Showing posts with label PROVIDENCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PROVIDENCE. Show all posts

Thursday, November 16, 2023





Possibilities numerous, mysterious,

Uncertain future swivel life curious,

Ascertain the human heart, prosperous,

Steal possession, time mischievous, (1)


Gain overnight millions, lose again,

Fate plays notorious fortune insane,

Celebrations visible family welcome,

Birth of a baby, graceful handsome, (2)


Sweeps ground under feet hilarious,

Decades of efforts couple conscious,

Warms her spirit, mother disbelieves,

Letter, demise of her father, deceive, (3)


Coincidence proverbial death, birth,

Happiness sizzle a baby, fate wrath,

Only son, father is happy, brilliant,

Complete education leaves reluctant, (4)


Concede his future allows the child,

Travel abroad rises high fate shield,

Unknown disease untreatable ends,

Death was informed to father, sends, (5)


The happiness of having a son evaporated,

Satisfaction deleted soon exonerated,

Confused believe me attend the wedding,

Invited as a guest, cherishes, needing, (6)


Bless the couple with a gift sweetens,

Couple of years, encounter, lightens,

Happy married couple childless hit,

Astonish marriage break-up defeat, (7)


Separated wife at her parent's home,

Single life husband shattered some,

Sat with him, he cried, narrated sadly,

Cursing his fate, overjoyed madly, (viii)


Imbalanced, incoherent, state lead,

His parents state distress indeed,

Remember years back, a marriage,

Jovial atmosphere to miscarriage, (9)


The sad faces, tears, remorseless,

They tried hard to forget to impress,

Alert life wants to live, not to die,

Acute pain, misery, hurt lives defy, (10)


Want to live for tomorrow to hope,

Accept the possibility, tomorrow elope,

Reunion met, instances, a couple,

Separate for decade unite simple, (11)


Conceive a child grew up brightly,

Seen such parents grew old lightly,

Their separation, agony forgotten,

Had grandchildren past is rotten, (12)


Sat quietly views incidence many,

Providence controls find uncanny,

No explanation justification deal,

Dying hour, incurable, hails heal, (13)


Not one so many circumstances,

Life pivotal dying revive instances,

Looks doctors, nurse, tearful, pray,

Providence, not abnormal, dismay. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Providence

Themes: Fate, fortune, luck, destiny, not a play

Written: 16th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite