Showing posts with label IRRESISTIBLE INCLINATION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IRRESISTIBLE INCLINATION. Show all posts

Thursday, January 7, 2021





Adolescence arrive sensuous a mind,

Crossroad puzzles at a loss to find,

Impulse inclinations intoxicate blind,

Human deserves to be dutiful remind,

Poles of a magnate detract each other,

Pole is positive life irresistible another,

Adolescence succumbs to temptation,

Heart as a slave to dictates in action,

Conscience conspicuous guides right,

Rapturous pleasure raises bitter fight,

Life a highway crossroad square test,

Win irresistible inclination await crest, (1)


The nation of billion, hassle match number,

Profession skill means of life multiplier,

Harsh road of toil test demand dedicate,

Adulthood chose right, wrong complicate,

Wrong is festive season irresistible time,

Festival of Holi Dussehra Diwali shines,

Ganesh Puja, Durga puja, Car Festival,

Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh enthrall,

Irresistible celebrations swirling mirth,

Holidays lines up entice plural worth,

Youthful energy ecstatic pleasures tap,

Misses express bus for training sharp,

Irresistible inclinations prey youth most,

Million search future aimless life worst, (2)


Few spirits exhibit irresistible inclination,

Convert well as a boon to own profession,

Sportsperson, actor, writer, builder, leader,

Scientist, specialist animal, biology, nature,

Traveler, divine seeker, music song, artist,

Miracle a mind excels domains often exotic,

Spirits enslave irresistible inclination serve,

Paradigms change life pattern one only love,

Mind entrapped merges into effort endless,

Family friend kin left behind time progress,

Irresistible inclinations a thirst insatiable,

The world finds a legend to humanity noble, (3)


Irresistible instinct adventure human spirit,

The Arctic venture, mountain climb, oceanic wit,

Desolate desert, highland, islands isolation,

Conquer impossibilities dauntless a motion,

Human adventures, survival or death long,

Irresistible daring mind write, inspire a song, (4)



Ultimate irresistible inclined soul in a quest,

The truth of life nature universe uncover test,

Test swallows lifetime demands exile total,

Exiled from realm pain, the pleasure of mortal,

Dedicate the rarest soul at alter of epic sojourn,

Mankind savor dimensional gain as modern,

Legends pass till last irresistible mind view,

Eternal gift contributes generation let anew, (4)


Monk, saint, seer, realized master enlighten,

Irresistible inclined divine quest world listen,

Life shows passion human peruses emotive,

The irresistible inclination is decay or decorative. (5)