

The fact is enemy lurk here,

Life, security disappear,

Kid, lady, old, innocent,

God fails to save prevent,

Face, identity n purpose,

Unknown to people, it owes,

Fade peace terror spread,

Heretic in mask let dread, (2)


Humanity lost savage fit,

Arm, ammunitions outfit,

Compassion, kind absent,

Annihilate live, quiescent,

Blind is belief mind blank,

Theology n doctrine, hank,

Train in ethic deprives life,

Purpose to create lot strife,

City in fire arson n violent,

Heretic in mask impatient, (3)


If intrude across a border,

Miss event n entry record,

Faceless exist in guise lot,

Communicate collect most,

Information age war raise,

Information paralyze days,

Land paralyzes face defeat,

Heretic in mask yet repeat,

Steal data ultimate weapon,

Human greed rules if drawn (4)


Deep forest mountain cave,

Youth in brainwash n wave,

Disrespects People freedom,

Crumble democracy random,

Parallel court dictates death,

Target leader length breadth,

Poverty, jobless lacks of future,

Doctrine adopt death horror,

Trains youth heretic in a mask,

Human rights crumble, task, (5)


World peace prosperity craze,

Humanity resurrect in ways,

World unites in brotherhood,

Corona spread selfish brood,

Corona crumples n arbitrary,

Rich, poor, powerful unitary,

Save world human race task,

Serve surrender heretic mask,

Let there be peace fight virus,

Information, a path the onus, (6)


Equal human race color faith,

Love, care, serve, lives wealth,

Let corona take cruelty greed,

Human nature simple indeed,

Food, shelter, cloth, work, rest,

All opulent in equal wisest best,

Human is intelligent, future plan,

Generation grows, rot embalm,

Rot is a myopic heretic in a mask,

Heals fast n cure friendly bask, (7)