Showing posts with label RAIL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RAIL. Show all posts

Sunday, October 29, 2023






That begins somewhere terminate,

Human life, birth to death, indicates,

The body and shadow parallel stay,

Rails twin existence time well play, (1)


The wheels are time, roll life moves,

Travel credulous, perpetual proves,

Station train halts, milestone lives,

Journey, from home to pyre, thrives, (2)


Coaches stages of life, teen to elder,

Passengers are thoughts, many shelters,

Look at the twin rail lines converge,

Mesmerizing aspect soul yet merge, (3)


Distinctly visible to a point realized,

Human lives move, realized, prized,

Thoughts intrinsic lava to dew writ,

Billion waves human mind to write, (4)


Phenomenal human life, intelligent,

Discriminates lave or dew incident,

Flows anger, fumes radiating eyes,

Quiet, calm, mind scenic, dews wise, (5)


Glisten sweat beads, salt, and blood,

Tears confluence with graced Lord,

Endeavor, supreme, train rolls, shine,

Parallel human frame shadows line, (6)


Action each and combines resulted,

Parallel rail ways connect indicated,

Success, victorious life, hilarious gift,

Failure subtle lesson experience lift, (7)


Sadness, sorrows, thoughts at trough,

Enables life to taste happiness, though,

Imagine a train moves over the bridge,

River, fathomless depth, cross, wise, (viii)


Events life face depth shallow deep,

Bridge enact rail support fear creep,

Mind play horror pseudo suspicion,

Aspiration balance wheels, motion, (9)


Train run on mountain slope bend,

Curvaceous a route, humble mend,

Polite, decent, soothing, rail musical,

Rhythmic, heart touching, magical, (11)


Negotiates train curves, rises to the top,

Human life resembles a hopeful stop,

Tear not for sorrows morning dews,

Glisten as pearls sunshine infuse, (12)


Sunshine, life exhibits courage, light,

Link home to the pyre, fire burns bright,

Endless life energy paramount stay,

Counter trouble disaster lit dismay, (13)


Sparkle eyes, train headlight focus,

Distinguishes right wrong onerous,

Guide human eyes, ears, or sensory,

Warning horn sounds link memory, (14)


Compare contrast concludes train,

Railed angrily, injustice notice brain,

Landscape panoramic scenic travel,

Emotion soaked longings unravel, (15)


Look at past nostalgic corrodes life,

The train runs track one-way strife,

Life is a candle burn, rebuilds not,

One way train moves back fraught. (16)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Rail

Themes: Physical existence life on shadow

Written: 29th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite