Showing posts with label LOOKOUT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LOOKOUT. Show all posts

Friday, January 6, 2023





Sings overwhelmed life ashore,

Knew as an orphan, adopted long ago,

Grew in flourished, educated society,

Refined culture English my tongue,

Completing graduation in literature,

Write often my feelings, perceptions,

Growing provided maturity surprised me,

So much love, adopted mother caring,

Never could know necessity she knows,

Keeps precisely in order surprises me,

My sickness remembers her infinite care,

Mom and I alone in the big world,

She is all in my life, her only son link,

Our lives intermingled close contented,

Tell, she prepares the dishes I liked well,

Observe minutely happiness swells,

Her pleasure my study health, happiness,

Think, how come, Lord was graceful for me,

Decades ago visited the ancient land,

She, in her visit to an orphanage, chose me,

I grew in her lap from just a year old,

Life, I confess, fortunate, she confided,

Thankful to her, know my origin, land,

Unknown to me, the people, the panorama,

My friend and teachers do not know this,

The friendly gestures, love, and bond,

Realize me the country is supreme,

Wonderful people, families, children,

The family somehow choked me once,

An orphan child who leaves her son, reason,

What happened died on accident a family,

Left only a bay living kept orphanage,

Divorced a couple, separated, of course,

Dropped the child in a shelter home,

Perused their future forgotten baby,

Sheltered for nine months in the womb,

How is it possible a mother allows,

Watch her baby is separated, sleeps,

It is the unwanted child of an unmarried girl,

Or forced her to be pregnant, left,

Left her son on a dustbin, railway platform,

Or pavement of a road at night chosen,

Sat near the harbor on a bench,

I felt tears running warm in a stream,

Why? why does human civility humanity dies,

Leaves a newborn baby know very well,

Speechless, entangled my mind to one,

Where is my mother, given birth to me,

Where is she? Why did she leave me? a fate,

Where must be she is living, how is she,

It choked me and involuntarily uttered, Ma,

Alone on the big harbor road mid-day,

Crying bitterly, surprised, why, I am crying,

So much love, mom is everything to me,

I am her life, understand she trusts me,

Returned home and told her the lookout,

She hugged me, kissed me, confessed,

Baby, I am your mother but a woman,

Understands your curiosity, pain,

Go and search to find your mother,

Come back soon, home after meeting her,

vast is the country, a billion people,

Lookout for my Ma, know the orphanage.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Lookout (Fiction)

Theme: Orphan search mother

Date: 5th January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite